Orm McGill and I did a performance at our annual convention back a few years ago, and during the time we were in contact, about five years, he passed on to me a number of invaluable hints on stage hypnosis.
Of course we talked about spirit communication, and he was Dr. Zomb, the Angel Whisperer and his Seance of Wonders are still the talk of the magic community.
I was asked if I had a copy of his “Angel Seance Show” book, but I’ll do a whole lot better than that — here’s a link to the DVD that shows his “Meet Your Angel” technique.
This $2,200 1925-s was hiding in a pile of junk coins, looking worthless as hell, until I spotted it — it’s brown and blends in with the junk perfectly well.
“On the street, Hale could feel really successful. The bitter wind slashed at him; he had only seventy-six cents in his pocket and no place to sleep. At last, he was getting somewhere!”
That’s a quote from my Dad Horace’s fantasy novel, “None But Lucifer”, and it’s relevant to the practice I intend to introduce, the practice of Coinology, which starts out by learning to actually SEE what you’re looking at, which is the very essence of the Waking State and is the gate to higher consciousness and essence love.
When you send for Gorby’s Penny Prospecting Kit #1 at only $49.95, you will receive nothing but the very worst, I promise!
I personally guarantee that every single coin you receive in your Gorby’s Wheaties Loot Bag will be worthless, or as near worthless as I can arrange.
I personally search and destroy all value coins out of the pack, to be sold for exorbitant amounts to passers-by.
Because you’re learning to see VALUE and GRADE, and it’s invisible against similar grade, so it needs a contrasting background, hence the bag of crap coins intended to throw you off and confuse things as completely as possible.
Good versus evil, red versus blue, warm versus cold. It’s contrast that helps you see a thing, like spotting a dark meteorite on a field of snow or desert sand. It’s easy to see against a starkly contrasting background, but imagine finding that same meteorite in a jungle or amongst similar-looking rocks.
You wouldn’t stand a chance.
So, I gotta give you something to SEE the high value high grade coins against, and that’d be junk coins, all no better than GOOD to VERY GOOD, and that’s what I’ve spent hours and hours doing — scouring out all the quality down to crap.
Want perfect coins? Want to hit the JACKPOT COIN of all time? Want to be the hero on your block with a self-found MS-66 RD 1909-s VDB ready for third-party grading?
Well, don’t give it another thought. That’s not going to happen, at least not by searching junk coins. The real money is in the junk. What is someone else’s throwaway is your treasure, if you know how to SEE.
So forget about hitting The Big One, and concentrate on transmission of the Teaching.
Okay, so you’re not going to hit the Big One, the 1909-s VDB or 1922 No D, so what IS going to happen???
What IS going to happen is that you are going to train yourself to properly, efficiently and effectively search 1909-1939 Wheaties for value above what you paid.
You’ll be paying exactly what I pay — anywhere from 5 cents a coin for the 1930s coins to a dime for the 1920s coins and 20 cents a pop for the 1930s coins, for the bag of 100% LIFETIME GUARANTEED bag of junk coins, all G-4-6, not a bit higher, and certainly no lower.
Now, hidden deeply within the bag of junk “BASE” coins will be several “TARGET” COINS which you’ll try to pick out from the bagful of crap coins, which will cost you an average of a dime per junk coin. Continue reading →
the magical mystery tour is coming to take you away…
How would you like to take a walking tour of the Between-Lives State and never leave the apparent safety of your desktop computer?
Merely send for “Practical Guide to the Labyrinth” and you’ll have an adventure in sight, sound and text, created just for you from my original 35mm color photos, put together with soundbytes and interactive fun, by computer wizard Wayne Hoyle. Continue reading →
That’s the one I’m working on this morning. A seance with Princess Diana! Think of it! There you are, face-to-face with the amazing, astounding super-celebrity of All Time, Princess Diana, moon goddess, formidable huntress and most beautiful blue-eyed blond-haired daughter of Jupiter and Latona, born on the island of Delos, same as me, back in the day. Her twin brother Apollo already has a clientele of his own in my Oracle Class Orbs. A midwife named Egeria and a woodcutter named Virbius helped her out when she went into business with the very first Free Womens’ Clinic of the Moon back in the day. Diana, along with her two “maiden” sisters Minerva and Vesta, swore never to marry. Of course, this didn’t prohibit fooling around once in a while. Diana is often painted as a naked huntress or a royal personage on a shopping spree, but she claims it’s her head plopped onto someone else’s body in a sort of Renaissance version of Adobe Photoshop. Go figure.