Utility? Yes, my NFTs have utility. They carry Blessings and Power Prayers and release them in your cellphone through the MetaMask Wallet, making your cellphone a source of potent spiritual energy.
What it does, in fact, is initiate a tiny Vortex inside your cellphone, which creates a funnel-effect, connecting a High Remedy with your MetaMask Wallet, which in turn does a synaptic jump direct to you.
You will notice the slight “blast-effect” in your heart, feeling slightly or greatly uplifted in the process. Continue reading →
I’m going to reveal some more secrets of marketing, as told to me by my Marketing Angel, Zadkiel.
I know these work, because I had experience with Vance Johnson Ad Agency in L.A. back in 1964-65 when I was also in art school.
In order for the gimmick to work in this case, I need a Genuine Spiritual Celebrity who is willing to take the flak that comes with any public exposure, and in this particular case, on behalf of IDHHB, I guess I’m it.
I’m not the kind of celebrity that people chase after for autographs, but I am well known and recognized in the world of New Thought and New Age Physics.
So if you tap on my photo and go to my IG page and tap on “follow”, you’ll receive Blessings in the form of a news feed, every day from then on, until you “unfollow”, in which case, be prepared for disaster — just kidding.
My Blessings improve upon but don’t take the place of natural karma. Continue reading →
You probably already know a good deal about so-called “Bubble Magic”, where you use a snow-globe to active and project a prayer with some considerable force and usually to a very great effect, but did you know that I make those things?
Yep, I do.
And if you follow the links on the images below, you’ll find your way to a magical place where I make all manner of strange and unusual items for your usage and perusal and perhaps inspiration in the matter of making your own. Continue reading →
The idea of “CLOAKING” goes all the way back to when people wore animal skins to hunt animals on the plains, and if you want to count previous incarnations and cosmic cycles, it goes back all the way to the Blueline Game Map of the Universe itself.
Yeah, that far back.
The Blueline Map of the Game is real, it really exists, and it’s really, really simple. You wouldn’t believe how simple it is to program in the MoveAct Code, to make it appear as if the entities are intelligent and self-aware, but in reality, they’re just chat-bots, like your friends and neighbors.
There are a very few responses that living creatures have available on encounters:
Run Away.
Kill It.
Eat It.
Have Sex With It.
Ignore It.
It doesn’t sound like much to work with, and it isn’t, but believe me, most human beings have no need for more than the dial-tone level of consciousness in order to seem very human, with all the human values that endear humans to not very many Higher Intelligences.
If you penetrate the SIM successfully, you can easily see the workings, all exposed and revealed before you, as it were. It’s easy to see the strings, the connections, and if you can see them, you know exactly which strings to pull. Continue reading →
Cosmo Street Contact Orb is available for you to apply in your shamanic healings.
It’s time for us poor folks to learn how to live without doctors, medicine, hospitals and clinics, because all the money for that is going into billionaires’ pockets, including Donald “Take Advantage” Trump & Associates, but don’t worry, their time will come.
In the meanwhile, why not take advantage of the fact that you are living in these computer times, although we’re still only in the beginning stages of the computer-driven world of tomorrow — robots and nanotech, hypersonic and lightspeed personal vehicles and full-immersion video gaming, pocket tech and phone, pad, tab and flat hardware and incredible levels of new software that goes beyond the impossible.
That’s the new world in a nutshell and, although part of this new world is a notable absence of healthcare for the poor and middle class — which is us — there is also a new world of video applications and quantum mechanics.
My new healthcare plan depends upon both, because I just can’t afford a doctor without some healthcare plan other than “I Plan Not To Get Sick A Lot”, which is my current plan.
Hoping not to get sick is not much of a healthcare plan, I admit, but it is one that, on ZERO income and ZERO medical insurance other than basic medicaire, I’m screwed, to say the least, if I want standard mainstream healthcare.
Fortunately, I don’t. I have zero faith in doctors, especially the ones who grow rich keeping you alive while you’re waiting to die.
The situation is hopeless. A Republican congress will never give the poor a break — we all know that.
We also know that on BOTH sides of the aisle, those bastards are 90% Politician and 10% Patriotic, so the votes will ALWAYS go along party lines, not conscience, and that in a nutshell is why the vote in Council went against survival for the human species, and I know I’m going to get a storm of angry letters when my asteroid smacks into the Earth fairly soon, but believe me, I know what I’m doing.
