One of the things Donald Trump would definitely never become aware of is the general effect of his hysteria and rumpus-room tantrums. With his ugly pig-face in the media ALL the time, 24/7/365, there is no getting away from him and his evil minions.
When government is working normally and well, citizens aren’t running in the streets in protest every few days, calling for impeachment or worse.
Government is NOT working well, therefore we have a situation where it’s virtually impossible to concentrate on your work every minute of every work hour of every work day.
you can use the larger images in this blog as screen-savers.
You can place a “TRUMP-FREE ZONE” Medallion at each door and window, and ward off the bad smell, enjoying a new-found freedom from the stench of Trump. Gosh, and he’s the one calling people names like pig-face. Has he ever looked in a mirror?
But NEW FREEDOM is not enough. You need to also STAY FREE!
Unfortunately, if you’re not both white AND Christian, your days are numbered and your life of personal freedom is over forever, even after this administration has gone down the drain, like they do.
Once the Constitution is overturned, we have crossed the Rubicon and there is no going back. If you allow that to happen, you deserve what you get.
In this world of distrust and superstition, racial hatred and religious radicals, there is nowhere to run to, no place to hide, no refuge from the chaotic storm of rage and zombie apocalypse that is coming to this planet. Continue reading →
Take your TFZ Medallion with you whenever you go out of the house, especially if you’re one of those illegal aliens like my friends from Orion and the Pleiades, here!
USE YOUR MEDALLION AND OTHER TFZ ITEMS to ward off the Trump-Dominated Zombies, ward off the Evil Avatar Numspaa, basically, to ward off all the ill-effects and unwanted nasal hair from Trumpism.
USE YOUR TRUMP-FREE ZONE to defend yourself, your family and your home against your President.
Ironic as it sounds, that’s what you have to do if you are NOT white, NOT Christian. You are under direct threat. There is a CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER.
You NEED SOME SORT OF PSYCHIC PROTECTION, not only to keep you safe, but to keep you FEELING safe and FEELING free, both YOUR RIGHTS as a citizen of the United States of America, and it’s also your right as an honored guest, visitor or newcomer. You’re innocent until proven guilty. That’s the law, but Trump is changing all that.
Are Trump’s paid goons and his volunteer zombies allowed to break the law? Of course they are. What are you, completely dense? They bend the law, break the law, ARE the law. Wake up, stupid!
Note how that reads: “Wake up, stupid!”. Please take note of the fact that it does NOT read: “Wake up stupid!”.
If you can’t tell the difference between the two statements, you’re in far worse trouble than you think. Continue reading →
You’re looking at one of my TFZ Ammies, which I’m designing and testing right now. I’ll soon have them on the table, and you can be wearing one to protect yourself from your own President!!!
Haw, haw, haw!!! I can’t stop laughing.
I’m posting some images and text for the Trump-Free Zone resellers and distributors. I didn’t use photos of models’ faces, because it’s dangerous to speak out now, in the New White Nazi Amerika, and I’m afraid for their safety if they’re associated with this product.
Most of the models I’d like to use are in serious danger, because they’re not white, not particularly Christian or nominally Christian — sort of being Christian isn’t enough to buy you safety from the rabid bloodthirsty Christian Mob that’s out there just waiting to eat you alive.
They are now empowered to demand fanaticism and unswerving mindless loyalty to their particular brand of Christianity, and thanks to their fearful leader, they have the RIGHT to kick you out, refuse you service or let you die outside a hospital, if you’re not a white Christian.
Think I’m exaggerating? Check out the latest outrage, and you’ll see the Congressional Bill Allowing Religious Discrimination READY FOR SIGNING!!!
It’s more dangerous than that. You never know where the next attack will come from. Enemies are EVERYWHERE!
If you’re not scared of the Violent Pro-Lifers, you might consider hiding away from all the UNION people, Trump’s major blue-collar supporters. They think he’s their buddy, but HISTORY SHOWS that they will soon be rounded up along with the Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, Hindus and skin-color variations that they hate AND FEAR so much.
In this atmosphere of hatred, fear and distrust, you have to have SOME PROTECTION, and the TFZ is about the best you can do, short of arming yourself and wearing a bulletproof vest and cap, which buys you nothing, when facing a mob.
There are just too many of them. You can take out one or two, but there are just too goddam many of them, and they are zombied-out, thirsting for SOMEBODY’S blood.
This is nothing new. Public stonings, public hangings, lynchings are all too common, and the people who profess Christianity are the most likely to commit such all-too-human atrocities.
In my aspect as Avatar of the Western Realm — Healing is one of my Powers.
