Maybe you should buy your own HIND 24 attack chopper???
NOW do you believe what I’ve been telling you for the past six months?
Some folks just don’t take the hint until it’s right in their eyeballs. Well, you’ve got your wish, a bunch of White Supremacists are threatening YOU, and they will get you if you let them do it to you!!!
If you can possibly leave the U.S. without harm to yourself, your family, your business, this is the time to get out while you still can. There’s a lot more misery in store for us soft liberal targets, unless we prepare right now to fight for our very lives, against people who hate us for just being what we are — immigrants and laborers.
There are a number of White Supremacists in the West Wing, and they’ve been driving Trump for all this time, and now, finally, thanks to the rioting in the streets, which I accurately predicted, the White Supremacists in the White House have all been revealed, including Donald J. Trump, the Supreme White Leader of Fascist Amerika.
Trump has, as I’ve been saying since I first heard of him around election time, has no agenda, no plan, no clue. He is mentally incompetent, and his handlers know it, but he is equally uncontrollable, as are most folks with paranoid schizophrenic issues, which is why he goes crazy tweeting and yelling and attacking and firing people.
He has to have the excitement, and his handlers know this and feed it very cleverly. Continue reading →
Make an annoying video or videogame ridiculing Trump, that’ll set you free!!!
You’re here in the Hell World and I can prove it in two words: Donald Trump. Sure, everybody on the street and in the workplace make fun of him — he is funny, looks funny, acts funny and his blustery aggression just makes it funnier.
No wonder he becomes a Person of Ridicule as the years pass. Back in the 37th century, which means “just outside the SIM”, we have records of phrases from the 21st century, one of which is “Don’t Be A Trump!” and “Hey, don’t Trump me, Bro!”.
I came here to find out about those expressions as part of my Term Paper for history class, which is who is in this SIM besides me — there are 35 other class members in here, making it very, very crowded.
There are 7.2 billion humans on Planet Earth right now, but that’s being handled.
Never you mind about that. You must learn to IGNORE WASHINGTON, ignore North Korea, ignore Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, UAR, all the countries that act up and sound fierce.
You probably don’t know what to do in the face of it — you’re suddenly on the “wanted” list, like someone whose palm-gem has suddenly turned red long before Last-Day and Carousel. Continue reading →
Trump is dedicated to his own face. He has to be in the front of the news, just as he handles and maneuvers celebrities in crowds to demonstrate that he’s in charge, he’s directing everyone and everything, and everything revolves around him.
One thing you’ll note that is an outstanding feature: instead of creating diversions, like a politician such as super-sleazy McConnell would do, changing the subject, offering some glittering prize as long as it’s not on-subject, he goes nuts.
He is, in fact, exactly what he projected onto his victims — a nut-job. Actually, Trump is a nut-job and a half.
I like to be exact.
As Avatar of the Western Realm — which is a lousy job, but everybody’s gotta work for a living — I can’t, of course, directly interfere, nor would I intervene in something so petty as a local war or political upheaval.
Right. I can’t interfere. But I CAN suggest, and occasionally, I can point. This is one of those “I can point, but you’ll have to actually L@@K” moments. Continue reading →
available on redbubble right now, this a-line dress is amazing.
You can’t trust ANY news outlet anymore. That’s why Trump wants to establish a National News Agency, where only the real news gets put out there.
In case you’re wondering, that’s from page 132, paragraph 3 of “Mein Kampf”.
Trump is a pig.
This is not a personal slam — just an artistic observation, from someone who constantly uses and refers to the “totem” of a person, the animal spirit with whom everyone on Earth is connected.
He should be proud of being a pig — the companions of fishes, according to the I-Ching, something that Trump has never heard of — but like most NPD men, Trump just plain projects himself out there onto others.
It’s a feature of NPD to cast blame and find fault in others, and to grossly and wantonly attack any threat to the ego.
Trump is amazingly delicate.
He’s also quite unbalanced — clearly insane, clearly paranoid, clearly savage and bestial in every way, but especially in the matter of attacking people who displease him. Continue reading →
It’s summer workshop time again, and the Labor Day Convention is up ahead!
Forget what’s happening or not happening in Washington. It will all settle out in a horrible way, you can rest assured, as long as the primitives are beating their chests and brandishing their spears at each other.
You will soon see the end of the totally demoralized and splintered Democratic Party in favor of “no party at all”, and soon after that, the Two-Party System will be a thing of the past, along with more than one candidate for “President for Life”, which marks the beginning of the Trump Dynasty in the Age of Trump.
Like I said so many times before –forget about it, the most they can do is kill you. Continue reading →
“Crime Pays” black apron, only $35.99 — why not buy two, one for a friend???
Unless 3 billion people a day read your daily tweets, you have no voice in the situation that confronts you — the end of Democracy and the end of your personal freedoms and your family’s freedom from fear.
But wait…
Yes, there is an alternative solution to the horrible mess we’re in. You CAN fight back with the MIND, and that’s what I propose you do right now, today, before you sink back into the cowardice that is the human condition, and here it is. I call it:
“Crime Pays”.
