Gravity is often thought of as one of the few “forces” that travel through the universe, pushing, pulling and getting in the way of everything, cluttering up the whole thing with their interactive interactions, as it were.
“Modern” science knows nothing of forces — what they are, why they are here and where they come from. Some scientists think they’ve isolated four major forces that govern the Einsteinian Universe — The Strong Force, The Weak Force, Electro-Magnetism and Gravity.
Shit, Gravity ain’t even a force. It’s an effect of Space-Bending, which is itself a result of information imposed upon or embedded within the Space-Time Matrix, which is a phantom projection oriented on the grid, with “objects” placed where an effect is to occur.
Weak Force, Strong Force — who named those two things, anyway? Some addle-brained super-scholar must have hit on those…
“Say, I’ve just discovered the two most fundamental forces in the universe,” exclaims Scientist. Continue reading