Most people don’t walk around in a necklace made with genuine antiquities, and most folks don’t know the difference between an antique and an antiquity, and furthermore, most folks don’t know that they’re even allowed to own a genuine ancient item.
Very few people have ever had the experience of walking around wearing something ancient, something worn in ancient times by someone who lived thousands of years ago.
That’s right, a new beginning, and that’s what it’s going to take to get through this next year’s Work Intensives, Workshops and Clinics.
We’ll be exploring a whole new spiritual technology.
First on the list is the Guardian Angel Amulet, the most popular ammy I’ve ever produced. It is simply amazing, but you’ll have to read the testimonials for yourself!
Secondly, I’ve made a few Guardian Angel Pendants, Earring Sets, Bracelets, Rings and other items of daily use — they’ll do well as a reseller item, or a premium for one of your clients when they make a major purchase or commission, or you might think of other uses for these delightful products of my studio workshop.
All the items mentioned here were made by me, generally to demonstrate the techniques, which are available just for the asking. I will teach anyone who wants to learn, like it says in the song. Continue reading →
The giant print flipper allows pieces up to 30″x40″ to be shown.
There’s this big chunk of mountain that comes crashing down to the river some 540 million years ago. It gets broken up into smaller pieces and then eventually is ground down to a bunch of smaller stones that get buried in the gravel bars of the rushing river.
As they roll downstream, they contact other similar rocks in the river and, just like it happens in a lapidary “tumbler” device, the stones grind and polish one another.
The process can be sped up in a lapidary workshop, merely by adding some grinding abrasive compound — it’s a simple cutting powder that you’d put into the water in the rock-tumbler.
The rocks in the tumbler go ’round and ’round, grinding against each other, sometimes for months, but it’s a LOT faster than the river method.
If you were to produce the ringstones and brooch stones that I offer in my rock shop, and you had to glue a dop stick to the back of the stone and hit it with a diamond cutting wheel, and then shape it, form it and polish it, that would be the work of several days.
All I have to to is hop into the car and drive 55 miles away to a landscaping yard where they have enormous bags and heaps of rocks, and select the ones I want, get them weighed and priced out, pay the invoice, load the rocks into the trunk and drive back home, another hour’s drive.
In all, I spend about an hour to an hour and a half choosing the rocks that I want to get. We’re pretty friendly with the landcape arts people, and they help us quite a lot to get loaded — in the freighting sense of the word — and they often have suggestions about rocks that they’ve just gotten in. Continue reading →
Alien nude from my unpublished book, “Alien Portraits”
Often I’ll come up with an art series that has been inspired by Diablo 2, and the “Alien Portraits” portfolio is one of those ideas that never reached the public, but is sitting there, ready and waiting, for a publishing opportunity.
Sometimes it takes a while to get out there with a good idea. Meanwhile, I’ll be working on teleporting tonight.
It’s not that I forgot how to teleport or something — I’m trying to come up with a set of TRAINING DRILLS that will work here, and I think I have a few ideas that you’ll find very easy to implement, very effective to use and have a definite spillover effect in your daily life, which is all to the good.
See, the idea behind the TELE is the SWAY.
The idea is generally to use a series of gaming drills that help you find your “TELE-LEGS” — that’s professional “teleport talk” for achieving that gaming sway and swerve that makes you stand out as an excellent player.
But you want to develop your skills without pain and without injury, so you work within a situation where things are such that you don’t get swatted like a fly while trying to learn the aforementioned skills.
And what skills are they?
They are primarily skills of relaxing and moving without involvement in conflict, and that means skirting great mounds of howling enraged mobs of vicious unregistered and unlisted creatures ravenously biting at you from every direction.
Avoiding the Christmas Rush, you TELE in and TELE out.
Speaking of Christmas, we can use the BARDO SAFARI operations as a way of putting the “X” back in “Xmas”.
It’s all about the SWAY, and that comes with PRACTICE, and there isn’t any other way to get it — there is no mental substitute for PRACTICE.
