Well, by dingy-dongy, I done it. I was determined to finish the MaMa Gift Shop tonight, and I did, but now I’m totally ragged and have to go down for a while.
I may or may not make it back up for the Sunday morning zoom meeting, but I will give it my best try when the time comes — I won’t know until then.
So the items I selected for the gift shop were things I thought were fun and affordable. Continue reading →
CRYPTO USB NFT EJ Gold “Rome 3 Extreme” – edition of 100 – Lot of 10 for $390.00
Find out how to sell stuff online, without actually owning things. How? You have but to inquire of me in one of our morning meetings how YOU can help the community by offering things for sale without having to buy them or store them or ship them. You can sell, we drop-ship deliver for you. But what about digital downloads?
Here’s what I thought would be a good pitch for a digital download, but I strongly suggest against eBay as a venue — they are NOT friendly to game developers, and every single download costs YOU $9.95 in advance whether the item sells or not, and it’s only one at a time, no multiple listings. Forget it, there are plenty of other venues for selling videogames, and eBay generally is a big stone wall against which your voice trembles and collapses into a ball of dust.
Oh, it’s not that they’re not friendly — they are, in a cold-blooded corporate sort of fashion, quite friendly, and they’ll read you the rules and regulations over and over again, but they can’t offer advice or explain what the hell it all means. It’s not their fault; it’s just that their rules and regulations were made to keep the little guy down, and fill the pockets of the greedy bastards who control and run eBay, that’s all.
We ARE the little guy, and they never let us forget it.
So I’ll show you the wording I came up with for a classified digital download listing on eBay, even though I clicked off and will have nothing to do with it, and I’ll tell you why. The fact is, when you pay ten bucks for the ad, that’s the same as the cost of a flash drive, and it’s ME that has to pay the extra ten bucks to list it.
I clearly can’t list a thing for $20.00 bucks when I can offer the same digital download on Payloads for much less, and I don’t have to pay in advance, like I do with eBay, and I don’t pay for what I don’t sell, which is also different from the eBay deal.
Working on the Atrium Shop with standard glass cases & overhead Lighting.
It is a time for new beginnings, for a new hope, and here are a few ideas to get you started:
Zombie Family Hot Sauces & Popcorn Shake — this is a booth that we make for you and stock for you and you sell in your own neighborhood.
Birthday Coin Earrings & Pendants. You can make any date jewelry with Lincoln Cents, and they can be worn without harm to the coin!
Rock Art Projects — Hundreds of Rock Art Projects come with all parts needed, plus instructional video link on youtube for each and every project.
PLS Course — You can start right away with the PLS cards, and there will be issued, very soon now, a “Beginner’s Pack” only one lifetime track away from here, in the Victorian/Edwardian Period, easy to work with, and tons of fun with history!
CQR Acrylic Lockets — Totally wearable, the CQR is protected by the “slab style” acrylic encasing. Wear it in the shower, throw it against a wall, run over it with a truck, as long as the acrylic capsule is intact, the coin is 100% safe from harm.
Rare Coin Jewelry — For the first time EVER, you can wear your most precious coins without harm to the coin.
Rare Meteorite Jewelry — Slices of rare meteorites can be mounted in acrylic capsules and fitted out with silver, gold or bronze finials & bails.
Painted Cabochon Rings — A complete set of rings necessary to sell your cabochon stones. You only need a single sample to sell these rings — they’re shipped when done. Sizes 7, 8, 9 and 10 only. All other sizes must be cut, welded and polished, which I don’t do — it is definitely an additional cost of around $50-$100 depending on the jeweler’s level of compassion.
Miniature Dollhouse Scale Paintings — These are genuine gesso prepped canvases on actual hardwood stretcher bars, 2″x4″ and 3″x3″. Black gessoed 3″x3″ canvases are also available. These can be sold at anywhere from $39.95 up to hundreds, if you can do dog and cat portraits.
Chess, Checkers, Backgammon & Tic Tac Toe Sets — You can make a number of great elegant board games using stones, and there’s a kit for every kind of game you can think of!
There are, of course, more ideas and more plans, but get started on ONE project now, while you can still do it.
Call to ask about project kits that are currently available.
The giant print flipper allows pieces up to 30″x40″ to be shown.
There’s this big chunk of mountain that comes crashing down to the river some 540 million years ago. It gets broken up into smaller pieces and then eventually is ground down to a bunch of smaller stones that get buried in the gravel bars of the rushing river.
As they roll downstream, they contact other similar rocks in the river and, just like it happens in a lapidary “tumbler” device, the stones grind and polish one another.
The process can be sped up in a lapidary workshop, merely by adding some grinding abrasive compound — it’s a simple cutting powder that you’d put into the water in the rock-tumbler.
The rocks in the tumbler go ’round and ’round, grinding against each other, sometimes for months, but it’s a LOT faster than the river method.
If you were to produce the ringstones and brooch stones that I offer in my rock shop, and you had to glue a dop stick to the back of the stone and hit it with a diamond cutting wheel, and then shape it, form it and polish it, that would be the work of several days.
