Re-Awaken Your Ancient Egyptian Memories


Egyptian Deck? Workin’ on it. I’ll need the god pantheon models, and they’re likely to take some time to build — we won’t find them on some 3D model website. I have all the architecture in already, and many of the objects of daily use, ritual items and tomb items. I’ll be working on this set for some time; in the meanwhile, I’ve completed 12 tarot decks to date, some in watercolors, some in ink & wash, some in GODD screenshots, as above. Today, I’m working specifically to shoot the lower arcana of my Dragon Deck — it takes place in a medieval setting with all new Middle Ages architecture, plus 22 new medieval character models. It’s quite spectacular. I had the thought of expanding my photo Orb so it could be traveled. Perhaps I’ll do that. The Egyptian Tarot is photographed in “Amarna”, which is intended to re-awaken buried memories of your past lives in Ancient Egypt.

See You At The Top!!!


Medieval Tarot is Ready!


This is the title card for the Medieval Tarot, composed entirely in the GODD engine. There are 78 thematic cards plus a joker and the title card, for a total of 80 full-color cards in all. Claude created over 100 costume variations for these characters, and a whole slew of medieval buildings, clothing, objects of daily use such as the cart and besom broom, and of course all the rest of the textures and models you will see in the deck. Val’s engine has been modified specially for me to give me a virtual camera that is sizeable to the image I want to generate, meaning that I can change the aspect ratio to make differently shaped and sized tarot cards or dollhouse scale images. This deck is available now at $49, as long as we can hold the cost line — it may change upward really soon, to $69, if we can’t control the cutting costs. We’ll talk more about this at the workshop this morning.

See You At The Top!!!


A New Kind of Tarot


Just invented, hot off the presses! Actually, we haven’t tried printing it yet, but here’s what happened and how it happened: I asked Marvette to create a template tarot system that anyone could use; it would have the cards already identified in a box below the image area. All the artist would have to do is fill in the part where a drawing, painting or photograph should be. Suddenly, this morning, I had the idea to insert part of a screenshot from one of my favorite Orbs, and we had a brand new kind of tarot deck. We’re making a sample now to show at the workshop, starting this Thursday morning. If you want to attend online, there’s still time to arrange it.

See You At The Top!!!


Good Angels, Bad Angels


I’ve installed a PC on Norton Street. It’s equipped with a 17″ monitor and Creative speaker Bass Reflex system, along with a logitech 3 button mouse that will literally last forever. As you see, there’s also a set of crystals plugged into an experimental Model 7 SuperBeacon “Beamer”. You’ll also note a Matrix on the left wing of the desk, a bronze Buddha and ceramic candleholder on the right, and two new bookshelves offering entry into hundreds more Orbs than before, actually 1100 of them, newly made here on Urth this time around.

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It’s In The Cards

It’s all in the cards. The Ancients knew that and that’s why they consulted the cards. Each of the Tarot Cards in a standard 78 card deck (plus 1 title card & 1 joker) represents something emotional, instinctive, reflexive, mental, intellectual, analytical, reactive and sometimes supernormal essential-self, but relative to each other in positions within a 10-card reading, you get variations. This is why it needs a workshop. Also, different decks have different languaging, sometimes. For instance: Wands. Could just as easily be Sticks, or Clubs, which is what it became in our standard poker decks. Wands could also be Roods, Durga, Staves, Billys, Crooks, Shafts or Blasting Rods, a la Moses and his next of kin. I’m in the middle of creating the Vampire Deck. The ICW this morning is where I’ll be.

See You At The Top!


Secret Tarot Decks News Leak


Zen Garden Photo by ej gold — from “Zen Garden Re-Collections” — available soon.

This is an Official News Leak. None of that crap Hollywood hands out, this is the straight stuff from the horse’s mouth: I am about to release the ding-dangest tarot deck ever put on the face of the Urth, and you’ll know about it when I announce it this morning at 6:45 AM on today’s ICW. How do you sign on for the ICW? How do you get there? What’s the password? That’s the First Initiation in this particular gig: find out. This isn’t one of those places where everything is a Hot Link to something for sale. Find yer own way there. Nope, I ain’t gonna tell ya.

See You At The Top!!!


Who Has Time???


I walked into Mickey O’Rourke’s Grille on 10th Avenue sometime in spring of 1983. The place reeked of Beer, Adrenalin and Oldness. More than a century of tavern-dwellers and food service had taken their toll. We were seated in the back, all 22 of us that had walked over from the workshop space, and our waiter came over to the table. Continue reading

Repent! The End is Near!!!


Perhaps you’ve noticed that the banks are more and more reluctant to sell you a bank box of pennies??? They may have told you that you have to order them — that’s to keep track of who is getting them, of course. Other banks may tell you that there’s a $5 or $10 fee for a box of pennies, and of course another fee to take them back in. Still other banks are reported to have said that they just don’t have boxes, period. The reason for all this is first and foremost the copper hoarders. They’re waiting to get rich at everyone else’s expense and know of no way to improve that karmic condition. The second reason is that banks are incredibly greedy, and every extra penny means something to them, which is why they keep your money as many extra days as they can. If you’re having trouble getting bank boxes of U.S. pennies, let me know the circumstances — we’ll try to help from here, and we’ll spread the word and see what can be done, if anything. Don’t forget that hoarders are removing pennies from circulation at the rate of millions per day. We’ll discuss thisĀ  coin-getting problem at this morning’s ICW — I have some surprising solutions!

See You At The Top!!!


Coin Hunt — Thrill of the Chase


Quantum Entanglement Workshop & Clinic, December 2012, Learning to Sort.

Coin Safari is here. You can download it now on Lemme clue ya: Coin Hunting is a legitimate thrill chase. It meets or beats your expectations for chills and thrills, because there’s a possible “win” at every turn of the coin. I mean this for both the Orb and also your daily practice, Zen Coin Sort and Zen Coin Search. Let’s take a good look at both subjects — for, indeed, they are two separate subjects, “sort” and “search”!!!

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