I can’t think of a better explanation for the Corona virus than that little piece of 20th century poetry, one word changed from “Fog” to “Virus”, as you see but might not understand, lacking a foundation in your basic pre-millenium literary bullshit. Continue reading →
my videogame transcends time and space for no reason whatsoever.
It’s a simple task to convert any liquid to its magical equivalent, such as Lourdes healing water, or making wine into the blood of Christ, as any local neighborhood Catholic priest is trained and licensed to do.
It’s such a serious matter that the wafers, once converted to the Body of Christ, are kept in the church in a locked vault until they are needed for the Holy Mass, lest they be stolen for use in a dark ceremony or worse.
What can be worse? You don’t want to know the depths of barbarity and animalism into which humans can easily sink, but one example of that is the CovFeFe Phenomenon, started by Trump’s now-famous tweet, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe”.
Everyone thought he’d delete the obvious typo, but six hours went by, and he hadn’t, so the speculation about the true meaning of “covfefe” went wildly around the Beltway tweeting bird population.
They never thought to look online, or they’d have found my videogame, “CovFeFe”, which celebrates “Cafe” with “Cavfefe”, meaning “Cafe Press”, of course. Continue reading →
I’m working concurrently on 19 orbs, most of which are 99% done. I’m waiting for a stable water engine before releasing any that contain water journeys (gosh, just think; soon it will be “journey’s” and “journies”, and when TXT becomes the Official Language of Earth in just over a decade, the word “journeys” will have been swangled into the TXTWRD=JRNY. Gee whillikers, is there no end to human ingenuity???
There it is… the SS “Respawn” at her docking station in RiverWorld I, which is only hours away from Prime-Time Readiness…(She’s equipped with a convenient ATM machine at her engine area.) When the engine is net-player ready, which it isn’t yet, but I’m sure it will be here tomorrow, you’ll be able to board the boat by the dozens and have a river pilot take you up or down the river. I’ll be making the “Mark Twain” riverboat in the next orb, Riverworld II, which I’ll be starting tonight, in order to have it ready by the time you’ll need it. Two boats are required for the next level. These expeditions have stops along the way — circles, dance areas, picnic grounds, gathering places, performance venues and sacred ritual areas, all reached by riverboat as a group. Waterway Group Adventure Games are also on the way — I’ve started an Expedition I orb tonight, which I’ll work on as solutions present themselves. It’s a very difficult project because it involves taking the new GODD engine into realms not yet explored. I’ll post my advances in this area as progress is made. Stay tuned.
This is the wave generator for the multiple wave surfing beach. If you’ve ever taken a Klepper Sailing Sea Kayak out with us at Long Beach on Vancouver Island, you’ll know what it feels like to paddle out to sea across the incoming surf waves. Hit it wrong, and you’ll spill. Same with these waves. Hit ’em wrong, and you’ll dump out or get deposited out the side of the wave far short of the beach. There’s a trick to it; in fact it’s the same move you’d make on actual water, so try that before you complain that it’s the Wave Rezzer that’s at fault.
The Maverick 100M (100 Meters Wide) Monster Surfing Wave
It ain’t easy installing this wonderful little Second Life sports apparatus. Here’s what I had to deal with…I’m including the actual instructions:
– Using wave with decorations will shorten the waves run, and require a much larger area. We suggest for you not to use these waves unless you have a large area to accomidate.
Proper Wave Run…
– Make sure you have a minimum of 10M on either side of the wave.
– Make sure the wave rises at the beginning of its run, and falls nicely into the water at the end of its run.
– Make sure you leave enough space at the end of the run, so surfers don’t hit the beach or get caught. Read on for more…
No, you can’t use this at the Ashram, but you CAN sail this subsea subterfuge submarine out of my Secret SmogOps Blake UnderSea Submarine Pens, into an ocean of thousands and thousands of sims, in a huge superworld, Blake Sea & Beyond!
Zen Garden Photo by ej gold — from “Zen Garden Re-Collections” — available soon.
This is an Official News Leak. None of that crap Hollywood hands out, this is the straight stuff from the horse’s mouth: I am about to release the ding-dangest tarot deck ever put on the face of the Urth, and you’ll know about it when I announce it this morning at 6:45 AM on today’s ICW. How do you sign on for the ICW? How do you get there? What’s the password? That’s the First Initiation in this particular gig: find out. This isn’t one of those places where everything is a Hot Link to something for sale. Find yer own way there. Nope, I ain’t gonna tell ya.