I’m currently creating a bunch of $50 1000-Coin Family Christmas Specials for about a dozen folks who took me up on my offer to pre-clean the batch of coins, meaning I’d take out the obvious crud and coins beneath grade, leaving only those coins that would be okay in an album. What you end up with is the same bank box of pennies, minus the crud. Whatever you were going to get is there for you to get. Nothing of value is removed, no matter what it might be, even a 1909-S VDB. Continue reading
Blessed Coins, Lucky Coins
Here is a wonderful Holiday stocking-stuffer, just the right size, the right “look” of luxury, the right emotional appeal, and the right price, only $9.95!
This Could All Be Yours!!!
Gastown in East Side BardoTown, looking South toward the Overpass.
I took this snapper of the partially completed BardoTown, which is getting a total overhaul to accommodate the particle stuff in the new GODD engine. I’ll be working on BardoTown for a few weeks, hoping to get it ready for a holiday download day. I’m guessing December 1 for a release date. You can snap your own screenshots with F4 and use the shots as screen-savers. That’s how I’m using the above screenshot on my game-writing computer — this month. Yep, every month or so I change the screenshot according to Objective Whim.
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Would You Know a Good Deal if You Saw One???
Would you know a good deal if you saw one? If you’re like most people, when it comes to pennies, they’re just these round things in your pocket or purse that you try to get rid of because they’re only good at a checkout counter when you’re using cash, which is rare these days. Good deals in pennies are rare and they are Out There To Be Found — but you have to know what you’re looking for. Most folks don’t see anything at all when looking at a penny, even bright and shiny versus dull and brown or downright rusty green and the date and mint-mark go completely unnoticed. Hey, nobody pays you to notice these things, so why do ’em? Actually, you could get paid for sorting and inspecting coins, and paid rather well, but you can’t just drop your line in the water and expect the fish to jump up into your basket and season and pan-fry themselves, which is today’s Great American Dream. Tune in to the ICW and we’ll talk. Bright & Shiny does not equal Mint. Learn to see.
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Particle Karma
Quantum Entanglement is a new phrase for an old idea; karma. Simple Particle Physics tells us that something that has been in contact at one time or another will continue to behave as if in contact, disregarding the speed of light, which automatically tells us that if it’s not happening in the Einsteinian Universe — which is dominated and defined by the speed of light — it must be happening in the Quantum Thingy, and if we look, there it is.
Alchemists Make Currency
The reason US coinage works so well is that Alchemists were in control of the very first American Post-Colonial Federal Mints. Ben Franklin wasn’t the only Freemason aka Rosicrucian High Initiate; there were plenty of them, and they were most of the Federal Government of the period. Dolly Madison was a practicing Pagan, in continual terror of exposure and personal ruin, and goodness knows who else was into what! Copper is the basic stuff of which dreams are made. Silver also works well in Lunar applications. Gold has properties that can directly cause Quantum Entanglement — hence wedding and engagement rings, twin heart pendants, figa, corno and other instruments of warding and connecting, both variants being two sides of one coin. Speaking of coins…
Making Spiritual Work Pay
Sounds funny, right? But the government here and in most places around the world are not interested in subsidizing the spiritual lives of those renunciates who reject all material things including making a livelihood. There are some circumstances which allow individuals to retire from the world and engage fully and completely in spiritual activities. Those circumstances generally involve a lot of money raised by others to allow this to happen. The only way to make your way anymore is to somehow make your spiritual work pay off both in spirit and by putting food on the table, roof over head. Sure, you can be a bum, but there’s an honest “Hobo” way to do it — chop wood, carry water. I’ll be talking about this at the ICW.
Joan of Arc is on the way
Joan of Arc appears from a mystical cloud of plasma — the usual Trans-Dimensional sort of thing you’d expect from a Multi-Dimensional Being Blessed with Sainthood by the local population. She’s available at your beck & call! She’s on the way, in testing right now!!! Oracles can be used to help you sort out issues that are currently blocking you. I’ve been kept abreast (you should pardon the expression) of the work that circle members are doing to propagate Prosperity Path. Wowsers! Keep it up!!!
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Dreaming Coins
Dreaming Coins can be used both as dream-catchers and within a dreamcatcher array. You can charge up your Dreaming Coin by placing it on the Dreamcatcher Charger while running the appropriate Chargeup Orb. A fully charged Dreaming Coin in a sealed electrostatic acrylic capsule can be placed under the pillow or where that isn’t possible, it can be placed nearby on a small bedside table. Dream Targets can be by date or by association; Laws of Contact & Similarity really apply here! I’ll post a list sometime later today of the Dreaming Coins available.
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