All I have to to is hop into the car and drive 55 miles away to a landscaping yard where they have enormous bags and heaps of rocks, and select the ones I want, get them weighed and priced out, pay the invoice, load the rocks into the trunk and drive back home, another hour’s drive.
In all, I spend about an hour to an hour and a half choosing the rocks that I want to get. We’re pretty friendly with the landcape arts people, and they help us quite a lot to get loaded — in the freighting sense of the word — and they often have suggestions about rocks that they’ve just gotten in. Continue reading →
Practicing guitar is always an option. Play softly.
If you’re operating a shop, storefront, booth, kiosk or busking station, you’ll want to know what to do with those interminable waiting periods between customers, and there will be plenty of them, believe it.
Many retailers and service personnel lose a LOT of precious productivity, and when you own your own business and want to be your own boss — well, you’ll have a LOT of time on your hands.
If you’re ever in a department store where customers are not actually engaged in sales, you’ll see the salespeople adjusting things, dusting things, re-arranging things, pricing things — basically, doing something, anything, to appear busy.
It’s widely believed, and perhaps it’s true, that if customers see salespeople loafing about, they won’t buy a thing, which certainly matches my extensive experience in retail.
Heck-darn, when you’re talking Retail, you’re talking Planet Earth. Why, back home, we NEVER pay retail — nobody pays retail anywhere except here on Planet Earth.
Humans of Planet Earth are so ignorant, they call it “bartering”, not “bargaining”, when you make offers and counter-offers.
Bartering is where you trade a laying hen for a carpenter’s work fixing your wagon, and I don’t mean that figuratively at all. Continue reading →
First of all, let me inform you about a few important coin facts you might not know. Number one on the list is the growing popularity of State Quarters, which in fact includes Territories, State and Federal Parks and scenics from the series, “America the Beautiful”, which with the EPA totally gone, will be the only things left from that era of natural beauty which was the now-destroyed Obama Legacy.
Gosh, I’m waxing eloquent on the subject of local politics again, but it’s not politically motivated — I’m merely trying to establish the future scarcity of anything resembling natural beauty, and that includes U.S. Quarter Dollars prior to the Rule of Trump.
You might not know what’s coming, but I do, and it doesn’t include ANYTHING that wasn’t made in honor of Trump, and that means ALL currency that doesn’t have HIS picture on it.
Like I said, I’ve seen this a billion times before, and it never gets old, haw, haw haw!!!
Joking aside, this is a great chance to make a BUNDLE, enough to establish a getaway outside the United States, and the Bugout Pack that enables YOU to get to your safe harbor.
I’m looking into a Safe Harbor somewhere close to here, but always with the expectation that we might be forced to leave the continent, should Canada and Mexico fall prey to someone’s sense of destiny. Continue reading →
Imagine YOUR very own Pegboard Tiny Shop on display here! Do it today!!!
If you’re looking for a fast path to telepathy and astral projection, you can’t get faster than Coinology.
The Coinology Search and Rescue Mission is unbeatable as a fast path.
That having been said, there are a number of related fast path avenues open to you, and what’s more, not only are they spiritually uplifting and dynamically demanding of Essence Participation, but they pay off in cold, hard cash.
Cold and hard because it comes to you mostly in coins.
Nobody wants to get stuck with pocket change. That’s a habit you’ll have to break real soon, if you intend to succeed beyond your wildest dreams, which you can and should do, as I said, real soon.
You don’t have much time left to do this work. Trump will close down any and every possible spiritual path other than what serves his political ambitions.
If you knew how limited your work-time in this world was, you’d be burning the midnight oil to get through it just in the nick of time.
In the Organic World, an artist is lucky to have four shows a year, period. One gallery might show your work every year, others will have you wait three or four years between shows, not to eat up the market with overflow. In Prosperity Virtual Ashram, there’s no reason you can’t put up a new show every month, and if you’re totally beyond bizarre, a new art show every single day. Why not? You’re your own boss on your parcel! And speaking about parcels, don’t forget to learn how to promote your shop, gallery, hangout, club, showroom, chapel or whatever! You can find out more about this at this upcoming weekend’s WORK RELATIONSHIPS workshop. Don’t miss it if you can!!! We’ll be having live auctions inworld for items that are out of this world!
This is an exact museum-grade replica of the pistol that was used by John Wilkes Booth to assassinate Abraham Lincoln on the night of April 14, 1865, the end of the Civil War. I had the idea that this, and other famous and infamous weapons, could be sold out of a small shop somewhere. I have civil war, revolutionary war, modern and wild western replicas, all of which are exact weight, size and balance of the original. They are the remainder of a quick-draw school I ran back in the ’60s. I’d like to train someone to take the business over. The entire shop is available, or I can make ten times as much by selling the items one at a time on eBay — or YOU could!!! My plan is to offer a demo of the exact use of each of the weapons. I was a Trainfire cadre at Ford Ord and I have the photos somewhere to prove it…
Remember Peter and Antonia Stampfel and the Holy Modal Rounders? Probably not, but if you saw them on Rowan & Martin’s Laugh-In in 1968, they looked like this: