Easy Steps to Remote Viewing Mastery


Here are the first beginning easy level-by-level steps to Remote Viewing Mastery. Remote Reading will be easy for you if you follow the step by step procedures:

  • PARK THE BODY — Learn how to Park the Body for a Remote Session.
  • READ THE TARGET — Learn the names & descriptions of the Training Targets.
  • DRAW THE TARGET — Learn how to draw each of the Training Targets.
  • PREDICT THE TARGET — Learn to scan for the correct Training Target & Name it.
  • GET THREE HITS IN A ROW TO PASS TO NEXT LEVEL — Self-Explanatory — do it.

This training can be given online, and could possibly be made available as a home study course or kit for the first level.

The placement of the Targets will become more occluded and occult — hidden — as one proceeds up the Levels.

Each “Pass” will require three correct “Remote Hits” in a row.

Once you have complete mastery on Training Targets, you can begin actual Remote Reading Sessions, starting with Atlantis, the easiest to reach and the brightest to see and definitely the most fun to visit.

Okay, it’s also productive on a spiritual level, but fun is definitely part of the picture.

You’ll need a number of personal tools for these experiments in spirit — notably, a bit of drawing skill that’s easy to learn and need not be terribly accurate. You’ll see what I mean when you start generating Remote Reading Sketches.

See You At The Top!!!



Not a Reproduction, Not a Copy, Not an Imitation — The Real Thing

Order some antique and ancient coins, and use them in your practice Remote Readings.


Not a reproduction, this shipwreck treasure is an original Spanish coin that was made anywhere from 1516 to 1808. These, along with the famous “Pieces of 8”, were used in Early Colonial America.

They are not “Colonials” in the sense of coins produced by either one of the colonies or by the Federal Mint, primarily because there was no Federal to order up a mint or currency of any kind, not until the Continental Congress voted to establish a U.S. Mint with the Coinage Act of 1792, the first year of issue of any actual U.S. currency.

In the meantime, until the establishment of the Continental Congress, people used paper money, which they distrusted largely, along with Spanish, Dutch, English, German and French coins.

When they didn’t have coins or cash available to them, people traded ‘Barter Money’ such as gold flake or nuggets, silver scrap, copper, salt grains, peppercorns, tea leaves, rare or large stones, bead “wampum” belts, alcohol, cigarettes, cocoa beans, cowrie shells, wheat, barley, and in many areas, bronze ring castings and arrowheads were used as money.

These rare Early Colonial Era Coins come in a beautiful acrylic capsule which can be carried in pocket or purse. This is a great Remote Viewing device for any scene of the period to obtain great Remote Readings either in Spain or Early Americana.

Many of these coins might be valuable numismatics. I have not searched them for this — my interest is solely in their Remote Viewing capacities. These are not intended for resale — they are spiritual tools to be used for your Past Life Remote Readings. Continue reading

Secrets of Remote Reading & Viewing

I'm the sergeant on the right of photo, taken at Fort Ord, California, circa 1962.
I’m the sergeant on the right — Trainfire at Fort Ord, California, circa 1962.

“Remote Reading”, otherwise known as “Remote Viewing”, is where you merely look at something and report what you see. Remote Viewing does not involve the movement of any mass in space or time, and exists entirely apart from the realm of the Einsteinian Newtonian Universe.

In 1963, while serving in the U.S. Army Security Agency, I was recruited for a Remote Reading unit, which I joined just three days after I received my Honorable Discharge from the service.

I did not go to the military Remote Viewing Unit at Fort Meade or, indeed, any other military agency Remote Viewing unit — there were four civilian units in Virginia and California, which our team verified through our own readings and encounters with members of other teams, open knowledge of which was kept from us, but believe it, we were in contact every day with psychic operatives both on our side and on other sides — and there are plenty of sides in the political arena — under the tight pressure of a high security position in the most secret agencies in U.S. history.

I can’t and won’t tell you what our targets were — I’ll leave that to others — but the nature of the targets were generally buildings, vehicles or people, and when I say “targets”, I mean only that they were selected and visualized by the readers, often using map coordinates as a guide when needed. Continue reading

High Spirit Lifetime Goals

You can Remote Operate your body in another dimension without harm or fear, thanks to GODD®.

