These paper plates can be mounted in deep frames to look like ceramics.
If you’re a stock clerk or on floor sales or you’re a buyer or an assistant buyer, it’s important — vital, actually — that you should be more or less constantly aware of ALL the currently stored and shelved merchandise, and I mean the ENTIRE line of merchandise.
Of course, in this age of automation and e-gadgets, nobody does that anymore. You simply enter the code or name or description of the thing, and you get a spread-sheet with all the particulars delivered right to your micro-screen on your Precious — I refer to your ever-clutched cellphone — what else could I mean? Continue reading →
If you didn’t understand a word of that title — shit, gold or dope — you’re not alone. You have plenty of company in your fellow baby boomers, and you’d be totally lost in the Brave New World of social media and 21st century marketing, which is very social, if you get my meaning, but the sociality is 100% artificial, like the life.
In short, you don’t speak the language anymore, dude. You’re utterly clueless in a world of swiping thumbs and shorthand text-style speech. You don’t know how to cope with a world that’s all masked up and socially distanced.
So you need to hire somebody to help you get your stuff out there. You can’t do it with what you’ve always done. It don’t work no more, and Windows 10 is your enemy. Continue reading →
Want a job where you just stay home, listen to your favorite music and eat your own food instead of restaurant food, avoid crowded public transportation, don’t have to deal with your boss and your supervisors all day long, and don’t have to worry about being fired — you are your own boss.
Of course, that means you do all the work, but on the other hand, you get all the profit, unless you bring in co-workers, and they have to get paid, too, or they can’t do that work. Continue reading →
Yes, it’s the same graphic as the other one, but this offers lessons, and wisdom, and that’s something you can’t beat on the open market.
The upshot is always a great way to capture the visual attention, and that’s something you should be super-aware of when you use ashram screenshots to create social media marketing buttons like this one.
Keep in mind that you’re trying to create an EXPERIENCE here, not just convey information or techniques.
The whole idea is to USE the time you have to WORK on yourself — it’s free time, something like you had when you were a teenager and young adult.
There was a time when you had the time to study. This is the second, and probably last, completely FREE time you’ll have to study and work.
I’d take advantage of it, unless you think there are going to be a series of catastrophes allowing you some free time? Continue reading →
If you’re looking for a really terrific side-hustle where you can earn extra bucks on top of your horribly miserable triple salaries from three jobs just to keep food on the table, I have an incredible suggestion, an opportunity to really get out of the box, the hole, the trap.
You can use your social media skills to make money, to help the spiritual community and a whole lot more, and the job is simple to begin with, then it gets harder but also commensurately more rewarding, as is usually the case.
The first level of work is to look and like — I’ll be only too happy to explain. Continue reading →
This is a little dissertation on the subject of Quantum Magic, which is magic that, through technology, has become science, and that includes Telepathy, PK, and most esoteric phenomena, and what’s more, I can prove their existence under laboratory conditions — my collaboration with Drs. John C. Lilly, M.D. and Herschel Toomim, M.D. are a matter of public record.
With my help, they were able to design a device that could help people achieve Alpha and Theta brainwave functions at very high levels, that of superconsiousness and cosmic consciousness.
Don’t thank me, it’s just my job.
I’m here to put tools into your hands. I can’t do the work for you, but I CAN give you the means by which to accomplish your work goals and higher spiritual purposes.
At the same time, I can help you make a buck and earn a living with your left foot, leaving you somewhat more free than you are now, to pursue your higher interests without fear of ending up broke again this month. Continue reading →
I’m watchin’ over yer shoulder, boy, you’re about to get a time-out!
Let the dancing asshole do his little Victory Dance. We all have to play our own little private parts, and his is no exception.
Don’t fret about it. He’s an idiot. He knows nothing, can’t remember what happened a second ago, and is totally unaware of anything beyond how much television time he gets per day.
He reacts, period.
The Senators are equally stupid, unaware that they have triggered a FULL-SCALE DEPRESSION — they have thoroughly and irreversibly tipped the balance of the ECONOMY to the degree that, even if the ShutDown were ended today, it’s too late to save the people — too many foreclosures, too many debts, too many broken promises.
It’s beyond repair and the slippery slope slide is starting today, right now, today — as in today.
You’ll see the economy literally crumbling before your eyes, and nobody can stop it. There’s a world-wide crash coming right now, this very year, and you’ll be lucky to live through it.
I have a solution, but you’re not going to like it.
You’ll need to hit the streets, looking for the rainbow, but it can be accomplished, it can be achieved.
