Powerful New Addiction


You know the theory: you can’t get rid of a habit, like biting your nails or smoking — you can only replace it with another equally strong habit. Well, here’s a harmless habit, coinology coin-sorting, that will give you fast, fast relief from some of those more harmful habits. It’s so absorbing, so focused and so exciting (I’ll explain why it’s exciting in a moment) that you won’t be able to tear yourself away! Think I’m exaggerating? Ask anyone who’s tried coinology, then send for the kit and get started on this great new heavy almost unbreakable addiction — coinology! If you aren’t amazed by the results, send it back for a full refund. Cost of coinology kit? $99 bucks. Most popular comment about coinology? “It’s terribly addictive. I can’t stop.” I bet you can’t, either. Take that bet — you’ll be happy you did!

See You At The Top!!!


No Experience Necessary


When you send for my new coinology “Academy in a Box”, you will have in your hands all the basics that you need to get started working in a whole new, totally invisible world. You don’t need to think or to know anything to make this kit work. It’s a mindfully mindless task, perfect for those Dark Hours of the Night. The kit includes Practice Search Rolls for you to familiarize yourself with the process of search, plus all the bins needed for a Level 1 penny search. All the dates are clearly marked; you merely act as a robot, placing each coin in its appropriate container. At the end of this process, you’ll have a large number of very high potential search rolls that could easily contain mint errors; at the same time, you’re learning to NOT look where it can’t be found, thus efficientizing your coin search process and saving you a ton of futility and wasted time and energy. Efficient means that you’ll be using my “production line” search technology, which is fully explained, demonstrated and illustrated on the DVD that comes with the kit. You’ll be amazed at how easy and FUN it is! The starter kit will be available after the testing week just ahead. I’m trying to keep the cost down to $99 — not sure if I can, but I’ll try. If you can’t afford that, just get the DVD — I send you the tabs and show you how to make your own homebrew coin sorting rig, if you can’t swing the price of the papier-mache handmades.

See You At The Top!!!


New Mint Error Category Discovered


Tired of searching and not finding? Looking for dates and mint-marks that have been around the block too many times? Want to zig while everyone else is zagging??? Well, zag no more! Try my NEW tutorial video, “How to Find the New Mint Errors”, which opens up the whole area of shield pennies. This is an amazing new area, and will soon overtake Doubled Die as the ideal hunting ground for choice specimens. There’s plenty out there — nobody has searched these yet. The video is $39.95 and includes all the info and lots of visuals to help you get started right away! Even if you’re an expert coin-searcher, you won’t know these newly accepted varieties, so get on board today, while there’s still plenty to be found!

See You At The Top!!!


Alchemical Copper


Learn to “read” doubles and other coin errors at a single glance! With knowledge and brain-training, you can transform a penny into gold! Here’s what the Coinology Search Packs will contain… You receive my DVD on how to search that particular coin, plus a sample “Brain Training” roll of example coins of that exact date and/or mint-mark. You learn where and how to look for the error, then you’re expected to go out and get a bank-box of pennies and perform a “raw search” for the same coin, to be tested in the “Search” part of  the “Sort, Search & Sell” strategy of Coinlogy. As outlined in the recent workshop, these are separate and distinct actions, and all three are required in order to activate the Contagion and Similarity Laws configured by your Matrix through the sort, search and sell actions of the practice of coinology. You’ll see my personal search treasures posted on the coinology website, to help you focus on the target areas of the coin for which you’re hunting, so you can understand exactly what it is you’re looking for.

See You At The Top!!!


Alchemy, the Game of Transformation — NEW ORB!!!!


It’s finally ready for Prime-Time. That means testing, testing, testing, to make sure it runs perfectly right before uploading it. This Orb is a little different, and requires a steady hand and a bit of practice moving around in the Orb space. You are required to perform a series of Herculean Tasks demanding gaming skills. Sorry about that, but that’s really the way it is, and I conformed the game to the guidelines already existing and given in print in my book, “Alchemical Sex” (also available in Spanish) which gives the information necessary to understand the process, but you can run it without knowing what you’re doing and get some results, albeit relatively feeble to the knowingness type of approach, where you do your due diligence and READ THE BOOK! Taking responsibility for your own trip is part of the initiation process.

