Have you ever wondered who pays Joe Rogan, and how much does he earn per podcast? Come to think of it, unless you’re glued right into the social media scene, you’re more likely asking, “Who the hell is Joe Rogan???”, and you’d be right.
He started as a nobody, a nothing, a soul without a voice — gee, that more or less accurately describes your exact predicament today, doesn’t it?
Well, fret no more, amigo — you can transform yourself into the most interesting and exciting podcaster on the face of this or any other planet, just by learning the simple “ropes” — the ins and outs — of podcasting FOR A LIVING.
We’re not talking the occasional whimsy of the average shmoe, which is how we all start out in life, as an average shmoe — which means a nebbish, a nothing.
In short, you, me, everyone you’ll ever meet. Continue reading →