As Enlightened as one might be, a good-hearted truth-teller will always pass the gates.
See You At The Top!!!
Yes, indeed; I’m currently putting the finishing touches on “Seance”, which is a Seance Class Orb, of course, the granddaddy of them all. Other Seance Orbs will feature a variety of notorious celebrities of the past and a few from other far-flung galaxies. Basically, here’s the breakdown:
For some strange & wonderful reason, my Greenwich Village pal, Judy Henske, rides again; videos of her were impossible to find and now there are a few, at least, to inform the present generations about the talent that became the Psychedelic Sixties. Here she is singing a murder ballad — what else?– for some kids in Hootnanny Hoot. The film was a total bust, but this scene is terrific.
There are a variety of reincarnation games that really do work wonders to Get You In Touch With Your Former Selves… We’ll be exploring some of them in the next workshop, which will be during the Summer Solstice Festival the weekend of June 22nd through the 25th, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. If you stay over, you’ll be included in the breakfast crowd on Monday. Some of the reincarnation games are no-brainers — you played Cowboys & Indians or Old Settler or perhaps Hermann Goering in your high school drama department’s production of The Producers, thus:
I posted a tutorial on subway busking with HAPI drums. My HAPI drum stage setup now consists of an array of a total of 6 HAPI drums, a D Minor, a C Akebono, a UFO in C Major, an E Integral (pygmy & akebono) and a D Integral, which delivers all the HANG tones you could want, plus a stunning F# Minor thin guy — it really knocks ’em out in concert!!!
I wrote a photo book a number of years ago — it didn’t get published and it’s still in my hard-drive, waiting for someone to come along and take responsibility for its production, copyright issue handling, publicity and release. It contains an “as told to” biography of Harry and my personal memories of photo shoots we did from 1967 all the way to 1993.
Yes, they are here; they arrived in a boxy, cratey sort of UFO and started singing the moment they landed on Earth, singing all those pop songs they’d heard on our AM stations on the way in.
Introducing Youn Sun Nah — she is ‘way much more than just your average Bear. Here she is, performing a cover of Tom Waits’ “Jockey Full of Bourbon”. Our Chief MixMan Oz Fritz won two grammies for his work with Tom Waits!!! You will surely want to know more about the wonderful and beautiful Youn Sun Nah, and there’s plenty of video teasers up on youtube.
And you might also appreciate Gritos De Guerra performing Arrinconamela from Tony Gatlif’s “Vengo”..
Okay, that’s it for now — I’m off to breakfast, then I’ll be at the Festival of Ishtar. If you don’t know how to join us there online, go to to find out more…
World’s Worst Pop Albums? Easy answer, but each genre has its very own. However, I have a few examples to offer — at the very top of the list is one of my closest friends in 1966-69, Wildman Larry Fischer, who appears with Frank Zappa, his mentor and producer:
And then there was the inimitable and thoroughly “Star Quality” diva of the 1960s,