You CAN survive those heartless bastards in Washington, but remember that they are miserable, greedy, mean and entirely without soul, although they go to church every Sunday and pray to their weird racist god, “Mister Jesus” — he’s the guy to which they aspire, with their “What Would Jesus Do?”.
Well, first of all, he’d raise the dead, cast out lepers, heal the sick and feed the poor, but not they way they tell it today.
The fact is that if the modern Christians are like Christ, he was a miserable, greedy, stingy, vindictive, salacious and pernicious creature, much like Donald John Trump used to be before he got religion.
You’ll enjoy the scene as the Western World crumbles into dust. The only pleasure the Senators get — this much is clear — is to observe without sympathy, the torment and misery, and to delight in the screams of pain and suffering from The People.
Don’t get mad. Get even! You CAN get even — it’s legal, moral and ethical — and here’s how you can do it right now, today! Continue reading →
So you’ve found a great, natural wood-floor, well-lit gallery space, and you rented it. Now what are you going to fill it up with?
My first answer would normally be “Nothing”.
Me, I’d leave the gallery totally empty except for a few very large, very impressive celebrity art in the form of paintings or other types of hanging pieces, and maybe a few full-length sculptures, a meeting area on a luxury Persian carpet, and that’s it.
My preference is to make a few good sales a year, rather than keep the register going “ka-ching”, but that’s not how we’re going to run this gallery, because there’s a lot more at stake here than celebrity art and celebrity artists.
Crushing Anxiety, Hopelessness and Despair are your Christmas gifts from the present administration. Donald Trump is doing everything he can to make you, personally, the target of his contempt and social pathology.
Even without Donald J. Trump and his mean-spirited friends, you’d be hard-pressed these days to get through the Dark Hours of the Soul, and if those Dark Hours are happening every night and well into the daylight, you need what I’m selling.
It’s not just your ordinary everyday run-of-the-mill snake oil, either. It’s something you make yourself, and you control your destiny in this regard all the way through the project. I’ll explain:
You’re sitting or standing around minding your own business, when all of a sudden, a million bad thoughts and worries and fears come crashing into your brain, just when you most need quietude and calm, serenity and peace. No matter what you do, it’s bothering you and it won’t stop. Continue reading →
Wouldn’t you love to work in an ancient Egyptian temple of your very own?
I have no voice. It doesn’t bother me, but it’s quite noticeable. when I speak, write, sing, act, paint, draw, sketch or sculpt, there’s no measurable impact on anything or anyone. I’m not a tweeter, but if I were a tweeter, I could literally tweet my ass off, but nobody will read it, and that’s just fine by me, or it was fine, until Donald Trump’s name became a household word, like “slopbucket”.
Whatever it looks like, however it seems to you today, Donald Trump is NOT an obstruction on the Path to Liberation, not if you know the secret.
What is the secret?
I’ll tell you right off. Live the good life. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted. Relax, stay calm, it will all work out just the way it should.
The universe is a sim. There’s a script. If you keep that in mind, you won’t fall off the horsie. Donald Trump is not alive — there’s nobody inside that thing, behind those cold, icy eyes.
He plays his “overwhelm” game and seems to be winning. His friends in Congress have their own nasty games and merely use him to gain advantages on their own ground.
You don’t need to know any of that. Just remember that ALL POLITICIANS ARE CROOKS and that ALL GOVERNMENT PEOPLE ARE MEAN AND NASTY, and that ALL POLITICIANS AND MEDIA PEOPLE LIE ALL THE TIME, and you won’t be knocked out of your socks the next time you find yourself shoved into the ditch at the side of the road.
When Donald Trump tweets, billions of people are affected by every careless word. The difference between me and Donald Trump is our choice of weapons. I selected “voice” and “guitar” and he chose “nuclear holocaust” and “gas chamber”.
Trump is a hero among his worshipers and followers. They like Strongmen and Dictators who will step in, clean up the mess, restore them to their former glory, and give them personal favors and benefits, and that’s Donald Trump in a nutshell, at least on paper.
He knows he doesn’t have to actually KEEP his promises, just make them and blast right along claiming “victory” at every punchdown. Just keep insisting you won, and eventually that becomes the truth, at least to the general public. They have no memory and no discernment whatever.
As a matter of fact, they don’t really care about the details, just what’s in it for them.
Each faction of politics, news media and science has its own direction to pull the chain, and the general effect is one of chaos and mayhem, exactly what Putin and Trump both had in mind.
If the U.S. government can be shut down permanently, Trump can rule, and that is “Plan A”. Plan B involves an actual invasion of the homeland by Russian airborne troops, and that’s already in the works, as soon as the defense department can be unraveled.