No, I’m not kidding — what I’m laying down here is well worth a million bucks, but most people will never see what it is, nor will they attempt to even explore, let alone master, the contents thereof. So be it — it’s none of my affair, just a traffic accident in the rear-view mirror, and good luck to you when you land. Continue reading
Great New Photo Finds!!!
Ain’t this somethin’? These two bronze alien figures are the same casting, but with two different patinas, which were put into the surface with various acids and whatnot, something you wouldn’t want to try at home. These reside here, and I’m no longer doing bronzes, although I have a few still around that I’m willing to sell. Continue reading
On My Way to Breakfast…
On da way to breakfast and of course the morning meeting. Just wanted to show you this:

And also you might get a kick out of this:
You can get some of my paintings in the form of dresses and other garments. Okay, just one more, and then I gotta run like crazy to get there in time.
After all these years it finally occurred to me to brand the oils — hence, “Brane-Power Essential Oils” and other products, such as incenses, candles, smudge sticks and yoga pants and shirts — pretty much everything can fall under the brand, especially herbs and spices, teas and coffees and herbal bath preparation.
Used up my few moments spare time,
See You At The Top!!!
Just have enough time between here and breakfast to plug in a few short videos that you might enjoy. We’re in the middle of a rolling blackout that started yesterday and will continue until Thursday morning, I’m told. It’s PGE’s way of getting even with us for being victims, or so they say on the morning news. The short form is that there won’t be a morning meeting today, and there may not be one tomorrow. No electric, guys! It wasn’t a fire, or an accident or a catastrophic failure, just some PG&E guys decided to make rolling blackouts so when something bad happens, they can point to them and say, “We tried our level best to make things go right!”, but they don’t. Continue reading
Newest Latest Thumbnails!
Yes, at last, a profoundly effective thumbnail workup that makes your job a whole lot easier, and makes it more likely that someone will hit the thumbnail and view your video, but keep in mind that with my virtual magic thumbnails, THE THUMBNAIL IS THE DESTINATION – the client need go no further to achieve our goal, which is: the thumbnail streamed on by, whether it was viewed or not, it was there for a fraction of an instant, and it’s on every computer that’s tuned in to youtube, but only for a momentary passing. Continue reading
Just a Reminder…
Yeh, that’s the idea — of course it’s a gimmick, but what if it isn’t? The entire deal rests with YOU using the rising ball to create a comedy scene where the ball is constantly trying to get away from you. The addition of a wire gimmick gives you the ability to have the ball dart in and out and bob about rapidly or slowly, at your bidding. Continue reading
On Da Way To ICW
I’ve made up a couple hundred of these ashram views with “prosperity path virtual ashram” titles on them, as you see above. I’ll be making some of these available to those who don’t have the skills to make them for their videos, but it will be a while before I can get them out there, so anyone with those skills, please help your friends in the ashram!
This Zen Garden is a new concept for me in meditation presentations. I’ll be making one-hour calming videos in the next few days, with any luck and a modicum of time available.
Well, gotta run, breakfast time, then ICW, go go go!!!
See You At The Top!!!
Watch This Space!
Six Incredible Social Media Examples!
Here is a small collection of the first six videos we uploaded onto gorebagg’s youtube channel, mostly dedicated to gaming, music and fun! Explore it and see how the other half lives!
Yep, that’s right – I went ahead and deleted yet another of my level 99 chars — there’s no point to keeping them, even with the thought of helping younger less resistant players, but actually, it robs them of the points they need to upgrade their chars and their mercs. Continue reading
Your Neighborhood Tantra Fitness Center
Yes, here’s a bit of the Norton Street Play, which I’m hoping some theatrically-inspired group will produce and videotape so we can put the whole thing up on youtube! That’s what I had hoped when I posted this some four years ago on ejgoldguru. Well, maybe now it’s time to see it happen.
Wanna See How Shit Floats?
Let’s Make Some Magic:
Enter these subjects into your search bar on youtube and see what happens! Now, these are not tightly specific — they are of general interest and are very large and inclusive search categories, very much toward the generic side, so expect that my videos will not be at the top, but they will be within easy reach of the top of the list, and therefore very likely to get some hits with their high ranking in this particular search, although in other searches they may be lower down or entirely absent, depending on the stupidity of the operator and the smartness of the browser.
- 5 Best Copper Wire Projects
- How To Wrap Crystals in Copper Wire
- UFO Crash Sci Fi Parody
- Jim Morrison Story
- How I Make Magic Rings
- How to Make a Sculpture Armature Cheap
- SuperBeacon
- Crystal Radio
- How to Make a Silver Viking Ring
Okay, gotta go,
See You At The Top!!!