You’re wondering what the Hell to do now to make a living, and you’re hoping you can stay at home while doing that. Well, the answer’s very clear. Here’s my simple solution for the complex and difficult, almost insurmountable, marketing problems of today:
Build a ZOOM shop. I’ll show you how. I’m assuming that by now, everyone on the planet and a few Martians already has ZOOM on their system or in their cellphone, so let’s start from there.
Okay, go ahead and evoke ZOOM from your desktop, and … what? You don’t know how to make the little sign thingies go onto your desktop? Continue reading →
Try to remember that the use of the Triad is not in itself a Healing Action or a Medical Tool, but a supportive Healing Assist that provides nourishment to the Higher, the real source of healing. The Triad, like many Atlantean Machines, is a focusing device which uses the natural magnetic field of the Earth and the radio waves — the vibrating waves that still remain from the Big Bang — and the Quantum Effect of Shape & Configuration to provide additional healing force to the already in-place healing actions that may have been taken on the organic level by attending physicians.
FEED the HIGHER is the rule, and the Triad does exactly that. It focuses higher energy into the affected area, creating a corresponding higher vibration in the lower bodies. This “Shakti” energy carries with it a Higgs Field Phase Distortion Bubble that is altered slightly by the shape of the object.
The copper, gold, silver or bronze cores are formed into large, generous loops at each end of each leg of the Triad. These loops are important. They function as Induction Rings. The Diode Effect is caused by the triple crystals suspended in relation to each other in a triangular arrangement or pattern.
Each crystal is wrapped in a coil of high-conductance pure copper, creating a very small, almost undetectable magnetic field, but it’s more than enough voltage and amperage to have an effect in the nano world of quantum mechanics. Continue reading →
Rembrandt – St. Jerome in a Dark Chamber RARE – $34,500.00
It starts out bad and, second by second, it gets worse. You know the kind of night I’m talking about, where you’re so tired you want to lie down right where you are, where your legs are so heavy they feel like they’re sinking into quicksand, yet you can’t close your eyes, you’re so twitchy, anxious, worried about dozens of things that might not ever happen, but they could, and you’re just waiting for the axe to drop.
“Wired & Tired” they used to say after a music gig. “Wired and tired.”
There’s a thin film of sweat all over your body, and a general malaise, nothing definite, nothing you could point to, but SOMETHING is bothering you, making you tremble, sweat and shake.
A feeling of impending doom falls on your head, and you can’t shake the thought that something dreadful is about to happen or may be happening right now, just outside your circle of awareness.
Nothing seems to help. You lie there, waiting for sleep to come, but it never does, not when you’re like this, it doesn’t. Finally, in desperation and writhing discomfort, you struggle up out of bed and somehow dress yourself in something not too uncomfortable, but warm enough to help with the coldness, the biting chill, that eats at you from all sides.
Now comes the guilt, the worry about being anxious and depressed, the horrible fear that you might either be anxious, or you might BECOME anxious, the realization that you’re in a deep depression, and that nothing you do will bring you out of it anytime soon.
“I should not be anxious. I mustn’t be anxious. I have no reason to feel anxious.”
You’re quite right, the doctors will tell you that you mustn’t feel anxious, that anxiety is bad for you. There’s nothing bad happening, nothing horribly wrong, nothing going on that hasn’t been going on for some time, but now, tonight, at this hour, you’re anxious, and this makes you depressed.
Then you start thinking about all the reasons you might be depressed, trying to find some logic in it, some rational reason why depression is indicated, and somehow, you always manage to find at least one reason to be depressed, and you land on that, then zoom in on it and peer at it from all sides, which makes you even more depressed.
Things look awful, dreadful, horrible. All your efforts are futile, everything you do will someday crumble into dust, your friends are moving elsewhere, finding new interests or getting stuck in old ones, or simply dying off, leaving a “High School Reunion” effect on you, where you’re looking around the room, wondering where everybody has gone to.
Well, the fact is that most of them were never there in the first place, merely figments of your imagination, in the sense that what was really going on inside them was nothing like the picture you built up of them and robotically maintained, in the face of new data. Continue reading →
Basketeer EJ Gold demonstrates the Famous Yogi Stare, 1971.
Gosh, do I have some good ideas for gift baskets for you! Here is a partial list of just a few ideas I’ve come up with for book baskets, which include a packet of my special Story Club Black Tea. The basket & packing are valued at only $20.
LABYRINTH READERS GIFT BASKET — $150 value for $79.95 — YOU SAVE $80!!!
dozens of gift baskets and gift items adorn my new Quarantine Virtual Gallery.
There are jazz standards — songs from the thirties and forties — about baskets, and stories about girls like Little Red Riding Hood who traipsed through the forest primeval to deliver a basket of goodies to her grandmother, who evidently strongly resembled a wolf, so much so that the girl had some difficulty identifying the creature in the bed before her as a wolf.
In stories like that, hunters always come along just at the nick of time, a la Peter & the Wolf. Of course, in real life, that doesn’t happen all too often, but once in a while, a basket does play into the picture.
Baskets are terrific marketing tools, and here’s why: Continue reading →
Golden Buddha Ball Floats all by itself, just mix in the patter.
FRENCH DROP — $39.95
In deep space, Hydrogen atoms mysteriously & spontaneously appear out of nothingness. Space expands and contracts and can be twisted and distorted by gravity. Electrons vanish and reappear in a laboratory experiment. Battleships travel through time and vanish without a trace. Continue reading →
Museum Reconstruction of a 4500 B.C. Sumerian Lapis necklace.
The necklace in the photo above looks deceptively easy to acquire, but it isn’t. You can’t buy this necklace at any price. It is a “School Artifact”.
Relics like these can be reconstructed from ancient materials. In this case, note that the maker of all the lapis beads is the same, from the same workshop. This is not the case with beads acquired through the ordinary marketplace. Matched sets of ancient beads is exceedingly rare. Continue reading →
Mood Rings were so popular in the 1960s that absolutely everyone was wearing one.
Ever since Steve — who also created “Ocean in a Bottle”, the “Mood Organ” and the Rock Light-Show — invented the Mood Ring back in the Day, I’ve wanted the equivalent in beads, but it never happened, for two reasons, and the first reason was that the market wasn’t ready for them. They belong in the 21st century.
The second reason was the chemistry. The Psychedelic Mood Ring was sloooowwwwww to react to changes. The modern Rainbow Bead reacts quickly and accurately to changes of mood and temperament.
The most important difference between Mood Rings and Rainbow Beads is the extent and completeness of the color spectrum through which they will flow. The Rainbow Beads are capable of millions of colors, while ordinary “mood” items have a very limited range of color variations.
My American-Made Rainbow Beads are actually rainbows. You will see literally millions of colors in a spreading halo of interacting colors, creating a spectacular effect that can only be fully appreciated in full sunlight.
The basic Quantum Effect behind the Rainbow Bead is that it reacts with color in accord with the Chakras and the Aura, reflecting the color or colors that you are manifesting at this very moment. Continue reading →
Wooden beads are cheap and make experimentation fun.
If you happen to have a roll of .16 gauge copper wire handy, you’ll appreciate this beginner’s project, the Bead Curtain. Make some WOUND WIRE RONDELS on your large miniature screwdriver, and be sure to cut them FLUSH ON BOTH ENDS.
Cut some 3″ long .16 gauge CORE WIRES, and be sure to FLUSH CUT ON BOTH ENDS.
Now make a GENEROUS loop on one end of your core wire, and bring the end ALL THE WAY to close it against itself.
TUG BACK on the main body of the core wire so that the loop is a perfect lollipop shape.
Drop one or two WIRE RONDELS onto the core wire, then your wooden bead or beads, then one or two more wire rondels. If you used one, then use one again. If you used two, then use two to match on the other side of the main bead, as show in photo. You can combine any colors, shapes and sizes of wooden beads you want to have on there, the crazier and more random, the better. Make sure the beads don’t weigh too much, because the earring mustn’t be too heavy to actually wear.
Now make a CLOSING LOOP on the other end of the core wire, and you have a complete ELEMENT, which can be combined with other ELEMENT DROPS, as shown in photo.
Side view of simple beginner’s .16 gauge Tribal Earring project.
You can open the loop TO THE SIDE to preserve the loop’s perfect lollipop shape, and slip it onto another element.
Make the HOOP, the main body of the earring, by making a LOLLIPOP LOOP at one end of a 3″ long .16 gauge wire, FLUSH CUT ON BOTH ENDS, making sure to roll the closing loop over the first loop, as shown in photo.
Feed a WOODEN SEPARATOR BEAD of whatever size you like onto the HOOP, then add one wire drop element, then another separator bead, another element, another separator bead, another element, another separator bead, until you have THREE WIRE DROPS and FOUR WOODEN BEAD SEPARATORS on your HOOP.
Now make two .20 gauge ancient-style ear wires as shown, and attach them by opening the .16 gauge loops, ALWAYS TO THE SIDE. Never open a loop by making it bigger. Continue reading →
Moldavite Earring & Ring Set built from my Jewels of Ancient Lands Kit.
My Top 49 Jewelry Basics:
This is a set of basic stuff you really need to know if you plan to make and sell jewelry at home.
Beads as Money — Beads were the first money. Until then, about 50,000 B.C., any exchange was strictly in livestock, food, skins, weapons — some sort of trade or barter. The hole in a bead made it easy to carry on a string or leather thong. Certain beads had definite values. Common early “money” beads were bone, shell, wood and some larger seeds. In some parts of the world, beads are still money. Continue reading →