apocalypse background forms new ZOOM game/activity
Here’s an application for the Godd™ Engine — a complete set of ZOOM backgrounds that can be used to create an atmosphere of commonality, meaning that everyone seems to be in more or less the same space.
This can work with Norton Street, too.
What you do is, when you have a good screenshot on your screen, COMPOSE it first, then when it’s EXACTLY right, press the “F4” button on your keyboard. This will send a screenshot to your screenshot file. Continue reading →
That’s a real good question. I happen to be a famous artist. To confirm this simple fact, you have merely to google me. Yep, I’m famous, all right. I’ve had more than my fair share of Warhol’s equally famous “15 Minutes of Fame”, but fame is not the formula for success.
Fame won’t get you very far unless it’s promoted. Without constant promotion, fame is fleeting. Heck, it is, even if you grow the brand for years and years. Eventually, all things crumble and fall, and your fame and personal fortune are no exception. Continue reading →
The playlist is your friend, your ally, your natural partner in the youtube environment.
What you do is, when you first list the video, you click on the appropriate playlist or multiple playlists that apply and would properly describe your video.
A rather fat list of subjects would — and does — look like this, on my ejgoldguru channel:
You can see here that the playlist at the top left is “liked videos”. You can edit all these playlists by going into the “studio” mode and clicking on “playlists”. Continue reading →
So here’s something else you could do with others together SAFELY as a group — why not have a dance in our VIRTUAL ASHRAM dance club?
If you’re an able DJ, why not throw a party in our many nightclub and dance palace settings?
There isn’t a dance you can name that can’t be done in Second Life, and you don’t have to know how to dance — your Avatar does, when you load up with the dance software, press the button and let ‘er go.
You can see many examples of virtual dancing — I’ve posted dozens — and it’s very challenging to get fancy, but easy to just dance.
This includes all sorts of ritual dancing, obviously, plus the Movements.
You’ll find a wide variety of backgrounds for your dances, and great places in the ashram to stage a fun party with up to 100 Avatars!
Why not make an annoying video humiliating and ridiculing Trump?
It’s easy when you know how. He can’t stand being ridiculed, because his dad did it to him, and he has powerful Daddy Issues.
This is a pretty accurate rendition of the Oval Office — it’s accurate enough to get the idea across, and it makes a great backdrop for any political announcements you’d care to make.
So you’ll notice that I have my own pictures scattered around the space, and a SuperBeacon and a Matrix are on the top of the famous “Resolute” desk.
It’s details like that that make the shot — you can fake all the rest, but you MUST put in the details. Continue reading →
Now select the three most interesting buttons and explore them, look at the video, check out the promotion around the video, and remember that the promo is NOT the video, meaning that any promotion can be woven around any video — the content doesn’t matter, it’s all in the clickability, the attraction-power of the thumbnail & the title. Nothing else matters anymore, anymore, Mama. Please believe me, content is no longer important if, indeed, it ever was.
The whole point is, does your button make me want to push it?
Now take a dozen of my videos and share the hell out of them, get them out there, and most of all, get others to help you to get those videos out there! Propagation and ripple outward is the plan and yes, that is the whole plan.
Here is the Work Plan for YOU:
It’s really very simple for at least the first year as a work novice. Get hold of an Institute product, or wait to be assigned one, and video your reaction to it. That’s the whole bit. Then upload it to youtube and correctly promote it with all the tags, hashtags and key words that you can manage, and keep it relevant and keep it hot.
The next step? Get another product and do it again. Keep doing it. Remember where it is you’re sending your viewers and get a shopping cart in place or suffer the consequences!
That’s the basic work for the first year, and if it’s possible, put up ten videos a day until one or more of them goes viral.
That is the object.
If you have a lot of time on your hands, put up fifty videos a day! You can bet that somewhere, sooner or later, one of our videos WILL go viral, and from then on, we sail like the wind!
I’m going to post here a number of youtube videos that I have up on one or more of my channels. You have very little time to master this idea, but I’d suggest you get a start on it, because the means to handle these things is soon going to vanish from the face of the earth. There’s more chaos coming from Washington every day now, and it’s not over!
For well over a decade now, I’ve made all sorts of youtube videos, thousands of them, and they haven’t let me down — they’ve garnered some 8 MILLION views between all 20 or so channels of video lore, but listen, that’s not important right now. What is important is that you try to understand what I’m going to explain to you now: Continue reading →
Take a good look at the objects on Trumpenstein’s desk.
At first, I thought to take some screenshots of the Trumpenstein Avatar in various poses and facial expressions, and that’s what I did — at first.
Next, I plugged him into the T’ai Ch’i and Yoga Mat exercises, and took some snappers of those, as well.
Actually, it occurred to me that someone might volunteer to take him to a daily T’ai Ch’i practice, but we’d have to work out the timing for that.
I’m very aware that selfies are all the rage these days, and I’m always trying my darndest to come up with a few selfies, no matter what the subject matter.
Unfortunately, I take EXTREME closeups, so you generally can’t see the background, but I soon learned that nobody really cares about the subject matter or content of a photo — it’s all about colors and high definition, even if it’s only a highly defined nothing.
A few closeups of the T’ai Ch’i workout might classify as “selfies”. Continue reading →
“Do You Want to Play a Game???”
The voice rings out in the video arcade. Of course you do. What else? Stand around while others play? Wander outside? Of COURSE I want to play a game.
After a few dozen Billenia in the Void, you’ll start to wonder what they’re DOING in there, in the CREATION, and you’ll downscale into the world just to cop a peek, take a quick look, but WARNING, there is a definite danger here — GRAVITY.
As you look into the world, you’re pulled down, down, down, into it, and the next thing you know, BANG! There you are, incarnated again. It’s that magnetic gravity pull that does it every dang time, and you’re sucker enough for that gimmick that you fall for it again and again and again. Continue reading →