Why it works so well is because in Washington, D.C., at least, crime DOES pay. The ROLE MODEL for our children and grandchildren is always the President, and you can imagine the kind of kids this generation is going to be like, if Trump is any example, and his kids are just as obnoxious. Continue reading →
I’m not even going to dwell for a second on the latest Trump News, not even the Republicans’ despicable use of the ghastly and unfortunately conceived “Kathy Griffin photo” for their recruiting campaign, by which they perpetuate the image forever!
Ugh! Disgusting! How low can you go?
Is there “fair news” anywhere? News you can actually trust?
It’s very clear. You can’t trust the news, not ANY news, from ANY source, under ANY conditions, so why bother to watch it, listen to it, or read it?
First and foremost, remember that ALL POLITICIANS LIE. All lawyers lie. All political appointees have something to gain. All news agencies and outlets have viewers and sponsors, and they have to put out the crap that their people will engorge themselves upon, which means garbage, garbage, garbage. Discuss.
Forget about it.
I personally refuse to watch the news from now on. Period, and I recommend you do the same, and pass it on. There’s no hope for eggheads in this brainless neanderthalic “Age of Trump”. Just shine it on. Forget the news. Pay no attention to it.
If anything happens that’s close enough for you to react to it, you’ll know about it. Trust me.
In the meantime, while you’re waiting to be taken away to the labor camps to work on infrastructure as a state slave or you somehow escape the fury of the raging mob, you might feel the heat just a little, to get on with it.
I’m hoping that the Clear & Present Danger lights a firecracker under your ass.
This is the time, Kato.
Check out my super-spiffy stuff on cafe press, things like:
This “Dark Figure in the Mist” is Barbara, composing her new book, “Every Day a Holy Day”, which is a best-seller on our book list with dozens of reprintings, and IT ISN’T EVEN IN THE CATALOG YET and hasn’t been marketed or promoted!!!
It is destined to be a big seller, and YOU can help get it out there! Ask Yanesh how to make this happen!
Whattaya think, huh? Mighty nice, if you ask me, and it comes with the chain, too!
I’m headed over to the chuck wagon for some grub, and I’ll be moseying off to the cayuse, meaning the ICW, where we’ll talk more about this, and about blue lining, movement training, levitation training and more.
You’re gonna get compliments and questions about this messenger bag featuring Barbara!
Okay, I’d better dash, or miss the hot sausage and scrambled eggs! I’m kidding, of course. It’s the usual vegan fare, of which I never tire.
my videogame transcends time and space for no reason whatsoever.
It’s a simple task to convert any liquid to its magical equivalent, such as Lourdes healing water, or making wine into the blood of Christ, as any local neighborhood Catholic priest is trained and licensed to do.
It’s such a serious matter that the wafers, once converted to the Body of Christ, are kept in the church in a locked vault until they are needed for the Holy Mass, lest they be stolen for use in a dark ceremony or worse.
What can be worse? You don’t want to know the depths of barbarity and animalism into which humans can easily sink, but one example of that is the CovFeFe Phenomenon, started by Trump’s now-famous tweet, “Despite the constant negative press covfefe”.
Everyone thought he’d delete the obvious typo, but six hours went by, and he hadn’t, so the speculation about the true meaning of “covfefe” went wildly around the Beltway tweeting bird population.
They never thought to look online, or they’d have found my videogame, “CovFeFe”, which celebrates “Cafe” with “Cavfefe”, meaning “Cafe Press”, of course. Continue reading →
ej temple darshan heart pendant $29.99 has a whole set to go with.
This sculpted aluminum pendant comes to you complete with chain, and there’s a ton more stuff that you’ll find quite charming! Take a quick look at just a few items: Continue reading →
Holy Prasad carries the healing to those in need. Bodhisattvas At Work!!!
To those who have complained about my recent blogs:
What don’t you get about “I don’t hate Trump”???
To put it bluntly, are you ignorant, unable to read, or just plain stupid?
Either you mis-read my blogs on the subject, or you didn’t read them altogether. Maybe you just read a portion of one blog? Perhaps you’re just too politicized to hear simple straightforward words that describe something plain and simple, or you might be unable to understand literary English when you encounter something above the level of Preschool.
You might be far too comfortable with slick political lies.
Far from hating Trump, I think he’s the best thing for the art market since Jackie Kennedy, and I intend to put fashions and jewelry out there in this high-end historic market as soon as I can.
Trump is for me a great opportunistic comedy target. What the fuck don’t you understand about that? I suppose you think that if I play MacBeth, I have murder on my mind all the time?
So what about Trump? Do I hate him? No, I don’t. Do I like him? What’s to like???
If several people had not rather loudly complained — one of whom asked if I’d gone mad — I would have titled this article “Art Market Recovers to 1980s Levels!”, but because of either inattention, blind loyalty to Trumpism — which in itself is no worse than McCarthyism — or just plain inability to grasp the meaning of my words, I had to give the first part of this blog over to explaining once again that I am NOT against Trump, nor do I hate Trump, nor am I blind to his attraction for his support base.
