Science Fiction Filk Songs Make Hit Show!

Yep — I’m of course using “yep” in the Russian sense, to mean “sex”. It’s true; science fiction “filk” songs have finally hit the big time on tv when these guys did this sendup of sci-fi — syfy — si-fi — whatever. Live Long & Prosper! I know, I posted this comedy team only a few days ago, but it suddenly occurred to me that you might not have had the luck/skill/jenesequoi to find this particular link, so I’m posting it now for your pleasure. I think you’ll find it cheerful and amusing on a Music Monday — I’ll be on gorebagg tv at 4 pm pacific time today for more jazz, blues, folk, rock & more.

See You At The Top!!!


Your Egyptian Tarot Deck is Ready…


Well, here it is at last! The image-making process of my Gods of Egypt Tarot Deck has been completed. The production of the level in which it was made took place over a number of years — the textures and technical skills are cumulative. The entire development of this technique, which is unique to 3D image creation at this time, took a total of 32 years, starting with tabletop and primitive computer systems and platforms,  with the result that today’s engine has thousands of particle and physics effects as well as rendering methods that make the latest video games seem crude by comparison. The GODD 3D Engine was not made for Flattie toys. It’s designed for Real World Voyaging. My Gods of Egypt Tarot Deck will definitely trigger some travel in even a hardened astral-plane-resistant Collapsed Being. I’ll be talking more about states of Being in relation to the organic body/mind/emotions and what it means to piggy-back a flattie, at the next ICW.

See You At The Top!!!



Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Boobies But Were Understandably Afraid to Ask:

Well, I debated for several weeks about whether to post this or not; Rachel Bloom is a total scream, but she definitely goes over the limit, especially with her other videos. This one is the least offensive and has a lot of broad physical humor, the kind that made burlesque what it was. I think it’s mostly harmless, but it does underscore the interests of humans, flat or round, and illuminates the chief sport of biped males — to touch a stranger’s boobs. I guess it sort of makes sense — there is little else to provide amusement for the 60-90 years you have to wait to die.

See You At The Top!!!


Friendly Flatties


That’s me on the right, indicating my very intelligent but very literal laboratory creation, Bob the Robot, at the 1956 WorldCon Science Fiction Convention. The robot responded to simple commands from the RC unit in my friend Phil’s hand and yes, that’s a lampshade he’s wearing for a hat — that’s what was available at the junk store. He was built in three days. The hardest part was the aluminum paint — it wasn’t perfected yet, and didn’t do well on cardboard. Inside the robot costume is my friend Mike, who helped design and built it, and then figured out how to motivate it and make it “speak”. A flashbulb installed at the top would go off at the touch of a button. It exploded the first time we tried it. Very simple programming produces flatties, basically ON BP=MP, which is to say, whenever contacting any “otherness”, move toward it. Another way of saying that is to quote the U.S. Army’s 3 Commandments: If it moves, salute it. If it doesn’t move, pick it up. If you can’t pick it up, paint it. Of course the paint used is always whitewash. If I didn’t appreciate flatties, I wouldn’t have created and used thousands of them. They make the game work!!! Only thing is, don’t expect from Artificial Intelligence what you’d expect from a live player, is all.

See You At The Top!!!


Hot Lips Ready for Action

Workbench with tarot card original paintings sometime around midnight:IMG_0733

I’ll soon be posting the decks that are currently available — they now number 16 artwork decks and 2 absolutely stunning high-detail intricate and beautiful 3-D full color decks — the medieval and the dragon decks, actually, both of which are total knockouts. You’ve never seen a deck with this level of detail before, not ever. The Norton Street deck is currently a work in progress, and should be completed within a week or two. The decks pictured above are from my “Mango Girl” series, intended as guides for my commercial, advertising, layout, animation and fashion designers and comic and book illustrators. If you’re interested in becoming a commercial artist, you might inquire about my current art courses. Ah, I mentioned “Hot Lips” at the start of this posting…it’s one of the Mango Girl series, in this case, 80 fully tarted-up hotties on their way to a Hugh Hefner party.

See You At The Top!!!


