Suddenly overnight find yourself living in an Autocracy? Don’t know what to do, don’t know the right words, don’t know the right people?
First off, are you now, or have you ever been, a member of an organized political party? If you answer yes, you won’t have ever voted Democrat.
I’m takingĀ a few moments away from working out on my Gretsch guitele, which finally has some new strings, although I haven’t yet affixed them to same, so I can write and sing some more devastatingly hilarious folk songs about Trumplestiltskin, to write a letter to Rachel Maddow, expressing a concern that you might also have about your own situation, so here’s an Open Letter To Rachel Maddow (I posted an email directly to her desk as well):
Hi, Rachel! I’m now 78 years out of port, having seen a hell of a lot. I’m a pro writer (Galaxy SF magazine, OMNI and a host of tv spots, gags & treatments and some 50 books currently in print and actually selling now and then) and that’s what I’m writing about. It’s not fanmail, although I have to say that your show is the only one I NEVER miss. This sometimes causes astonishing and unexpected situations. On the writing front, like John Lithgow — and this is the only comparison I’m going to make — I HAD to write a book about Trump or bust, and I did. It’s titled “Trump is a Four-Letter Word”. I hope my grandkids don’t adopt the same linquistic style as our current white house clown and, yes, I know — elect a clown, you get a circus. Well, I wrote the book and put it up for sale in a variety of formats, some three years ago. Like any other writer exercising First Amendment Rights and Steamletting Procedures, I vented full and well, and the book sits waiting for that viral moment, for which I may or may not be here. I’m sitting here these days waiting for that knock on the door, and that’s the reason I’m writing you. You’re the closest living being to Sherlock Holmes I’ve ever seen in action, so tell me — how long do I have to wait for that midnight knock?– ej gold
Is there anything you’ve done lately that might come to the direct attention of Trump or one or more of his brown-shirt goons?
If so, you might be high up on his LIST. You know which list I mean — the one that Nixon also kept.
It used to be bipartisan time, but now, it’s Friend or Enemy.
If you aren’t on the top of the ENEMIES list, don’t worry — your time will come soon enough. Actually EVERYBODY is on his list — he wants to take the entire planet with him when he goes.
The Bardo is NOT a lonely place, if you have friends in high places.
Got a book in you that’s demanding to get out? Hey, why wait until you can’t do it any more??? Write it now.
Are you a member of Congress? This is the time to speak out while you still can.
Do you have a vote? If you don’t vote, you can’t complain.
See You At The Top!