How to Run a Prosperity Path Level

If you’re wondering how to run a Prosperity Path Level, nothing could be simpler. I’ll give you a total step by step rundown, and here it is:

Download and install the level, as per instructions and prompts. It’s fast and easy and it actually does itself, all you do is click “okay”.

Next, invoke the level you’ve selected to run. Let’s say “True Love Forever” — not actually a random selection … I happen to have dozens of actual in-level screenshots of that, so it’s an easy time-saving decision to make.

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Gemini Dancer

Just took a few fun minutes to explore the dance move potential in this model when I walked her into the Gemini to check on a few items, notably a bunch of missing lava lamps and a funny countertop. All was resolved, and as I had her stand there in admiration of the work I’d done, she all of a sudden started dancing to the music. It is a rather upbeat tune, eh?

I thought you might enjoy the challenge, so I invite you folks who are running any of the Prosperity Path orbs, whether they’re Remedials or Classes, to make a video of your avatar dancing to the music thereof. You’ll find the best music in the Classes and Higher Levels, where I’ve put most of the really good stuff.

Hands-On Reincarnation Awareness


"Skeletons I Have Known & Loved" -- sculpture by EJ Gold

Have you ever “just known” something that happened so long ago your present body wasn’t even born yet?

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