Empty Top Secret Classified Folders for Sale cheap!
Here’s what you do: find a slogan, meme, phrase, buzzword that is instantly recognizable and is currently trending, hash-tagging and flying about the internet on the social media.
The business team has a “spotter” who watches the news channels and finds a topic o’ the day, and in addition, monitors the hashtags to spot the trending phrases.
Your building team now comes into play, using the formula of the Magic Phrase that you decided to focus on today. Here’s what they should come up with: Continue reading →
Trio of Celebrity Performance Backdrops $1,200,000.00
Now you can turn out hundreds of unique personal designs on many dozens of products from water bottles to designer dresses, without spending a penny on prototypes. Continue reading →
Yes, it’s true — I’ve posted over 2,000 items on PAOM over the past three days, and it’s not showing any signs of slowing down. My basic aim — strategy, if you will — is to organize my designs into groupings of single items, such as “Cotton Bathrobe” or “Gold Movements Performance Costume” or “Foggy Day Trenchcoat”, then I show typically either 8 across in two rows with a total of three pages to cover all 24 print patterns.
There are mitigating circumstances where I emphatically don’t do that — examples are the Sumerian grouping, which is basically everything they offer, with a single pattern on all of them. There are 16 pages of this stuff, each page is full of things, so it’s hundreds of items in all, with a common theme, the same print design on all of them. This gives you a chance to compare the silhouettes of all the items they offer — I don’t expect to actually sell from this grouping, but you never know. Continue reading →
Please note that the above graphic is live-linked to the selling page that carries this product, but that same page is also a gateway to an entire shopful of hundreds of items that they might also find of interest.
Placing live-link graphics is part of the New Marketing, and using dozens or hundreds of websites to drive traffic to your selling “target” pages is called “Cluster Marketing”. Both social media and cluster marketing will be necessary to create serious wealth and to make a real impact in the art and fashion market.
Transgender Designer LeslieAnn introduces a new line branded “LeslieAnn’s Leggins”
LeslieAnn’s Leggins is, according to Claude’s estimate, and he’s seldom wrong on these matters, going to be a smash-hit viral sensation on the market.
I have a special set of diagrammatic and sparkly whammo designs just ready for the market, and for someone brave to take a chance and open a “LeslieAnn’s Leggins” Branded Store, either brick-and-mortar or just online.
You buy the UNIQUE designs for your shop for one low simple price and then all the profit is yours. There is a “hit clause” just in case your sales go over a million a week, but I know you’ll want that in there for the good of the work community.
So if you don’t have any money to throw around, what are the opportunities here???
Zen teapots, Zen platters. Doesn’t that sound awfully familiar? It should sound familiar, and if you’re immortal and have a decent Multitrack Memory, it should ring more than just a bell, it should ring several bells, because this isn’t the first time you’ve ever come this way.
You react to this world as if it’s all a big surprise.
It shouldn’t be. This level is always more or less the same, with more or less the same results — the major facts never change, just the details, but in this time-frame, Trump is always in power, always outrageous and always getting himself in trouble. Continue reading →
available on redbubble right now, this a-line dress is amazing.
You can’t trust ANY news outlet anymore. That’s why Trump wants to establish a National News Agency, where only the real news gets put out there.
In case you’re wondering, that’s from page 132, paragraph 3 of “Mein Kampf”.
Trump is a pig.
This is not a personal slam — just an artistic observation, from someone who constantly uses and refers to the “totem” of a person, the animal spirit with whom everyone on Earth is connected.
He should be proud of being a pig — the companions of fishes, according to the I-Ching, something that Trump has never heard of — but like most NPD men, Trump just plain projects himself out there onto others.
It’s a feature of NPD to cast blame and find fault in others, and to grossly and wantonly attack any threat to the ego.
Trump is amazingly delicate.
He’s also quite unbalanced — clearly insane, clearly paranoid, clearly savage and bestial in every way, but especially in the matter of attacking people who displease him. Continue reading →