Come Fly With Me

Come Fly With Me! I’ll be your Personal Astral Flight Training Coach all along the way. We’ll first practice getting out of the organic body and into the Body of Flight; we’ll also train ourselves to properly prepare ourselves for the oobe experience and arming ourselves with a reasonable level of protection before venturing Out There without an organic body to keep us warm and to give us the illusion of feeling generally somewhat safe. Out There, it’s very different, so you’ll need an Ammy, an ABD, a Matrix, a SuperBeacon and of course, your trusty wand and wizard’s hat. Then, we’re off into the Wild Blue Yonder with my latest Personal Training creation. Destination? UNKNOWN. Each Astral Orb has its very own fascinating blend of reality and illusion. Release date: You’ll find it in the produce section of your local grocery store or on the urthgame downloads page when the Release Version has been fully tested & rigged for install.

See You At The Top!!! — gorby

Winning the Lottery

Don’t believe you can win the Lottery? You can, and down below you’ll see a photo of me with my family and friends on the California Big Spin with host Geoff Edwards, winning $15,220,000.00, just to prove it can be done. It was Morgan’s lottery ticket that won the prize. What became of the money? Morgan and I gave it away, of course, some to charity, and a few million to my parents. Why did we just blow it off? I’ll tell you why.

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Gorby’s Quick-Fix

You can use any of the Remedy Orbs as Karma Feedback Readouts, but…there’s a catch. It takes a while. and you can use any of the Remedy Orbs, but you mightn’t have the time to do so. For both of these problems, no worries! For there is now…

(SOUND: trumpets blasting)


What is it? It’s just what it sounds like, a Quick-Fix. Basically, it’s sort of a Remedy Orb cut down to the max, reduced right down to the nitty-gritty, in a “Let’s get right down to work” mode. Professional runners will like them. How does it work?

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Fall Lineup

Here’s the Fall Lineup of Prosperity Path Orbs on my workbench at the moment:

“Bless Me”, which is a romp through the world of Angelic Blessings; “Self-Esteem” is about what you’d think it was about — low self-esteem and what to do to shake it off; “Shame” is about all that shame and blame you took as a youngster and might still be taking now; “Angels” is a carefully constructed series of Angelic Calls and Encounters with Angels; I’m also constructing concepts for “Get Well Soon”, sort of a 3-D greeting card you can send to a friend. For those with no friends, “Friend Me” might prove useful, and for those who not only don’t have many friends but whose home or workplace is a constant battlefield, perhaps “Conflict” might be helpful there. I’m always open to suggestions on goals, purposes and problems that might work as a Remedy Orb. If I use your suggestion, you get a prize — not sure what, perhaps something from our Rewards Page, we’ll see how it works out.

Merlin’s Hat of Invisibility

Here’s the very first test footage of Merlin’s Hat pickup sequence. It’s a very easy early pickup in the game, where all the other stuff is in the back of the shop. Now, if you decide to take the hat off, merely return to the body selection chamber and select a body without a hat. Boots of Speed are a whole different story. Haven’t gotten to them yet.

The Wheel — Grind Yourself Away on this one!!!

Yessireebob, I think this is a goodie and a half. You get a very streamlined all-business level to run. Let’s see how you handle it! I’ve put a few fun twists into The Wheel, expecting it’ll not be the choice of the average run-of-the-mill person who happens to run a mill. This is very different from all the other Remedies, so be aware of that when downloading it. Do not recommend this to a noob! Look to download this sometime in the next few days. Keep an eye on every day for new items, levels, downloads, weearables, keepsakes, home enhancements, and of course, the latest news!

See You At The Top!


Why Is It Always The Same?

Some folks, not all, are asking “Why are all the Remedy Levels the same? The answer is very simple. The act of running any Prosperity Level is, if you examine it carefully, a Ritual.

It does all the visualizing for you, and leads you from one point to the next in a sort of “Paper Chase” all over the map to the finish point. All along the way, you dissolve Karma and accumulate good energies and hopefully the Wisdom to use it.

It is in fact a ritualized form of cybernetic meditation. The computer merely guides your vision and you control your reactions. Simple. Easy. Effective.

See You At The Top


Almost Ready, Buckaroo!!!

Yeah, I’m on my way in for a little snack and relaxation after an all-night session with the True Love Orb. It has really grown and ripened in many ways over the past few days, just prior to Release Time. That is when everything seems to hit the fan, and it surely did. I’ve been patching and repairing and plastering and zipping and zapping to make it work, and now I think the Orb has settled down into a reliable Working Mode, so I’ve sent it out for testing. Now, we wait. It won’t be long  — measurable in hours — before you can download the very first Release.

The Back Of My Own Head

That’s the viewpoint of the Soul, the Essence, the Being, the Spirit. You travel behind yourself and you see yourself going through a wide variety of weird experiences in which you collect stuff for a Blessing and then assemble the Blessing, upon which, if you’ve gone about it correctly, the said Blessing activates and the Blessing occurs as scheduled.

You travel about a meter or two behind the head and slightly elevated above the head, but only slightly. We become accustomed to seeing the world through the eyes of the character — it’s not a bad Point of View or Viewpoint, as it’s called in programmer language, but simply knowing and feeling the real Origin of Being is very helpful as time goes by.

This is a short video on how to run the first Achievement in Prosperity Path Remedy “True Love”, a test run resulting from my early morning’s work from midnight to noon, on “True Love”, scheduled for release about a week ago.

Yes, I know. I hear the yelps of “When are we gonna get there???”

Well, I’m working as fast as I can, but I want to make this first release of Prosperity a slam-dunk! We have so many signups! Be sure to get on our Instant Release Alert List!!! Find out whom to ask, to get yourself on that Alert List — that’s Aptitude Test #1 .