Tonight’s Lab-Work


It’s been about five hours. I’ve completed the “Fashionistas” Tarot Deck — fashionista is someone who is heavily involved in fashion in some way, either as a designer, model, red-carpet celebrity or a fashion blogger. I’m all of those and more, these days. I’ve created a small army of tarot decks related to fashion design and fashion drawing, both of which I’ve taught to professional commercial and animation artists. The technique I use, called “Mango”, is somewhat related to the 1940s-1960s TV animation techniques. This easy to master style of drawing can be used to produce storyboards, comic books, illustrations, packaging and promotion and much, much more. I’ll be teaching it at this year’s Festival of Ishtar — IshtarCon II — on Easter weekend. If you can’t attend in person, you can attend LIVE online. You can order this deck today, right now, if you like. It’s $49.95 and of course it’s in full color on coated heavy card stock. Well, enough of a drawing-break, back to the tarot-mill. I’m starting work on “Hot Lips”, which is 80 fully tarted-up “hottie” cougars on the prowl, comprising a loaded deck if ever there was one. It’s intended to serve as a model for my art classes, of course, but does double duty as a fully functioning tarot deck!

See You At The Top!!!


Hitman Hilarious

Couldn’t resist posting this piece of hysterically hilarious nonsense from several of the best. Note please the timing, simultaneity and in some cases precognition that takes place in this stunningly effective exercise. I’ve used it in workshops, and if you have instinctives doing the thing, it works amazingly well to reveal the spontaneous and the ingenious — in the old “genie” sense of the word. It takes a tremendous amount of combined skills to do what they’re doing — language, history, music, styles and a never-ending well of rhyming combinations, not to mention a staggering supply of energy and supple muscles. Enjoy. I’m going back to staging and shooting my latest, the Norton St. Tarot Deck, screenshot entirely in Norton Street Orb, coming soon to your local grocer!

See You At The Top!!!


What To Do If You Wake Up

What happens when people just know too much and see too much to be amused by ordinary organic life? Jenna Marbles is one of my favoritest peoples on the planet; even she, with her beautiful attitude, after a while spent observing the human population, you’re bound to get cynical. Sure, you go about the usual daily business — you do what everyone seems to be doing: you survive. You endure parental control, try to learn something in a total fail school system designed to make money for the politicians and bankers. You discover sex, make out, have babies, work like hell to survive, never hear from your grandkids or get very far beyond a trip to Europe, then you get sick and die. Is this the kind of sales pitch for an amusement ride? Is this the sort of entertainment you’d expect to see billions flocking to get into? Well, apparently, it works, because there are currently 7.2 billion idiots flopping about like beached minnows on this planet. For someone who sees past the bullpuckey of organic involvements, this video will make sad and tragic sense. If you want more, you’ll have to pay with interest, attention and participation — three major obstacles for local humans,  beyond which they can’t get. Want to know why?

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Dragons Just For You!!!


The Moon — Gorby’s Dragon Tarot Deck — $49 — available now!

This deck is composed entirely of screenshots from Dragon 3D, my medieval dragon game which is due any day now, what with all the other stuff that’s crept into my daily routine, which is anything but routine, as you probably know. I’m very pleased with the Dragon Tarot — it’s told from the dragon’s point of view, naturally — I’m an enchanted dragon myself, and I take my virgin and treasures vigil serious. Knights and such are of course our deadliest foes. The Devil card was posed by my friend Urganth the Barbarian, a human. What else would the Devil be to us dragons? If you’re a dragon or know someone who is, this is the best dragon deck ever!!!

See You At The Top!!!



Is The Internet Actually Evil???

Is the Internet actually evil? Almost everyone you ask will tell you it is. But does that mean you shouldn’t be on it? The fact is, you already are, whether you know it or not. If you have a cell phone, smart phone, pad, any sort of device that’s connected to the internet, you’re on it. If you’ve ever downloaded a movie, music, books or spoken word recordings, you are on the internet. If you’ve ever done a bank transfer online, or shopped on a website or sold something on eBay or texted someone, you are very much on the internet. As a matter of fact, if you made a list of everything you did that required internet connection, it’d blow your mind. You are far more connected than you think. How to get totally off??? Simple. But you have to be totally off the internet, not just “a little bit pregnant”. All the way or nothing. Merely live like a House Amish. It’s possible, but quite difficult; conducting business of any kind is now impossible without the internet. You’ll be on snail-mail, you’ll use the telephone more often (it’s also evil, by the way). The Evil Guild of Evil and the Internet are both here, and they’re here to stay. If you can remain free of the internet and still do business and stay in touch with family and friends, more power to you!!!

See You At The Top!!!
