Heap of Talking Money says “Greatest baseball champ? Mickey Mantle!”
Money talks, this we know to be true. We can see it in our daily lives every single day, and that goes double for when you have to go food shopping at your local feed store or supermarket or giant package store.
Talking Money also makes the world go ’round. Again, something we can experientially verify through our senses and, well, our experience.
Money is a powerful driver, and it’s totally on automatic. Even if you are utterly bored with money and you are completely uninterested in money, you have to pay the bills, and you can’t ignore your needs and your family’s needs.
Micky Rat and I have posted a number of DR-Dissolving Radiations Orbs on my rare & unusual seller’s store on eBay. I posted over 500 items there and and on insane investor’s emporium I posted an additional hundred or so, all with the idea in mind of offering you an opportunity to pick up something you’d like at a fraction of the price, basically a giveaway, with the added fun of an auction that starts off at a single dollar — at these prices, nobody gets hurt.
So among the things I posted are a few of the DR Orbs, and I wanted to give you an idea of what I had in mind. Continue reading →
Please note that the above graphic is live-linked to the selling page that carries this product, but that same page is also a gateway to an entire shopful of hundreds of items that they might also find of interest.
Placing live-link graphics is part of the New Marketing, and using dozens or hundreds of websites to drive traffic to your selling “target” pages is called “Cluster Marketing”. Both social media and cluster marketing will be necessary to create serious wealth and to make a real impact in the art and fashion market.
Transgender Designer LeslieAnn introduces a new line branded “LeslieAnn’s Leggins”
LeslieAnn’s Leggins is, according to Claude’s estimate, and he’s seldom wrong on these matters, going to be a smash-hit viral sensation on the market.
I have a special set of diagrammatic and sparkly whammo designs just ready for the market, and for someone brave to take a chance and open a “LeslieAnn’s Leggins” Branded Store, either brick-and-mortar or just online.
You buy the UNIQUE designs for your shop for one low simple price and then all the profit is yours. There is a “hit clause” just in case your sales go over a million a week, but I know you’ll want that in there for the good of the work community.
So if you don’t have any money to throw around, what are the opportunities here???
Zen teapots, Zen platters. Doesn’t that sound awfully familiar? It should sound familiar, and if you’re immortal and have a decent Multitrack Memory, it should ring more than just a bell, it should ring several bells, because this isn’t the first time you’ve ever come this way.
You react to this world as if it’s all a big surprise.
It shouldn’t be. This level is always more or less the same, with more or less the same results — the major facts never change, just the details, but in this time-frame, Trump is always in power, always outrageous and always getting himself in trouble. Continue reading →