Zombie Family Picnic & Barbecue at Prosperity Path Virtual Ashram.
What to do, what to do — there’s a million things to do, and yet, somehow, there’s nothing to do. If that’s your dilemma tonight, rest easy, help is on the way. Follow these instructions to the letter and in the proper sequence, as given below: Continue reading →
Zombie Family Backyard Jamboree yielded some great coin finds.
What is Gorby’s Money Laundry?
It’s about getting a clean box of coins without the crud, and you’ll find out all about it at the end of this little dissertation, but let’s let that happen as it will, and meantime dive into the meat-and-potatoes of Soul Search & Rescue through Coinology Searches.
It’s not enough to just find a great coin — you must learn now how to sell your treasures, and the best way to go about that is to create your very own unique personal Coin Kiosk.
You don’t need a store — you can get a space in our gallery, or perhaps you know a local merchant who will give you some space in their shop either for a single day or sometimes permanently, with your very own spot in the shop. This is called a “Trunk Show”, and you share the profits with the store owner — a fair split would be 50% of the selling price, but some merchants will give you a better percentage just to get your additional business through their front door.
In any business, wholesale, retail or service, the whole thing rests on NEW customers, not one-offs or random customers. You want and need repeat business, and that means happy customers.
The new business model, particularly in China, is to one-off everything and abandon ship, build a different factory, do something totally different each production cycle — that way, you’re never stuck with old inventory, but the downside is that you have to reinvent your factory every couple of months, and your salespeople never know what you’ll be exporting next. Continue reading →
“Maha” means “Mindfulness And High Attention in my book, but in the Hindu scriptures it means “Great” or “Big”, as in “Big Ruler” or “Big Spiritual Guy”, as in “Mahabharata” and “Mahatma”, respectively, not to mention “Matahari”, which has absolutely nothing to do with the subject, anyway — besides, she was framed.
Okay, forget about Matahari. So what is “MaHa”, and how does it affect you?
MaHa is Mindfulness And High Attention. It is a spiritual technology that uses Special Directed Attention to accomplish its goals, which is to make you more aware, more conscious, more enlightened, more awake, more sensing and feeling and more dedicated to life beyond the box.
You will instantly FEEL BETTER and more centered, more poised, more assured and more certain. A profound CALM and SENSE OF ACCOMPLISHMENT and SERENITY will come over you and stay around you in a protective bubble of peace and harmony.
You will experience a freedom from the time-binding of space-time, due to the time-bending properties of the coinage you are handling, with the quantum-entanglement connection to the time-frame of the coin.
My “MS-63 RED GEM” vintage Wheat-Backed Lincoln Cents are called “Clear-Channel Time-Benders”. The sense of freedom from the time-frame gives you a certainty on your soul-travel through ENDLESS time and space.
You will feel an INSTANT sense of SPIRITUAL FREEDOM from the confines of the organic world, or your money back. Come to think of it, you’re buying money, so you already HAVE your money back!
Jeez, you get a refund even if you’re satisfied??? You bet you do, and there’s even more payoff than that.
If you carry out your Coinology Course Assignments correctly, you will see a “feedback effect” — a definite visible and spendable result of your efforts, mainly in the form of money, specifically an income derived from the sale and trade of coins garnered through the skill-building exercises of Coinology, plus all the other invisible benefits of the practice, including just feeling better about yourself and your life and the world in which you find yourself living and surviving. Continue reading →
This $2,200 1925-s was hiding in a pile of junk coins, looking worthless as hell, until I spotted it — it’s brown and blends in with the junk perfectly well.
“On the street, Hale could feel really successful. The bitter wind slashed at him; he had only seventy-six cents in his pocket and no place to sleep. At last, he was getting somewhere!”
That’s a quote from my Dad Horace’s fantasy novel, “None But Lucifer”, and it’s relevant to the practice I intend to introduce, the practice of Coinology, which starts out by learning to actually SEE what you’re looking at, which is the very essence of the Waking State and is the gate to higher consciousness and essence love.
When you send for Gorby’s Penny Prospecting Kit #1 at only $49.95, you will receive nothing but the very worst, I promise!
I personally guarantee that every single coin you receive in your Gorby’s Wheaties Loot Bag will be worthless, or as near worthless as I can arrange.
I personally search and destroy all value coins out of the pack, to be sold for exorbitant amounts to passers-by.
Because you’re learning to see VALUE and GRADE, and it’s invisible against similar grade, so it needs a contrasting background, hence the bag of crap coins intended to throw you off and confuse things as completely as possible.
Good versus evil, red versus blue, warm versus cold. It’s contrast that helps you see a thing, like spotting a dark meteorite on a field of snow or desert sand. It’s easy to see against a starkly contrasting background, but imagine finding that same meteorite in a jungle or amongst similar-looking rocks.
You wouldn’t stand a chance.
So, I gotta give you something to SEE the high value high grade coins against, and that’d be junk coins, all no better than GOOD to VERY GOOD, and that’s what I’ve spent hours and hours doing — scouring out all the quality down to crap.
Want perfect coins? Want to hit the JACKPOT COIN of all time? Want to be the hero on your block with a self-found MS-66 RD 1909-s VDB ready for third-party grading?