Ants are better.
Hell, compared to humans, I’d take superintelligent ants anytime. I’m betting on the hardiest survivor of them all, the cockroach, to ascend the food chain to victory in the species department, but I’m not allowed to reset the species button.
How To Remember Yourself
Remembering yourself is easy, if you know yourself. You then merely locate your self and point.
Remembering Yourself is a little more difficult. First, you have to have the idea in the first place, then you have to define what you mean by “self” and “remembering”, and finally, you need some guidance to learn the basics of Self-Remembering.
Suffice it to say that it’s enough for the purpose at hand to remember — and for YOU to remember — that I’m a visitor here in the 21st century, a time-traveler, if you like, from the 37th century.
Actually, time isn’t what you think it is.
Every time-frame sits motionless in the bank, until an Observer ticks it off and activates the chains associated with that time-space discontinuum — the one your Cursor is in now.
Your Cursor is able to shake its fist at the sky and yell “shit!”, hence the name, “Cursor”. I went a long, long way for that gag. I hope you appreciate it.
So it will help to remember that I am a 37th century history student at More Science High, here in the capital city of Mahzhong, home of the Great Mother Slime Mold and the chicken capital of Upper Caledonia, a country founded by a famous typesetter named “Clarendon Smith”, of New New Washington, the city built right directly on the smoking ruins of Old Washington, during your Fourth or Fifth World War, I forget which.
I hate having to remember names, dates and places accurately, which is why I’m carrying a D-Minus, actually an F+, average here in school.
If I get an “A+” on my Term Report, my grade will zoom right up to D+, and I’ll be able to graduate high school.
I’m hoping to be accepted into Wassamatta U., my college of choice, where I can study my favorite subject, Universal 3D Design, with Professor Wasserman, the most popular Remote Viewing Professor on the college campus.
Of course, I haven’t yet visited the actual university, yet — I’m not allowed to cross the street by myself.
So it’s raining here, where I am, and I’m stuck for the next two hours of Objective Time here in the History Department Time Lab, where I’m seated at the controls of the BioTime History Sim, typing away on the little keyboard in the Earth Sim you call “home”.
All Phenomena is Illusion. That goes double inside a History Sim.
Part of my Self-Remembering is that I am actually sitting here at the History Sim, not dwelling or moving about inside it, within the time-bind that creates the illusion of 21st century Earth.
Another part of my Self-Remembering is that it’s all an illusion, and that the illusion is controlled by numbers, zeros and ones, and that I can call them off and use my skills in ordering them and creating a variety of combinations with them.
I can create gateways to any worlds I wish to visit.
With my crystal and radio technology, I can create my own healthcare plan which, along with a good diet, lots of fresh air and sunlight, but not to excess, and of course a discipline of prayer and meditation, assures a long and healthy and productive life.
Sure, there are aches and pains, but thanks to our Republican friends in congress, you’ll be able to learn how to handle all your miseries with magic, or they won’t get handled at all.
If politicians had their way, they’d take our prayer and meditation and spirit healing away from us, like they take everything else, but they can’t, at least not yet, not so long as the Constitution is still in force.
Oh, NOW you get it. Yep, if someone can break the basic American Institutions, the Constitution will be suspended, leaving Donald Trump in charge.
Create Your Own Magic Healing Altar
Medical insurance??? You have to be kidding. We HAVE no medical insurance, just as we have no retirement fund, and we’ve lost our own homes and our IRA fund when the Big Bailout happened a few years back, and everyone I know is in that same situation.
There’s nothing left for Old Age. Retirement is out of the question, and going to work from 9 to 5 has become impossible.
That’s when you have to find an alternative to mainstream medicine, and I offer Prayer Power as a possible solution.
Keep your medical insurance, you butt-faced moron politicians. We don’t need no friggin’ medical insurance. We don’t need no doctors. We don’t need no medicine. Just get out of our faces and leave us our Angelic Prayer Power Healing Medicine Wheel.
Tired of the old runaround? Don’t want to be directly under the nukes when they go off in your hometown? Have an aversion to being roasted alive by a mob of fear-crazed zombies? Maybe it’s time to take another look at your escape route off of Planet Trump.
