Where Did You Get That???
At the bottom of the blog, I’ll reveal where YOU can get these items for yourself!
Here’s my newest, latest line of stuff, mostly experimental designs on very interesting 3D items — their photos are goddawful small and there seem to be no larger images available, so my alternate plan is to actually order a number of items and send for them and when they arrive, put them on our own models and photograph them for our website and sales venues, plus of course magazine covers, etc. — The photos are intended for easy viewing in cell phones, but when we get our own photos, they’ll be much larger than what you see below.
Draped Short-Sleeve Tunic MoMa — $59.95 — I don’t know if you can pick up the detail in this beautifully draped short-sleeve tunic — it is really swell and dandy, and a total bargain at only $49.95! Continue reading →