Buy This Bumper Sticker to Become a member of THE CLUB! You will be Instantly Richer Than Rich!

Prosperity Path Country Club Bumper Sticker
by prosperitypath
When you buy a bumper sticker or any other product sporting the “Prosperity Path Country Club” label or designation, you AUTOMATICALLY become a Member of “We’re More Famous Than Trump” Virtual Golf Tour. You just became a member of the Greatest, Richest and Most Important Virtual Country Club in the World, and you can prove it, NOW!
Sporting a “Prosperity Path Country Club” Bumper Sticker on your car is a Magical Act which will make you automatically rich beyond your wildest imagination. You will be a member of the most powerful, rich and influential clubs in the Quantum World, and that can wash over into what you laughingly call “The Real World”.
Very very rich people don’t need to impress anyone.
Read the above statement several times through, speaking the words aloud. Get this really into your understanding. Dig it deeply. Grok it fully. Get it, just totally get it. Continue reading →