I know, I know — I said “no more Trump shit”, and I meant it then and mean it now, but…you have to have some idea of what to do while you’re waiting to be taken away to the nearest labor camp “to save your life, and give you food, medicine, shelter and protection”.
From then on, you work until you die.
Watch as one by one, your freedoms are taken away. Coins and dollar bills will be the first to go, as all currency is controlled through the cloud, through computers that first determine your exact present location and identity, then pass the transaction through.
There will be many blocks, many obstacles, many obstructions on the path to liberation, but there always are, and sometimes they are so in-your-face that they can’t be ignored.
I can afford to ignore Donald Trump forever, but you can’t, and in all conscience, I can’t remain silent, much as I would prefer to. Continue reading →
Gorby’s Place is a feature on my quantum version of Nikolskaya Street in Moscow.
One of the most unusual of times is that in which computers exist and games are tolerated, which happens all too seldom, what with the wide variety of repressive governments in place all over the galaxy, but at least for the moment, we can make Orbs and you’re allowed to download and install them, although for how long that will be is anybody’s guess.
Of course, “approved” games will always be available, but you won’t want to play them, and besides, my “games” are not really games at all — they merely rely on a gaming engine to deliver them and make them useful to you. Continue reading →
You can see pickups as I’m starting to build the wall boxes on the main floor base.
Feeling helpless and in despair? Is Trump too much for you? Would you like to shut him up, or at least get him to stop lying, cheating and back-stabbing the public?
Great idea, but hard to actually accomplish, especially face-to-face. Trying to reason with madness and deep paranoiac insanity is a fruitless task. All you can hope to do is to contain it and make it harmless.
No matter what you say OR DO, Trump will not listen to you. He is famous for being unable to accept answers he doesn’t want to believe.
Sure, you can engage him on Twitter, duel with him in the media and try to get a phone call through to the Oval Office before he presses that Nuke Button on the side of his desk, but no amount of pleading will have an effect, no matter how compelling and convincing. Continue reading →
My Trump Model behaves pretty much as the original does, including “KMB” poses.
At one end of the Ballroom, you’ll note a small closet, within which is tucked a skeleton. How proverbial is that? Can you think of another word for “Thesaurus”? What if there were no rhetorical questions? If a cat and a banana traveled East on a train from Chicago to New York at an average of 90 mph in a stiff wind, how many chickens were left at the end of the run?
And that’s the kind of polite chatter you’d be likely to expect from the Washington crowd, most of whom are lawyers without a practice. You can’t come across a band of worse thugs than that, and when they get together, it’s called “Congress” — aptly named, I think, for the kind of thing they do to the country.
The Ballroom is very valuable as a venue for speakers, poets, protest songsters and theater and dance presentations, all of which are Spiritual Enlightenment Technology directed at the leader and leadership of this once-great nation.
If you didn’t used to be, but now you are ashamed to be an American, it’s time to take some positive action, and this is it. Get into the Ashram and start pushing those vibes out at the Washington politicians who aren’t listening on any other level. Continue reading →
Spook watches a fireball manifest in Norton Street demonstration, 1969. All the props courtesy of Universal Studios, except the Mayan Glass Knife from my collection.
You can: paint, draw, sing, act, dance, sculpt, make jewelry, all with the singular purpose of producing balance and harmony between Centrums, Chakras and Meridians, and a profound sense of peace and harmony between yourself and your environment.
It’s NEVER about talent. It’s ALWAYS about giving yourself permission
“I can’t give myself permission,” you tell me.
Well, do you ever give yourself permission to act out negatively? To be angry, sad, depressed, for more than a few seconds? That’s all the time it takes to have an emotional reaction. The rest is reverberation and decay time, and that could, for some unfortunates, take hours, days, weeks, years, maybe never.
La Balance – The Tarot card “BALANCE” illustrates the concept and method of harmonic resonance. The goal of harmonic therapy is to restore the natural balance of sounds inherent in a blended whole, to restore the whole note from the resultant fragmentaries.
It’s easy to manifest thought-forms and prayer-forms if you can concentrate AND FOCUS your Higher-Being Attention.
Invite a group of friends to gather in order to experiment with the TC-Helicon H1 Intelligent Harmonizer, working to creating notes and harmonies along the TONE SCALE of OBJECTIVE WAVELENGTHS with the object of obtaining harmonization and defining the range of each individual’s voice at this time, before stretching and flexing the vocal muscles.