See You At The Top!!!


Search Rolls For Phun & Prophet


You buy a roll of Lincoln pennies off eBay — they’re all the right date and mint-mark for your target coin, so you send for it and open the package, expecting 50 totally different coins; but then when you open the roll, you have exactly 50 copies of the exact same coin. This is great if the coins all turn out to be that special error-coin you were hoping to find at least one of, but with experience, you’ll know that if you buy a mint box of coins that are all the same date and mint-mark, the chances are excellent that you’ll have thousands of exactly similar coins on your hands at the end of a search, so you might as well just search one, and take the other 49,999 searches as written, eh?

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Do You Know This Girl?

Do you know this girl? She can be found near the Fish Shanty in WarfTown, but if you’ve been there recently, you know that very well. She can help you find your way when all seems lost. Who is she? She is Maya, Goddess of Illusion, Queen of the Eternal Dance, Guardian of the Everlasting Flame, but you might know her just as a girl named “Jenny”. You can learn more about her in her very own special Adventure Orb, Maya.

See You At The Top!!!


Handmade Silver Jewelry @ Meltdown Prices

EJ Gold behind camera with comedian, circa 1968, photo by Herb Khaury (Tiny Tim).

Today on the ICW I’ll be offering handmade silver coin jewelry at melt prices in order to get them into the hands of others. I’ve had these coins — mostly silver dimes, quarters, halves and dollars for quite a while — the last coin in this set was collected by me in 1956, so they’ve been with me for well over half a century. The better Mercury and Roosevelt Dimes come in flips — they’re $10 apiece, disregarding special values. The jewelry-grade Mercury Dimes come in handmade .925 high-grade sterling silver coin-edged bezels with extra-large bail rings, the expensive kind. The melt-price of the silver coins is about $2.50 per coin these days, well above the numismatic values of most of the coins you’ll find now. I’m asking $10, $4 below my cost to put together the coin plus the vintage-style mounting with the large double-vee bail loop. The sterling silver keychains that hold a half-dollar are available with a variety of mintages, again for about melt-price.

See You At The Top!!!


Adopt-A-Dime Silver Coin Rescue Mission

This is an appeal from Adopt-A-Dime, my silver coin rescue mission. See, what’s happening is that a lot of beautiful silver dimes are being melted down because the silver value is so doggone high and it seems like it’s on an uphill run forever. There’s talk of it zooming past gold, but that’s ridiculous, unless we go back on the silver standard instead of the gold standard. I was never good at history, as they told me back in the 37th century. Anyhow, what you can do about this is to adopt a silver coin that might not be “perfect” by today’s standards, but will someday provide an important clue to our culture, what there is of it. Silver Dime Rescue Packs are available from $10 up, in increments of $10. A $100 pack gets you 10 high psychic, but otherwise quite ordinary silver Mercury dimes in danger of meltdown. I have varying grades available, from ordinary coins all the way up to AU57,  not quite good enough to survive without your help. At the same time you’re saving them from meltdown, you’re also saving silver!!!

See You At The Top!!!


Party On, Dudes!!!

I know that many folks who have just learned about coinology are sort of trying to wade through the maze of instruction that goes along with coin search as a Zen Practice. Problem is, there’s a lot to know, a lot to master and a lot of intricate steps with the attention, will and presence that can only be taught one at a time, mastered slowly and with integrity to purpose, and finally, to master the actual Practice of Coinology, a level of multiple attention that goes beyond the pale of ordinary thought. In addition, there’s the Magic of Magic Find; this is a constructed personal space which transcends Dimension. In order to delve into the Mysteries of Numisma, we must journey far, in a strange land.

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