Trump wants everybody to ignore the corona virus, “Because it will all of a sudden go away,” and he wants YOU to send YOUR kids back to school, even with the high risk of sudden death for students, teachers, administrators and of course, grandparents of said schoolkids.
Okay, let’s for a moment say that it can be done without money, which is how Trump is demanding it be done.
Your kids are in school from, let’s say, 8:30 every day, with no alternate days to lower the numbers of kids in a single classroom at one time.
They are there five days a week, 8:30 am to 2:30 or 3:00 pm. Continue reading →
Actually, you’re Remote Viewing almost all the time. When you visualize anything that you don’t see in the nearby space, you’re casting out into Time/Space, and catching a hook into a nearby Time/Space, but it isn’t the same as the one you’re in right now, and that’s Remote Viewing, no matter how you look at it.
Whenever you think, “Now, where did I put my keys (or wallet or purse)???” you automatically start a process of sifting through cut-scenes, looking for that elusive article.
Once in a while, you’re get a startlingly clear picture of something that happened years or decades ago. Just imagine how much memory you’d have to be able to haul around in that body’s brain and nervous system, if you weren’t able to instantly connect up with the actual event and “remember” it by Remote Viewing it, usually a procedure that’s tagged “in the name of memory”, but memory it isn’t — it’s Remote Viewing the target as a present-time Remote View. Continue reading →
Original Signed Picasso Copperplate Engraving of Ballet Dancers, 1945.
I have several museum-grade collections just sitting in three bank vaults — important art historical art and literature collections that would be highly appreciated by any public institution that received them. They are of the highest caliber and significance. You might want to purchase one or more of them and donate them to your favorite museum, university or library or build a space to house one or more of these collections. All the collections are legal to own, and have been on public display in the United States for more than half a century.
Typically, museums don’t buy things — they expect them to be donated, and many people enjoy tax benefits from buying collections and then donating them to a museum, library or university, as well as other venues such as jazz schools, jazz clubs, jazz and art academies and even malls and shops, medical waiting rooms and hospital hallways, where the weight limitations are very important and easily met by our display team technologies, and several folks have donated their collections to local Elks clubs and other public benefit organizations.
There are many other benefits that might accrue for you or someone you know, resulting from the donation of an important art or history collection, not the least of which is the sheer pleasure you get from sharing with thousands of people the beauty that you have discovered in your life, possibly bringing love, joy and beauty to theirs as well.
In addition, if your gift is important enough, you might have a Hall or a Wing named after yourself, or a loved one in memoriam, or you might elect to donate anonymously or posthumously or both. I’d discuss Living Trusts and other instruments with my accountant and attorney before making any decisions, though — you never really know what your options are until you check with the professionals for professional advice that they can guarantee and for which they take responsibility. Continue reading →
I have in my sweaty little digits a rather aged piece of parchment; a yellowed typewriter sheet with very dated typing, done by an IBM Selectric with a sans-serif type-ball, sometime in 1975, and lost for all the intervening years until this very morning as is, when my hand landed on it, stuffed in amongst a pile of long-forgotten papers…. The paper has just dates and a few words of notation on the side. I’ll elaborate that with commentary. I have photos of all these events, and they’re free to see on…
JUN 1964 — BACK FROM THE WAR — There never was ASA in Vietnam. I was a PFC Clerk-Typist Trainee 006, stationed permanently at Fort Devens, Mass. Ignore the sripes I wore at Fort Ord where I was a weapons instructor.
You’ll note my MOS designation: “006”. That’s only one number away from the infamous James Bond, “007”!!!
Double O Six meant “Licensed To Seriously Annoy”. I returned to a civilian job as a Remote Reader, which I quickly abandoned in favor of author — I landed a job as a writer at a fabulous .25 a word!
It’s almost Back to School Week, time to download my newest releases for Early Education & Fun Learning Games. In my games, no one gets hurt! Nothing bad will ever happen to you in Prosperity Path Games. Only good things will happen to you! Try Experiential Learning Games today! You can order your Attention Bunny, Self-Esteem Bear and Cow of Learning on the Prosperity Path Rewards Page.