Hand-Painted leather biker outfit, $3500 while they last. Signed & dated.
His support base is insisting that there’s no there there.
The reasoning is that since there is no evidence of collusion, there is no collusion, which earns a very high reading on the Stupidity Scale.
Every investigation starts out with no evidence, but there must be probable cause, which is NOT evidence of wrongdoing or criminal activity, merely a signal that something needs to be looked at by professional unbiased investigators.
The Rabble-Rouser alarmists at FOX News grab their own headlines — “Attempted Coup”. Do you folks at FOX News have any sense of karma? Do you realize that words like that could result in someone grabbing up a gun and…
Oh, I get it. You WANT an incident to happen. Why didn’t you say so in the first place? And you’re right — there’s no better excuse to call out the National Guard than an eruption of angry mobs looking for victims to beat up and kill, businesses to burn to the ground and neighborhoods to disrupt and destroy for years to come.
That will someday be the legacy of FOX News.
Myself, I want no part of any of it. I’m merely trying to show you how to write a protest song, a comedy routine and a lot of other things related to this wonderful situation. It’s the most historic time you’ll ever live through in this lifetime, do you realize that?
Maybe that’s enough to get your full attention, maybe not.
Wynton Marsalis Art Backdrop Complete Setup $2.4 Million.
The fact is that business will get better and better with a Republican government, and I’m all for that. The art market is important to me, because with the sale of high-end art, I can raise the $1.4 million I need to set up my Alternative Health Care Healing Temple here in Grass Valley, and I hope to set them up all over the country.
By the time the people who are in a position to donate the money for this project, the time will have slipped away, and many people will die.
I have a solution — make a People’s Health Care Temple, with spiritual healing practices. Forget about allopathic medicine, because the allopathic doctors have failed us.
The Pharmaceutical companies have failed us and shown themselves to be untrustworthy and unethical, driving prices up because they can.
The Insurance sector is the group of greedy bastards that are driving the nails in our coffins day by day, eroding our health care and keeping coverage tantalizingly just out of reach.
Won’t you donate generously to this project?
6 foot tall architectural Backdrop painting used in famous performance, $1.4 Million, full provenance.
With YOUR help and the help of thousands of others on the ground-floor street-level neighborhood project, we can save millions of lives.
The spirit rules the body. I have shown over the years that it is possible to enlist the aid of angels for healings, and I will continue to show people how to achieve this partnership with higher forces.
I will be selling high-end art, antiques and other treasures donated for this purpose. If you have a collection, please send it so I can sell it and use the money to support this project.
A beautiful Greek style temple has become available and it would be perfect for the purpose. There is more than adequate parking — some 300 spaces — and it is located in the high-end district, making an art gallery and gift shop an attractive idea, along with a coffee shop for gallery or temple visitors.
I envision a full-time staff and full access, which is expensive, but I’ll worry about that part. You take care of the building. $1.4 million will do it, and you won’t be hearing much else from me until this happens, because a LOT of lives are at stake here, and we can do a LOT of good!
I intend to hire professional health care and nutrition staffers, specialists in addiction problems and more, but we will NOT use or depend on government help for this project.
We are on our own.
I have in the bank at the moment about $150, with which I’ll start the ball rolling. It doesn’t take a millionaire or billionaire to make this project happen, just YOUR participation, multiplied a thousand times or ten thousand times, and that will happen, hopefully soon, before the need becomes overwhelming and we run out of time.
There is a deadline.
I didn’t set the deadline, nobody did. It’s just there. We need to buy and restore this beautiful temple, and that’s going to take some time. We need to find the thousands to donate toward this project, and for that, we can’t afford much time.
The people who help with this project will earn a great deal of Spiritual Merit.
Merit counts more than anything else toward graduation, the time when the constraints are off, and your spirit is free to return to the stars.
You’ll never have another spiritual merit opportunity like this.
Thanks to Trump, the art market has opened up, and there’s a LOT of buyer interest. I have at my disposal an entire art, antiques and antiquities gallery, and there’s more than enough paintings in the collection to raise the cash several times over.
I’d rather not sell my Jackson Pollock — it was a gift, and can’t be verified by IFAR, so it’s worthless on the market, but is genuine nevertheless. I have an original DeKooning, in fact two DeKoonings, and hundreds of original Chagall, Matisse, Toulouse-Lautrec and Renoirs, plus one original Renoir unique work on paper that should cover the cost of the temple all by itself, if there’s a buyer out there.
I’ll sell ANYTHING in the collection, because this project MUST happen. If you have an ounce of Bodhisattva in you, you won’t turn your back on those who need this alternative health care or get no help at all.
Please give what you can, and talk to others about this project. If we make it work, it can go nationwide.
Every other country in the world has some alternative for the very poor, but not the United States. Join me in this effort. Your help is needed.