Photo by T. of Gorby practicing guitar at Red House, 1971.
When you realize that the so-called “simple” Guitar Practice of 5 Minutes a Day, which eventually turns into maybe a half-hour or more per session, sometimes four or five guitar sessions a day when you get into it, can produce miracle internal results, it’s an amazing discovery.
Just five minutes a day practicing the guitar, seems like nothing.
At some point, the guitar practice seems to go better, then worse, then better and better, up and down for a number of months, maybe years, before you relax into it.
That means stop trying to control it, to make it into something that resembles your mental picture of what guitar practice ought to look and and sound like.
That picture of you playing guitar is totally wrong. As I said, at some point, you’ll let go of that picture of yourself and let the real thing just be there. Continue reading →
I dig what you mean. What is charisma? What use is charisma? Why have any charisma at all? Who really cares? Who knows? Where are we? Is this where we came in?
Oh, sorry, I thought for a moment that you were on the Rebirth Carousel.
Well, the Magic Theater and Home can ding-dongy wait a while — we’re busy fighting for our very lives against our government’s intrusions and extensions. In short, they’re ripping us off to give the wealthiest our healthcare money, while we watch helplessly.
You can be fired on the spot for suggesting a comparison between Trump & Hitler!
Many teachers have been fired or suspended for suggesting a comparison between Hitler and Trump. Kids turn in their teachers for this offense. You can’t even suggest that they LOOK at it, consider it, think about it.
Donald Trump is now a “Forbidden Topic”. You risk death and disfiguration by merely mentioning the name in the wrong company, no matter which “side” you happen to be on at the moment.
It is now considered blasphemous to question The Donald, just as it was in 1933 in Hitler’s Germany death to question Hitler, and even worse to ridicule him.
Guess Right, & Win a Trip to the Gas Chamber!
That fact alone should nail it for you that there’s something going on between the two historical characters, Trump and Hitler. We can’t even THINK THE THOUGHT without getting fired from a tenured job?
You can be dismissed from your position if you even postulate the idea in a classroom of conducing some sort of experiment or inquiry.
That’s okay, soon you will be taken away if you utter that forbidden word, “Freedom” in public. Continue reading →
Influence comes from outer space & time with these Carbonaceous Chondrites.
Just holding or carrying a meteorite — even a small one — around has an effect on the carrier or wearer; quite a profound one. It influences the DNA, sometimes in a remarkable way that is observable by friends and family, much to the good.
The right kind of meteorite can create change in the Spiritual DNA, causing a subtle re-arrangement of the instructions to allow a super-charged spiritual awakening. This is why you like to visit museums, observatories and planetariums — or is it planetaria?
Some folks who received an Awakening Call did so through the action and influence of a nearby meteorite.
The most effective are the NWA, North-West Africa stony chondrites that stand out starkly against the whiteness of the surrounding rock and sand, much as they are found quite easily in the ice-pack of Antarctica, where the most famous meteorite of all was found — the Martian meteorite that appeared to contain microbial fossils.
Of course there’s life everywhere in the galaxy, and in fact in every galaxy there are billions of inhabitable planets, most of which spawn life that is very similar to life on Earth, not all of which build and use radios — intelligent species tend to be telepathic. Continue reading →
In the course of making several dozen Cornflower Mandalas yesterday, I happened upon a disk made of the embossing metal I’ve been using for decades, now, and duly made a Cornfield Mandala upon it and packed it into a dollar-sized cardboard “flip” coin holder, so-called because to look at the other side of a coin, you flip the flip over with an easy practiced move.
Boy, the key word there is surely “practiced”, and “practiced moves” is what metal embossing and coin-carving is all about, and that goes double for gem-setting and ring-making and painting and sculpting and video gaming and hopscotch and just about anything else you endeavor to do well.
The “right moves” is a Big Number in Buddhism, meaning that it’s important.
“Right Action” means making the right moves at the right time in the right place with the right intention, nice and smooth, making no sudden moves, no ripples in the Firmament or Force.
In short, “Right Action” is grace and movement in relating to the universe and other Beings, and is and was a big subject with Picasso, Matisse, Dali and Stravinski. Continue reading →
EJ Gold Awesome Graphite Landscapes, available in book form & signed art print .
