There are a number of ways for an Exploratory Voyager to go XD — Trans-Dimensional, and to actually travel to a different dimension. Some of those ways involve basically just standing or sitting around waiting for it to happen, sort of like standing on a train-track thinking nothing will ever come along. Another way for you to go XD and move over to another dimension, reality zone or time zone is to use your standard galaxy-wide XD vehicle, the ever-popular UFO.
Problem is, there are only a few local Urthside manufacturers of UFOs, and most of them are on contract with Pan Am and Mercury Records, for two different reasons — Pan Am is planning commercial UFO round-trips to the moon, Mars and Asteroid Belt. I’m hoping they’ll put Europa and Vesta on the tour, because I’ve already got two incredible light- gravity nightclubs operating there; I’m currently in immortal combat on building permit issues with Solaria, nevertheless I’ve got bulldozers ready to break ground on Ganymede to handle the crushing crowds of XD Clubbers, but I could always use more business — who couldn’t???
Speaking of business, I realize now that I haven’t even brought up yet the subject of this blog. Terribly remiss of me; I’ll do my best to correct it, starting out with the Standard American Apology: “My Bad”. I can’t get the etymology of this baby, but my best guess is that it came out of a university undergrad trying to be cute.
No college student is cute except to a sex-clouded mind. Babies are sometimes cute, although I’ve seen my share of ugly babies. Some adults are especially ugly, yet they all seem to find enough partners to make a lot of ugly babies. Love is blind. So is sex. So is greed. So is stupidity. So is sociopathic psychosis. Don’t get me started on Humans of Planet Urth; I can go on about them all day long and never stop laughing.
There’s no better way to learn to handle SkyWalking and Bardo Running than to use my special XD HIKING, CAMPING & SURVIVAL TOOLS to walk through and around and across many dimensional boundaries in a single day and, yes, Virginia, there is a way of actual travel, not just with the vision, but you need the tools and the survival skills before you try to go too far across the dimensional boundaries.
Einstein knew how XD Voyaging would be accomplished. Here’s how it’s done: Continue reading