Here are the specific TAGS for the various and sundry life-goals that must be accomplished in each and every gaming level:

  1. AMMY [5]– First and foremost your most important spirit work tool.
  2. SUPERBEACON [114] — Marks your location in the universe.
  3. MATRIX [557] — Controls the SuperBeacon through Briggs Field distortions.
  4. INFINITE MEMORY [53] — Expanded spiritual footprint over many lifetimes.
  5. PORTAL [51/52] — In order to use a Portal, you need to be NEAR a Portal.
  6. LEVEL [31-37] — Achievements add up to build the level of your character.
  7. MOJO BAG [1012] — Absolutely necessary to traverse dangerous spaces.
  8. KWAN-YIN CHARM [2] — Not required but very helpful in certain areas.
  9. TREASURES [1002] — Various spiritual gifts drop abundantly or rarely.
  10. SECRETS [1001] — Secrets can be discovered and mastered.
  11. MAGIC FIND [303] — Percentage of probability that you will find magic items.
  12. CHARM FIND [308]  — Percentage of probability that you will find charms.
  13. AMMY FIND [309] — Percentage of probability determines ammy drops.
  14. BOOK FIND [310] — Percentage of probability determines which book drops.
  15. POWDERS [311] — Percentage of probability determines which powders drop.
  16. INCENSE FIND [392] — Percentage of probability determines which incense.
  17. OUT OF BODY [1004] — This key unlocks the Soul for Out of Body Travel.
  18. ABD [555] — Arms the Voyager with ABD data as needed for the situation.
  19. PORTAL AMMY [556] — Opens the Way to the target destination.
  20. TAROT READING [304] — An essential to the beginning of any Voyage.
  21. BLESSINGS [200] — Protects the Voyager during the journey.
  22. LOOTBOXES [554] — Various treasures and life potions will drop from these.


  • WHAT HAPPENED? [1010] — Several variations on this question will trigger.
  • WHAT DID YOU NOTICE THIS TIME? [1110] — Several variations will occur.
  • HOW DOES IT SEEM TO YOU NOW? [1210] — Several variations will occur.
  • OKAY [1020] — Several variations will be offered automatically.
  • PLEASE ANSWER ME [1030] — If no answer is typed, this prompt occurs.
  • PROCEED TO NEXT CHECKPOINT [1220] — When answer is given, go ahead.


  1. DISPERSING TRIAD [221] — Disperses and radiates.
  2. BOOMERANG TRIAD [1280] — Brings things back to the player.
  3. BLASTING TRIAD [241] — Acts like a bomb or grenade, with parabolic physics.
  4. IRON BOLT TRIAD [1100] — Straight & true, like a crossbow bolt.
  5. PYRO TRIAD [237] — Clears an area quickly for fast, fast, fast relief.
  6. GRAPPLE TRIAD [1222] — Grapples onto any wall and draws the player to it.
  7. AIR MISSILE TRIAD [1223] — Acts like a rocket launcher or BFG.
  8. HEALING TRIAD [1225] — Healing actions can be taken on team mates.
  9. RAPID FIRE TRIAD [12120] — Acts very much like an UZI SMG.

These TAGS can be attached to any Wall, Object or Region. A box that is tagged will operate on the top surface typically unless other indicators are used, such as naming the box and using F6 to edit the appearance.

The problem for the Voyager is that is is often hard to see these milestones without the help of the gaming engine, so familiarity is the remedy, making sure that the Voyager takes for granted the various things that will occur in the Between-Lives State and other dimensional voyages that one might find oneself on with or without previous warning.

In short, anything can happen, and the Compleat Voyager will surely cover all the bases without shorting anything or skimping and saving time, energy, money or dedication.  This means you.

Okay, so how do we achieve results? We build the level as close to the real thing as we are able, then set the various goal points in place along the gaming route, determined largely by the locks and keys that allow or don’t permit passage.

Remember that TAGGING and TRIGGER TARGETS are all about the NUMBERS and LETTERS, just like the Cabalistic Notations you learned in grade school, unless you attended public school — possibly even PS 61 in New York City — in which case, you never heard about this and aren’t sure you’re hearing it even now.

See You At The Top!!!