Best way to get some practice in the TELE would be to find a gaming space that matches the general conditions of what it will be like in the area to which you think you might be teleporting, and duplicate that space, but do it in a quiet zone, no enemies about.
The very first thing you want to do is to TELE — teleport — where NOTHING can possibly happen to you, there are no enemies alive, and where there are no surprises. Continue reading →
Sometimes it’s just best to roll with the punches, and in the case of the Amerikan economy in the Age of Trump, you’re pretty much on your own to scuffle about as best you can. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer, so it’s time to get even, and I intend to show you how.
Bracelet with Round Charm 7″ Brass bracelet with electroplated nickel, silver plating, finished with a non-tarnish overcoat glass, only $25.99 and you can use this as your basic bracelet, and add charms from my shops.
There’s a world of difference between a money magnet and hoping for a break. If you have penetrated The Veil, you’ll easily be able to UNMASK THE SIM to reveal the workings behind the apparencies. Continue reading →
First of all, “to make” or “to buy” — let us consider the facts in the case, Watson:
You might find a ring already-made in my collection, in which case, you can decide whether you want to pay my price or make your own for far less, with materials that I can provide, giving you every single piece you need to assemble the finished article.
You might have found an already-made ring in my collection and the stone can’t be duplicated. In this case, you’re stuck with one of only two options — buy it or don’t.
You might have found a stone in my large collection of ancient stones, one that’s perfect for your work-needs. In this case, you need only the ring-shank, the .20 gauge wrapping wire, the spacer side-beads and the stone itself to make your very own magical tool.
Here are some of the uses to which the various types of stones can be put:
ATLANTIS — Stones designated as “Atlantis” or “Atlantean” are thus described regarding their approximate date of manufacture, but in this case dating back to at least 8,400 B.C.E., which is to say, before the Second Great Flood, the one recorded as the story of Noah in the Old Testament.
Many of my most ancient man-made beads date from around 12,600 B.C.E. and can be used to access the following:
Time/Space Configurations in breathing sculptures, Comara Gallery, LA, 1966.
If you have a lot of impact from Past Lives in your present life, you’ll appreciate this breakthrough method, called “Remote Reading”, something I did for a living back in the day when Remote Reading was a respectable part of intelligence and counterintelligence operations, which it still is, regardless of what they will tell you — I run into Remote Readers all the time, and Remote Reading is still very much a part of the operations of the Intelligence Community around the world and far beyond.
You can disarm a lot of present-life impact from past lives, and you’d be surprised at how much impact they can have on you and your peace of mind. Remote Reading gives you the key to the Kingdom, and is a great first step toward Astral Projection, if out-of-body is what you have in mind.
Remote Reading is where you suddenly appear somewhere far away in time, space or both, without having traversed time or space to get there. I’ll explain more:
Remote Reading is far easier than Astral Projection, because you don’t have to lug your Astral Body around in order to Remote Read, and Remote Reading, truth to say, accomplishes pretty much the same thing as Astral Projection, without all the hassle.
To begin with, you don’t project with any body high or low — you merely L@@K at your target Time/Space Event, whatever and wherever it may be or have been. We won’t neglect Remote Readings of the Present Time/Space as well as far-distant worlds.
The whole key to time and space voyaging is TIME. Time is the Bridge between Now & Then, between Here & There, between the Seen and the Unseen. If you rely on space travel, you’ll need to accelerate to almost lightspeed to get anywhere at all, and then you’d be wasting a lot of time, fuel and planetary resources.
Just take a side-exit through a time-bridge, simple as ABC.
Time/space is interwoven, like muscles and nerves. There is no way to separate Time from Space, sort of inseparable threads of a cloth, the warp and the weft, or weave — move one, and the other distorts to accommodate and adjust to the new configuration.