Well, don’t give it another thought. That’s not going to happen, at least not by searching junk coins. The real money is in the junk. What is someone else’s throwaway is your treasure, if you know how to SEE.
So forget about hitting The Big One, and concentrate on transmission of the Teaching.
Okay, so you’re not going to hit the Big One, the 1909-s VDB or 1922 No D, so what IS going to happen???
What IS going to happen is that you are going to train yourself to properly, efficiently and effectively search 1909-1939 Wheaties for value above what you paid.
You’ll be paying exactly what I pay — anywhere from 5 cents a coin for the 1930s coins to a dime for the 1920s coins and 20 cents a pop for the 1930s coins, for the bag of 100% LIFETIME GUARANTEED bag of junk coins, all G-4-6, not a bit higher, and certainly no lower.
Now, hidden deeply within the bag of junk “BASE” coins will be several “TARGET” COINS which you’ll try to pick out from the bagful of crap coins, which will cost you an average of a dime per junk coin. Continue reading →
Influence comes from outer space & time with these Carbonaceous Chondrites.
Just holding or carrying a meteorite — even a small one — around has an effect on the carrier or wearer; quite a profound one. It influences the DNA, sometimes in a remarkable way that is observable by friends and family, much to the good.
The right kind of meteorite can create change in the Spiritual DNA, causing a subtle re-arrangement of the instructions to allow a super-charged spiritual awakening. This is why you like to visit museums, observatories and planetariums — or is it planetaria?
Some folks who received an Awakening Call did so through the action and influence of a nearby meteorite.
The most effective are the NWA, North-West Africa stony chondrites that stand out starkly against the whiteness of the surrounding rock and sand, much as they are found quite easily in the ice-pack of Antarctica, where the most famous meteorite of all was found — the Martian meteorite that appeared to contain microbial fossils.
Of course there’s life everywhere in the galaxy, and in fact in every galaxy there are billions of inhabitable planets, most of which spawn life that is very similar to life on Earth, not all of which build and use radios — intelligent species tend to be telepathic. Continue reading →
Try to imagine what it’s like to be in the Void. There is no passage of time, no way to mark the passage of time. There is no space. No objects, no particles of matter, no energy, no nothing. It’s not necessary to imagine the state of the Void; you can enter it any time you wish to delve into the Void.
The Void has no properties. No height, no width, no depth, no color, no form, no shape, and in fact anything you can think of, just put a “no” in front of it, and that’s a good description of the indescribable Void.
In the Relative World, there is Life, and Life is Pain.
Sure, life hurts, and it hurts bad. It has its ups and downs, its good times, and its bad times, and life is pain, so it’s no wonder that anyone would want to crawl out of there, get off the wheel, and have a pain-free eternal existence in the Land of Pure Bliss.
So you spend thousands of lifetimes fighting, clawing your way out of Samsaric Illusion, and finally, you find yourself “Off the Wheel”, free at last, free at last!
You have achieved the Eternal Bliss of the Void. Wow. What a relief, like taking a huge dump after hours and hours of sweat, anxiety, and discomfort. Here it is, The Void.
Tree on a Canal Near Amsterdam, graphite on paper, made in 1643.
If you know anything about DNA at all, you should know that it is very sophisticated and elegant in the matter of storing, retrieving and communicating information. It is currently wired in the human manifestation to function as if intelligent, as if sentient, as if self-conscious and aware of responsibilities toward the host planet, hence the monicker “Homo Sapiens Sapiens”, rather than “Homo Sapiens”, and more than a few socio-anthro profs commonly prefer “Homo Sap” to both name and describe them. Continue reading →
I shipped on board this Fourth Way Liner, “The Minnow”, 2859 B.C.E.
If you’ve seen one Mayan Temple, you’ve seen them all. They all had the same plan, just as all temples everywhere are built on the same plan, which could be typically described as “something entirely overwhelming and impressive, with, if possible, a touch of weird.”
We’ll start our journey with the Mayan Culture, but before we begin, I’d like to explain the format and rationale of the present volume. Continue reading →
Darshan at the Clear Light Temple, Crestline, California, June 22, 1975.
Meditation comes in waves. That’s the way all meditations work, whether the folks practicing various brands of meditation know it, or not. Everything happens in waves. The entire universe is waves. Everything in sight, everything you know, everything you feel, sense, touch and bump into, happens in waves.
You have direct experiential experience of this. Waves of nausea. Waves of heat. Waves of exhaustion, punctuated by “catching a second wind”. Waves of hunger. Waves of excitement. Waves of joy, sympathy, exaltation. Birthing a baby happens in waves, good and bad luck happen in waves.
When you get into an exalted “high” state, it also happens in waves. You ride the energy downstream toward entropy, then bounce back almost to the top of the wave, then it repeats and repeats until you run out of energy entirely.
When you traverse the Bardos, things happen in waves. When you surf…ah, there’s a great example of how meditation really works, and how you can actually accomplish its aims.
As a surfer, you would first wax your board, then take it out into the surf, lie down on it and paddle your way OVER the waves, barely touching them as you ride the swells against the current, until you were just short of where the waves first break on their way toward the beach. Continue reading →