“Ray Guns Blasting, Johnny Jett burst through the door and sprayed the place with plasma.” Not my gaming style at all, and I hope it isn’t yours. I tend to play Trap Assassins, Druids or Necromancers, not Barbarians, Paladins or Sorceresses. Once in a while, I like to play Amazon, just to see the feathers fly.
How about a full-blown magical “White-Ops” that is intended to convert Donald Trump from a Man of War to a Man of Peace, from a Man of Rage and Hate to a Man of Love and Understanding, from a White Man to a Rainbow Man?
As you know, I’m not allowed by our Higher Law to interfere in local politics, not that I care enough to do that, anyway, and besides, as the Avatar of the Western Realm, it’s in my goddam job-description.
So, like it or not, I can’t interfere.
I didn’t ask for the job. I got it because I’m good at it and I’m willing to wade in there and get all grimy from the human contact. Like I said, I didn’t ask for the job.
What I CAN do, however, is act as an Advisor, at least until they come to take me away for speaking up about Trump?
The object is a conversion play, and I’ll be only too happy to explain in some detail exactly what this means, what it means to you, and what YOU can do about it.
You feel helpless, eh? Not anymore, you aren’t. Read on. Continue reading →
It’s the only means for escape from suffering or expression of pain that you have left to you as a peasant.
It deals with spiritual energies only, well outside the realm of the physical world.
It’s the only revenge you will ever have.
As Inigo Montoya so eloquently said: “There’s no money in revenge.” Revenge is stupid, pointless and empty, because you’re fighting against a mechanical machine with no heart, no mind, no soul. What’s wanted is not revenge, but protection. Are you scared to death to bring up the Trump subject for fear of violence??? Okay, let’s talk, and listen up good, pilgrim:
I swear by all that’s Holy that I have no personal interest in Trump.
He’s a handy in-your-face-right-now character that readily serves as an example of a psycho-emotional organic world irritant that could intrude on your inner world and peaceful home, on a psychic or spiritual level, and my intent here is to demonstrate how to set up a line of Psychic Self-Defense for yourself, your family, your home, your business and your personal freedoms. About your stocks and bonds I can do nothing.
I’ll be sharing secrets that have never been revealed in modern times. These are the Methods and Secrets of the Ancients, and in spite of the fact that I’ll undoubtedly be sparking off the morons who voted for Trump, I’m NOT against Trump — as a matter of fact, he’s doing me a favor, and I’ll gladly explain why, as we go through this little exercise.
By the way, Trump is horrifically superstitious, which will probably come as no surprise to anyone. Besides being an NPD, he’s also a hyper-charged up OCD, which has to get really sticky for anyone unfortunate enough to serve on his staff or be on his payroll in any capacity.
Even David Lo Pan had to make a living somehow. He had his Wing Kong, I have my angelic hordes, so just leave Jack Burton alone, okay?
Because the Toupee of the Year is SO in our faces, I’ll be using The Trump Avatar as an example of someone who initiates and sets off psychic-level attacks, whether upon you intentionally and personally or as a member of a whole class of folks under said psychic attack.
It’s probably too late to mention it to the bots who rage-quit on the previous paragraphs, but I want to point out that, had Hillary won the election, I’d be after her as well, if the media frenzy were as great, this far away from the election results. Christ almighty, the problem with Trump is not his politics, although they are nutty and will soon be reversed or erased — don’t forget, I’ve seen it all a million times before.
Like I said, it’s not Trump’s politics, it’s his Narcissistic Personality Disorder — a matter of public record — that creates an incessant need for attention, and a willingness to use shock and rage to get it.
That’s why he negotiates with foreign powers ON TWITTER in full public view — he needs the attention and craves acceptance — and yes, he is a Twitter Addict, among other mental ailments and weaknesses, some of which have already been exploited by his playmate, Vladimir Potemkin, some of which haven’t shown up in the public radar yet, but they will, Frodo, they will.
I treated myself in the above paragraph to what amounts to a 100 year old joke, so old a chestnut that you’ve probably heard it a thousand times before.
Putin — Potemkin, get it???
Potemkin was the name of a Russian battleship. See, it was during the Russian Revolution — the first one, I mean — or was it the second??? Oh, forget it — it is all so complicated.
All I remember from my lessons back in the 37th century is that there were a LOT of wars back in this time period, a LOT of wars. As a gamer and game programmer, I can’t help but feel just a little responsible for all the wars, since I wrote the Back Story on this level.
Would a sincere “I’m sorry” be any compensation for all the misery and suffering of humanity throughout those wars? Well, the Great Mother sends her best, which is, of course, YOU.
