Wake Up With a Pocketful of Strange

When I return from my nightly Shamanic Sky-Walking Journey — translate that to coin search, if you prefer the grittier phraseology — I generally have a Pocketful O’ Strange. What that means is, I have some, usually only a dozen or so, very bizarre examples of the coin-maker’s art. In general, these coins have been assaulted in some way after having left the relative safety of a million-pound per square inch device that spews pennies out at a rate of 5 per second, but assaulted in such a way as to leave them breathlessly beautiful and strange…meaning seriously weird. You might not be able to see the weirdness in the photos, but they are there to be seen with, you should pardon the expression, The Naked Eye. You’ll find these results of my Shamanic Journey each night on my eBay store. They range in price based on hard-science, strict coinology standards, and whimsy. One thing is guaranteed: every single one of my “Strange” coins will make you stop & wonder.

See You At The Top!!!



Archaic Greek is Not Hellenic

Archaic Greek Marble Bust — 700-550 B.C.

greek, marble, bust, archaic

Most of the Greek marbles you’ve ever seen are actually Roman copies. This is emphatically not a Roman copy; they copied typically the Hellenic forms. This is, as stated in the title, Archaic Period. It’s what you’d use to trigger many episodes of Past Life Recall.

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Alexander The Grape

Alexander the Great on Horseback Lifetime Portrait c. 336 B.C.

greek, macedonian, alexander, terracotta, museum


Alexander III of Macedon, son of Philip II, student of the Greek philosopher Aristotle; in 336 B.C. his father was assassinated, and Alexander took the throne, shortly after which, he conquered the entire known world, then promptly died at Babylon while preparing to take all Arabia, apparently of calicheamicin poisoning after a night-long binge of drinking, at the tender age of 32.

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1 Solid Gold Hellenic Greek Eros Figurine, To Go!!!

I had a request here at the short-order counter for a gold Eros. Here’s the only one I happen to have in stockHellenic Greek 323 B.C. Solid Gold Cast & Chased EROS Figurine — What a psychometric powerhouse this tiny figurine turned out to be! Acquired from Joel Malter in 1972, this is a favorite of mine, and has resided in my studio for all those years. It is now time for YOU — Eros’ former owner in a prior life — to reclaim him and to place him on a SuperBeacon for contact with your parallel world lives as well! Totally intact, completely incredible condition; immaculate provenance.


I Build Legacy Collections

I’m not just another pretty face; I have knowledge in the field of antiquities, mainly because I was there and I can remember it. Most of the antiquity dealers were also there, but they seem to have gone blank on their not-so-distant past. Here is a collection I put together as an example of a General Collection with several cultural bases.

Left compartment: Head of Medusa in Faience; Head of monkey King from Ghandara, polychromed Terra-Cotta. 2nd compartment from left; Patinated Bronze miniature urn; giant natural crystal ruby gemstone from idol. 3rd compartment from left; Cuneiform spike from 1959 auction in NYC; XVIIIth Dynasty Faience Egyptian Gaming Piece, VERY rare. 4th compartment from left; Two extremely rare Griffin inlays, probably Hellenic Greek or Scythian. 5th & 6th compartments, on right; Group of Syro-Hittite Bronze riders & horses, probably votive figurines.

These ancient relics have been with me for well over half a century. If you want me to build a collection for you, either focused or general, ask me for help, and I will try to find them for you. This collection is emphatically not for sale at any price.

See You At The Top!!!


Maccabeean Relics

Ah, I finally managed to get a few photos of my beautiful Judah Maccabee bronze coins mounted in archival protective acrylic capsules to make wonderful Pocket Charms. These are not your run-of-the-mill ancient Jewish coins. They are really, really fine coins, much better than are typically offered on eBay. I get $49 per coin, wrapped in a flip with an ID and COA on the front. You don’t get to select the coin, nor do I — it’s the next coin, period. If I were to cherry-pick this lot, some of the coins would end up in the $300 range, but NONE would be under $49!!! I don’t want money. In-game currency does me no good Out Here where I actually live. Like I said, I don’t want yer money. I want these relics in good hands — your hands. I only have 30 of these, which I removed from my own personal special velvet-mounted collection just for this occasion. I invite you to take advantage of this offer. Biblical Jewish coinage in this fine condition is getting harder and harder to find; they are expertly cleaned; you won’t find better Jewish coins anywhere on the planet.

See You At The Top!!!


Crucifixion Coins 4 Sale

How about this item for super-cool? It’s a Roman bronze coin called an “ae”, pronounced “aye” in the manner of all umlautish things, and this coin was around during the time of the Crucifixion, if not a bit earlier. I’ll actually be using Jewish coinage for this issue when I get hold of them — they’re reportedly on the way, just in time to make those Christmas & Chanuka stocking-stuffers, which is what these are, but wait! There’s more!

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Holy Land Relic Pocket Charm

Holy Land Relic Pocket Charms. More than that. Ancient Jewish, Roman, Greek, Egyptian and Medieval Holy Land Relic Pocket Charms, which means that the Air-Tight Archival Acrylic Pocket Charm sports a lump of silver, gold, bronze, stone or terra-cotta; some item of daily use, that was around during the time Jesus walked the Earth and the Maccabees ruled the Jewish World; and that means Christmas and Chanukah, in case you hadn’t made the marketing calculation. And what’s more, each and every 2,000 year old ancient Holy Land Relic Pocket Charm carries its own Certificate of Authenticity. As a matter of fact, the relic will date prior to Jesus’ birth, thus guaranteeing that at least theoretically, it is possible that relic was carried by Jesus or by one of his disciples, because it was in circulation during his lifetime.

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Do The Math & Be Amazed!!!


EJ Gold, Architectural Sculpture, aluminum on Wood Core, 2012

Do the math and be amazed!!! That’s my Battle-Cry. It’s what I say when I show a coin to someone, especially a noobie or novice. So they look at the coin. I tell them to look real closely, to notice that the coin is very bright and shiny, that it has no scratches or scuffs anywhere on it, not anywhere, front or back. I don’t make an issue of “obverse” and “reverse” with a novice. “It looks like new, doesn’t it?” I prompt. “But read the date!” When they do, they generally gasp, if they’re also show the more typical version of the same date penny. Okay, now the clincher: “Do the math and be amazed! For how many years has that coin been knocking around in circulation?” When they do the math, they will be amazed. And that’s the effect I’m after. I’ll be offering a number of freshly-discovered “Do The Math & Be Amazed” pennies at today’s ICW — most of them at only $1 — some of them have additional value, but since they’re self-found out of bank boxes, what the heck-darn, eh?

See You At The Top!!!