Space/Time is sort of a floating cloud of streaming and dancing particles, existing within a multi-dimensional “cube” — actually a double folded tesseract — a cube made from six cubes all occupying the same space at the same time, but in different frequency vibrations — that develops its seemingly convoluted dimensions by mirroring opposing planes, but who’s counting?
Another way of understanding the MegaCreation MultiVerse is to visualize it as a giant cloud of expanding complex filaments, extending in every direction forever — and that doesn’t quite get it across.
Deep within all the huge cosmic spaces is the GRID, which is a bunch of tiny dots called “points”, which are nothing more than locations given in x, y and z coordinates, but it’s very large, using very large numbers and wildly complicated calculations, but since the calculations are all performed in Real Time on a quantum-connected information field, there’s an infinite number of possible points, minus one.
In Interstellar Travel, you don’t need to travel any faster than a car to get across a wormhole, and the same is doubly true when jumping through a TimeHole, which is a wormhole in time, rather than space, requiring no more effort to cross over than to merely decide to have a look-see.
In Remote Reading, you don’t have to cross any boundaries or separate yourself from your body, because you’re not taking a body on your journey — you’re just looking with your Special Attention, which you learned by taking coached Remote Reading Sessions.
In a coached Remote Reading Session, you’ll establish first the Time/Space that is MOST impacting your present life at the moment. Your coach will have a set of rings, pendants, necklaces, bracelets, pillow charms, medallions and earrings from which to select those relics that will most likely get you there the fastest with the most clarity of vision.
Earrings will be your own once you wear them — can’t return them and shouldn’t, once they’ve been through someone’s earlobe, but all the rest you can use just for the session, then hand back to your coach, who will return them to their places in his or her Remote Reading Session Kit.
In this way, the Relics serve more or less as snap-on tools for the exploration of a related Time/Space, the place from which the Relic came to the present Time/Space, which would be the Training Area set aside by your coach for this purpose. Continue reading →
Studying actual ancient gold jewelry to understand how simple techniques can achieve powerful results.
Jewelers in ancient times had various tools available to them, depending upon the culture, the level of culture, the opportunities available to them or to their friends and families, but mostly it rested upon the traditions passed on through the generations.
Jewelers today have the same practices — many secrets are guarded and passed on only from father to son, mother to daughter, aunt or uncle to nieces & nephews. In short, they trust only family with these secrets.
Copper Earrings with Gold-Flashed French-Style Surgical Steel Ear Wires.
To begin with, an unorganized and messy studio will have a powerful impact on your ability to produce items for the marketplace. If you don’t care what you make or how it turns out or whether it ever gets actually worn, you have no problem working in a junkpile, but if you want to know what resources you have, and you want those resources to be findable, you’ll have to make some decisions about how your workbench will be arranged and what places on the workbench will do what jobs. Continue reading →
Reincarnation Relic Rings — that’s what I’m doing tonight, all night long, custom rings made to your specifications, by date, by location or by occult powers of stones.
Even ancient glass has profound occult effects, and some glass is over 1200 years old, dating to the earliest known manufacture of glass, which is more or less melted sand, but with various elements added to the mix to make a variety of types of glass, everything from dark green all the way to brilliant opalescent clarity.
I have made many Relic Rings, but never had the packaging that could let them sell without me being right there to custom-explain the thing, and that goes double for online sales.
With the New Improved Packaging System, we get several things.
Sealed for security integrity of item.
Guaranteed to be what it says or your money back, period.
Guaranteed authenticity & that it came from my collection.
Age of item is given clearly, as in: “2,000 yrs old”, or “433 B.C.”.
Place of origin is given, if known, or general area, if known.
Sealed archival environment protects the item until opened.
Size of ring is given on the outside of package.
Sealed packaging means your ring is clean when you receive it.
Type of metal is indicated. “.925” means 92.5 % pure silver.
The heavy sterling silver high-conductance ring shank acts as an Induction Ring.
Your ring is absolutely unique. There is no other ring on Earth exactly like it.
So from whence came all these relics and ancient objects? Continue reading →