Most folks don’t have coins minted in their honor. I wanted to offer an opportunity to acquire coins of interest to spirit mediums and anyone using the Prosperity Path Oracles or Seances. These coins are associated magically with the individuals by a variety of connections and coupling factors, the most obvious of which is the date of the coin.
Go Ahead, Make Me Rong!!!
Humans of Planet Earth. People. You know I love ’em. The fact is that they’re not really very calm or gentle, but that’s not my point at all. My point is that you wouldn’t expect a wild animal such as a lion or a tiger — even one that has been tamed — to not react with instant savage unthinking aggression, from time to time. Moreover, you couldn’t be certain what might or might not trigger the big cat off. This is where I part company with the psychologists and other micro-managers of the human brain. I quote from the Trans-Universe Beddikker’s Guide, to wit:
Emotional Education
We’ve got Physical Education. Phys Ed is everywhere. Brain education is in university. But where is our post-sandbox Emotional Education? You don’t have to believe me; it takes a moment’s glance to see that Emotional Education is sadly — and perhaps dangerously — lacking in our society. Is there a cure? Yes, there is. Watch the ICW this coming weekend.
See You At The Top!!!
Fighting City Hall
You can’t fight City Hall. That’s the battlecry of the Great Unwashed; Urban Legend has it that the 800 pound gorilla always wins. Don’t believe it for a minute. That’s the point of the David & Goliath story in the Bible. Sometimes the Little Guy has a chance. In the case of coin collecting, the chance for the little guy is so close to zero as to be almost unnoticeable. My method of collecting goes against the very fibre of Popular Wisdom — an oxymoron if ever there was one.
“You Suck at Life, and You’re Stupid, Too!!!”
“You suck at life, and you’re stupid, too…” If you’re in a spiritual community, you wouldn’t expect to hear such ball-shredding criticisms from other students, unless it happens in a darshan hall or some other public or semi-public place to air interpersonal grievances. In private, such comments only serve to widen the gap and make team efforts impossible. Negative, so-called “constructive comments”, when executed between two people in a lonely hallway, classify as “ball-shredders” and should be passed only in a group situation. The kind of people who shred balls to make themselves righteous and cool tend to have enormous problems of their own, and like to find wrongness around them to excuse their own overburden of mental/emotional shit. I tried to find another word to fit there, but nothing came to mind. Anyhow, they’ll probably come up with something like “…But that’s not precisely exactly what I said…there’s a semicolon missing!!!” Tell them if they have anything to say, save it for a group meeting, where there are plenty of witnesses and help to resolve differences or find some way to blend the two opposing forces into a common ground — at least a truce???
See You At The Top!!!
Banishing Made Easy
You’ve got a troubling memory, lingering in the back of your mind? If it’s the typical Bad-Mem, it’ll be something like a Song Hook. Oh, you don’t know what a Hook is in the music biz? I’ll explain: the reason you listen to a song over and over is to make the Hook Go Away. But it doesn’t, does it? There’s only one way to get rid of something, truly once and for all, to make it go away and stay away, and that’s to Banish It. That’s the function of the Banish Orb. To Make It Go Away Forever. You’ll be prompted, “Are You Sure?”, because it is a permanent erase. You might not even remember why you used the Banishing Orb.
See You At The Top!!!
Anger Management???
Anger Management, hell, give me Absence of Anger anytime, and with the Anger Karma Wash, with its Anger-Dissolving Radiations, Extra Buffer Wheels, Hot Flash Zapper Sprays, and (at no extra charge) our Super Special Jet Wax Finish, you should feel better in no time flat! It’s in testing now, should be ready sometime this afternoon or tonight. Anger is a direct result of Karma, so a Karma Reduction is definitely in order if you’re in Anger right now.
See You At The Top!!!
Halloween Horrors Karma Wash
This is an offering for Halloween — a rolling rush through nightmare alley, with a karma wash to boot! Perfect gift for the kid in you, with a choice between a young boy and a young girl as your Avatar. Monsters everywhere, and some of them even talk to you and ask you how you’re doing. As with all Prosperity Path Orbs, nothing bad will ever happen to you in a Prosperity Path Orb — Only good things will happen!!! Sure, the monsters are scary, but they’re friendly and they’re here to listen! This is a Living American Book of the Dead!!! You will be amazed at the immersiveness of the experience, and the amount of “jolt” you get from the radiations! See You At The Top!!! — gorby
Why the Long Lag???
Experienced Prosperity Path runners will have noticed by now that there is a noticeable lag between the time you say something and the time the deity or guide responds or acknowledges your message. You can use this to your great advantage. The longer the lag, the greater the distance. If you’re trying to grapple onto PWL322c, for example, which translates out to Parallel World L322c, and the lag is around a minute, the best you can hope for is to get within 5 miles of the target. If the lag shortens, it means you’re closer to your Overlay or Cap on your target Parallel Universe Persona and the more likely will be a good solid coupling factor, or a closer-fitting 11th Dimension Quantum Connection. You can count the intervening seconds, “one locomotive, two locomotive” etc., just as you would count the seconds between lightning and thunder (speed of light vs. slower speed of sound) to determine how far away the strike was from your location.
Gorby’s 60-Second Karma Wash
I’ve often said it; “Going through the Bardo Cleansing Process is like going through a car wash. And now we have it. Gorby’s Karma Wash. Takes only three minutes to run through it, and you’ll love the feeling of clean-ness that comes with it. I’ll have it ready for download in a few hours, with any luck.