For the past several weeks, I’ve been playing Diablo 2 for an average of 8-10 hours a day, broken up into two and sometimes three sessions, with breaks about every half hour to an hour, plenty of water to keep hydrated, lots of walking in between missions, listening to my favorite Press Keys, Herbie Hancock, Dave Brubeck or Charles Lloyd album as I whip the Diablo levels into a total frenzy with my combination punch — traps plus fire bombs from my trapper assassin and ravens, wolves and blasts of arctic air from my elemental druid.
The point is, when in combat, don’t dawdle. Pour it on as fast and as heavy as you can, with great efficiency and fervor, then dodge the return fire and do it again until nothing moves and all is quiet on the Western Front. In short, rain down death and destruction like some Hindu Gods I could mention, then have a sip of tea and do it again.
Yes, death and destruction. If you’re going to get into the God Business, you can’t be squeamish about what happens when a universe runs down from Big Bang to Very Very Dark and Quiet. There’s a lot of death and destruction in the normal course of events. Hundreds of micro-organisms die every year, and you wouldn’t believe the statistics in the vegetable kingdom.
So I’m knocking about in various modes, a wide variety of character classes, an even wider spread of character levels from level 1 to level 61, my highest ranking char in hardcore in this most recent run of ladder characters, although I have dozens more in non-ladder, going all the way back to the very first year of Diablo 2, about fifteen years ago, by my admittedly shaky reckoning — maybe 20 years, could be, during the course of which I’ve put in several thousands of hours of experimental game play, with the idea in mind of developing a course of self-study and self-mastery that used gaming as a basis, and that’s what I’m presenting now. Continue reading →
You enter a blackout state after Mortuary, and when you awaken from this deep, deep sleep, you find yourself on an island in an endless ocean. There is a tall metal building ahead of you, which seems to be your only option. Continue reading →
Many years ago, back in 1971, before there were videocams and long before there was digital, we purchased an ENG — Electronic News Gathering video system, like the kind used by the local TV stations and some networks. The unit weighed upwards of 30 pounds, and the battery likewise. One person carrying and handling the 20 pound video camera, the other carrying the giant “portable” helical-scan 1/2″ tape recorder.
The sun could burn out your camera’s vidicon tube. You couldn’t make a video in low light, and movement tended to blur. Breakup of the image was normal in this unit, and you’ll see lots of it, especially at the beginning of each tape.
Many of the earlier videos were experimental, trying to find out what the camera and recorder could capture. We bought two studio type cameras and a larger Sony video recorder for the house. The portable ran on batteries, the larger units did not.
Several of the videos were made at Red House, mostly in 1971 and early 1972, when we left Crestline for Cowichan Centre for Gestalt Learning, in Duncan, British Columbia, at the request of Fritz Perls, Ray Walker and Sarah Warsher. Continue reading →
Reincarnation Relic Rings — that’s what I’m doing tonight, all night long, custom rings made to your specifications, by date, by location or by occult powers of stones.
Even ancient glass has profound occult effects, and some glass is over 1200 years old, dating to the earliest known manufacture of glass, which is more or less melted sand, but with various elements added to the mix to make a variety of types of glass, everything from dark green all the way to brilliant opalescent clarity.
I have made many Relic Rings, but never had the packaging that could let them sell without me being right there to custom-explain the thing, and that goes double for online sales.
With the New Improved Packaging System, we get several things.
Sealed for security integrity of item.
Guaranteed to be what it says or your money back, period.
Guaranteed authenticity & that it came from my collection.
Age of item is given clearly, as in: “2,000 yrs old”, or “433 B.C.”.
Place of origin is given, if known, or general area, if known.
Sealed archival environment protects the item until opened.
Size of ring is given on the outside of package.
Sealed packaging means your ring is clean when you receive it.
Type of metal is indicated. “.925” means 92.5 % pure silver.
The heavy sterling silver high-conductance ring shank acts as an Induction Ring.
Your ring is absolutely unique. There is no other ring on Earth exactly like it.
So from whence came all these relics and ancient objects? Continue reading →