Whether you like Trump, hate Trump, or are completely indifferent to the whole scene, as I am, you’re inundated on an hourly basis, even minute-to-minute, with Trump’s latest outrages and wild zany antics in the media and elsewhere, meaning supermarkets, restrooms and Born-Again Frozen Yogurt Youth Centers, where the conversation reflects little else.
He’s restless and anxious, and he needs YOUR attention, and one way to get that is to make you angry, and that’s easy to arrange, and it’s something he does very well indeed — he has almost complete control of the media in a sort of knee-jerk reflex way.
If you don’t care about the politics — as I surely don’t, having seen all this go down a million times before — you still suffer the media effects on the general population, which currently includes you, like it or not, and he’s aroused a very dangerous and violent segment of the population to help him get to power.
Problem there is, that segment of the population now has the authority and “right” to seek YOU out, and destroy you and your family, should you question Trump or his policies, or be an unfortunate member of the race, religion or political affiliations he has decided to set his dogs — that’d be you, if you’re a Pro-Lifer, on you and your family and friends. Continue reading →
This has all happened before. Can you remember? Try your PLS — Past Life Survey — to see how it all played out before, and how it will play out again!!!
Don’t want to hear about Trump’s latest outrage? Don’t really give a shit whether he’s insane or not? Want a little peace of mind and privacy? Don’t give up the ghost, there’s hope. I bring the TRUMP-FREE ZONE effects modules. BLOCK TRUMPISM with my TFZ — Trump-Free Zone — devices.
I don’t hate Trump, although I have every reason to. He’s about to destroy my personal freedoms, my healthcare benefits, my retirement, my real estate values, my stocks and bonds, and my family’s freedom from fear and oppression, but that’s HIS problem, not mine. I can live with it, but most folks will find domination by the rich to be unbearably oppressive. What’s more, by his own personal example, he’s made Nazi Propaganda a national sport, so what can you DO about it?
I know it’s a shock to suddenly find yourself living in an upside-down world in which America is OFFICIALLY racist, but there IS something you CAN DO about it right now, and none of it involves getting rid of Trump — that will happen on its own. It will fall off all by itself after a while.
Up until now, Trump has just been a somewhat shady public figure, but now he’s out in the open, and he’s in charge, which means that BILLIONS of people will soon learn to FEAR Trump, if they don’t actually hate him.
He doesn’t care what you think about him, just so long as every waking moment of your life is consumed with TRUMP.
Americans have aligned themselves with the ideals espoused by Donald Trump, and therefore expose themselves and America in general as a racist state, and according to all the shootings and beatings, they like it there.
Like it or not, you’re now lumped in with a bunch of white supremacists and upper class bastards who care nothing for the misery they cause on the poor and disenfranchised, and have especial dislike for those unable to defend themselves, always the mark of a coward, and understandably, you’re ashamed to admit that you’re an American.
Americans voted Trump into power, so clearly he embodies their American Ideal of White Supremacy and Isolationism. You’re an American. Try going overseas now, and see what that buys you.
Totally dispassionately, in full objective professional assessment, he’s a ravenous beast who needs to be fed with human flesh, but as politicians go, he’s pretty much the average political shmuck, but with a difference — he’s a whalloping, raging NPD — Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
That means he needs a LOT of attention, praise and respect, none of which he’ll get, in the end.
He’s a bully with a BIG stick, the U.S. Military and the Intelligence Community, neither of which he trusts. Trust Issues are a big thing with NPDs, and eventually that’s what will trip him up — he doesn’t trust his closest advisors.
Trump doesn’t actually have a plan. It’s always a new day, always a new idea. He can’t sit still, doesn’t know the meaning of the word “serenity” and has no respite from the hell of his own personal Angst.
He works on the fly, improvising at all times, trusting no one’s judgment but his own, using every opening, every advantage, to create action of any kind. It doesn’t much matter what happens, as long as he’s at the center of it. He gets results through the lavish use of Overwhelm and Rage, as you’ve seen.
His primary weapon is to turn others against others, engendering fear and distrust, his own personal symptoms of his terrible need to satisfy the lusts of his NPD brain.
He hates Mexicans, this we already know, and now the Mexicans know it, too. When he reads this blog — and he will, because he’s not only an NPD, but an OCD — suffering from an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder — I’ll be top on his revenge list, and like every NPD, you can be sure he has one, and if your name appears on the Impeachment Referendum list, he’ll say you’re an Illegal, which in his mind is the same as saying you’re Hispanic.
He aligns himself perfectly with the Neo-Nazis in his views of other races and religions, and plays the HATE card pretty much all the time. The NPD’s favorite game is to divide others and watch them fight it out, then he wades in and takes the victory, the glory and, of course, the money, and most importantly, the ATTENTION — and that’s the key right there. Continue reading →