Spawning Point into WarfTown, the beginning of your Third Bardo Journey.
Frankly, I don’t give a fig if they did. I’m busy transferring the virtual world technology over to the Causal Plane, where it can be used to modify a reality matrix or reconfigure a world, which is what I’m doing here.
Not reconfiguring the world — transferring technology is what I mean.
First of all, the technology has to be there, usable and applicable, and it is. It’s then just a matter of capture and ownership — we’ve done both with the Godd™ Engine & Editor.
Secondly, the persistence of the virtual world makes it impossible to erase or vanish it at any point thereafter — what is, is.
The Duplication Effect within the Godd™ Editor makes it easily possible to copy, modify and transfer any reality into the virtual, which is the whole point of being on this miserable dirt-bag they call a planet. Continue reading →
Good question, and one well worth answering in detail. There’s a LOT going on all the time inside your Godd Particle.
When you enter the virtual world of Godd, you work through the Avatar, linking up with him, her or it to create a unique interdimensional partnership, which can involve many more than just two participants.
Just because you leave the virtual space, it doesn’t mean that everything crashes to a grinding halt.
It doesn’t. With you or without you, life goes on, obla-di, obla-da — sorry to bring you down.
It’s not just in the multiplayer virtual worlds like Second Life and Diablo and Quake. Life goes on inside the Godd™ Particle that’s hanging on a silver chain around your neck.
It happens inside all virtual world environments, whether they are multiplayer or not.
Actually, there are literally thousands of different ways to interact online, but I’m going to show you just one method of gathering online, one that allows you to present yourself as you’d like to be or as you REALLY are, and at the same time, you can interact with action and movement and speech with others from all over the world.
Honestly, it takes a bit of practice and some learning skills plus a good instructor to really get the swing of it, but once you master the basics, you will discover a whole new world, literally a world, in which you can live a life, interact with others, even conduct an online in-person business without ANY physical organic contact whatever.
The whole idea is that in the Ashram, anything you can do in the organic world can be duplicated quite cleverly in the virtual world, and the illusion becomes more powerful the more you use it and the more completely you master it.
You can fly, drive, eat, drink, entertain and be entertained in the virtual ashram, but wait — there’s more! Continue reading →
“Fringe Science”, huh??? That’s what the headline on the newspaper said about my work, and boy, are they right! It is totally fringe, and the mainstream is just as befuddled as before!
It’s okay, I’ve been called a “crank” before — but the thing is, the article is very positive, and they featured interviews with people who have actually TRIED the SuperBeacon and the Orbs, and got GREAT responses from the article — but let’s talk turkey, about the Quantum Effects that can be triggered and delivered with the ORBS.
What is an Orb?
REAL WORLD QUANTUM EFFECTS can be created by specific sequential actions taken within the DIGITAL REALM, a world at the electronic level which exists next door to this universe. It is possible to reach that realm and to taken actions there which cause effects in this dimension and on this planet.
Within the Orb are contained a number of powerful Quantum Effects that automatically correspond to what you call “The Real World” — the world within which you happen to live, along with your organic body and brain.
Instead of standing still and enacting a ceremony or ritual, you run through the Orb, triggering off a specific and precise set of events similar to those events in a standing-still ceremony or ritual.
In the virtual world, anything is possible, and so you’ll be using unobtainable rarities for the purpose of making magic — real magic — in your life. Continue reading →
At the age of 23 in a very previous lifetime, the squared circle was all the rage.
Square balls and boxy hedges sort of give it away that it’s a videogame, right? So how would you react if everything around you was square when it was supposed to be round or at least roundISH.
Scientists are on the verge of demonstrating that the universe is oriented, which translates to “on the grid”, meaning that there is a distinct North-South and East-West directional Longitude & Latitude with a Z thrown in for the third dimensional stratum. The fact is that the universe is very much on the grid, and that lateral movement is made virtually possible but actually impossible. It’s all done with mirrors.
When you have a limited budget of perceptikons, you might as well not exceed that limit with more detail. The eye can’t see what it can’t see, and the brain can’t process more than its processing speed will allow, and that’s way down at the speed of light.
In the Quantum World, there is no speed. There is position and relative position, yes, but there is no speed. Things don’t travel through space, they inhabit points, and that includes YOU, the Real You, the point of light that rides around inside that organic thing that seems to be deteriorating a lot faster than you’d thought it might.
My first Android God World in my Pocket offerings will be of the square-world variety, and I intend to continue to use this technique to bring about a Waking State in visitors to my Pocket GoDD Worlds.
I don’t program for the public, to please the Great Unwashed and gain profit thereby. I have no need for, nor interest in, money, fame, recognition or anything even remotely like that. My sole interest is in making very advanced Awakening Tools available to those who really need and appreciate them.
With all of Eternity to wade through countless times, I don’t really care what the numbers are at the moment — it adds up fast enough to a sufficient quantity of reliable Bodhisattvas on the job.
Well, here’s to my Square World, may you join the Blessed Few in the Blessed Realm of Squareness!
We’re at the end of the very first week of our new Android Godd Engine and in our third decade in the GODD Engine. The Android engine, which I have dubbed “AndyGoDD” has accepted BardoTown without groaning too much, so I’m ready to prepare a map for release, and the very first map we’re trying to bring out into the Android app store is BardoTown, my largest and most complex map. Why the toughest, most demanding and most likely map to go wrong, for our very first Android effort? Think about it.
We need to know what parts break down first, if any, and I have to know for sure that most of the folks who download it will be able to use it on their Android smartphone. Continue reading →