Sumerian Magic Eyes Kimono provides +300% To All Armor.
Naturally, you’re going to want to know exactly what your Operating Level might be, so you have a clear idea of what armor you are able to wear, what weapons you can bear, what magical items you are able to use … so I’ve devised a short test that will help you sort all that out and come up with a composite number that will reflect your Cloak-Wearing Capacity. Continue reading →
A Classic and Spectacular Cloak that will get attention wherever you go!
I like a Cloak that can accomplish all the magical operations you might want to engender, but it should also be striking enough, sufficiently eye-catching, to allow you to walk into the average museum’s gift shop and have the buyer ask, “Where did you get that dress?”
You can sell them wholesale, so that moment would be a good opportunity to speak right on up, with a phrase something like: “As it happens, I sell these, along with many other wearable art fashions and accessories, plus household objects of daily use — may I show you some samples?” at which point, you whip out your catalog, hitherto unobtrusively tucked under an armpit — but enough about me, let’s talk about you:
How does a Cloak work? I’ll try to explain, and I’ll keep it very simple. I make clothing, fashions of a different kind — they have “Attributes” and “Blessings” built into them, which gives the Level 1 Cloak a +3 To All Levels, which means it raises your Character’s Level from Level 1 up to Level 4, enabling you to act as if you actually were a Level 4. Continue reading →
A retail location can be an ideal location forĀ eBay sellers & fast online connections.
Having a retail space gives you immediate credibility with buyers, but it adds a tremendous amount of expense and personal commitment of time and energy to run one successfully. You need to have a real knack for working with people to go face-to-face like this. Online, it’s different. You HAVE no face, not really, just faceBOOK and a seller’s homepage, which is a sea of anonymity in a seemingly transparent envelope.
When you log onto eBay as a seller, it’s a different experience entirely than the one you had as an end-user buyer. As a buyer, you needed to know nothing — you had to depend on the seller to know what they had and what it’s worth, and mostly that was dead wrong, if you go back and look at it closely. Continue reading →
Ooooh, (feminine squeaks & squeals) we had a great five minute photo session in town with Amy, showing my newest latest arm AND LEG designs for shamanic healers, but we only took snappers of the arms.
I’ll be doing lots of photos of my temp tats and body art as we go through the next season. Amy is a tattoo designer of note, and I hope to be able to work with her on my shamanic transfer tats, something I’ve been working on for the past seven years, but now, it’s the right time.
See, on the other side of the Shift, you didn’t see tattoos on virtually everyone you saw on the street, right? And now you do. Another sign of the Shift, but we tend to discredit our memories as soon as we pass, whether it’s a Shift or Death & Transfiguration. Continue reading →
Tiffany models Customized Peter Grimm Cowboy Hat artisaned by ej gold — $125.
Tiffany came over the other day to model hats — I wasn’t there for most of the photo shoot, but I was there for the end of it, and I do have all the shots taken in that short impromptu session, and this is one nice one that shows off the hat. This wrapped-fibre tailed & blazened custom cowboy hat from a Listed American Artist retails for a mere $125, and I make ’em myself, all by hand except for the genuine tagged Peter Grimm hat itself, which can be shaped, formed and customized in many different ways. Thanks to all those who did the modeling session. Wholesale on the hats is $65 — you only need to order 2 to get the wholesale price, so you’re actually getting one hat free!!!