First of all, the client sees what? It’s gotta be the thumbnail, followed closely by the title of the video, enshrined in two lines or less, right below the thumbnail, which is supposed to entice the client to click into the video, and thus be exposed, albeit briefly, to several options including “Like”, “Comment”, “Watch Video”, “Subscribe” and possibly even give a click-through the hotlink to your web page, in this case “” and hopefully on to a full exploration of the website.
But … but … But what if the thumbnail IS the destination? Continue reading →
The other day, Claude mentioned that probably the best chance we have of high-level marketing and merchandising success in this marketplace would be my leggings, and I’m working tonight to get something together for a sales crew.
I’ve also gotten a large number of U.S. Postage Stamps up, but we can expect about a week’s delay in getting them approved by the Post Office — they review every stamp that comes through, and may or may not approve mine, based on I’m not sure what standards, except for the obvious. Continue reading →
Portals are everywhere, if you need to leave Earth rather unexpectedly.
Why do I endanger myself by speaking out? Believe me, it’s far more dangerous to remain silent in the face of tyranny than it is to stand up and be counted, and that’s what you should be doing today, marching in Washington.
My whole family decided to march with the pro-environment people today. They’re planning to join the Peoples Climate Movement’s March on Washington and even now, as I write this, they’re only four miles out of Seattle!
If you think back on it, there hasn’t been a single day — actually, not a single HOUR — during which Donald Trump dominated the news and created breaking news his own self. His whole purpose seems to be to stay at the top of the news, and he manages to do just that, if with nothing else, his zanier and stupider tweets.
There’s nothing like a puffed-up bigot making more complaining noises than a garbage truck on a formerly quiet suburban street, at five o’clock in the morning.
In Russia, the sentiment is “Enough Trump!”
Even THEY are tired of seeing his little squinty eyes and puckered mouth shouting stupidities and struggling with real and imaginary enemies on all sides, plus top & bottom.
Poor Donald says he “misses his old life” and finds being President “harder than he expected.” He in fact thought it would be as easy as his reality show, and frequently returns to his campaign mode in a pathetic attempt to gain “ratings”, the only means by which he measures his success.
The real problem is not with Trump — he’s a victim of his own chat-bot programming and can’t help what he says, does, thinks or feels.
If you’re looking for something other than a chat-bot in Donald Trump, you’ll be wasting your time and effort. The little red switch on the back of his head tells the story. Continue reading →
We had such fun our last season in Atlantis, too bad about the little accident, eh?
I thought it’d be nice to explore something besides the constant news from the White House, but it’s impossible to ignore the very clear and very present danger from many sides — North Korea, Russia, Syria, Iran, Washington D.C., and of course the UFO Menace, to mention only a few.
Easiest way out?
There’s only one answer. The original Atlantean Bug-Out Amulet, which I call the “Geronimo” Ammy, because that’s what you’ll yell when it operates. It works only the once, and only when activated by radiation. I’ll tell you more at the end of this little dissertation.
There is no local safety net, nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, and even if you succeed in escaping Trump Amerika, being an Amerikan Refugee will not earn you a gold star in the years to come, when you’ve landed elsewhere where “Amerika” is just a myth out of the long-lost distant past, as it is in the 37th century, where I have to present this as a term paper, and they’re gonna think I made all this shit up, but nobody could.
I’m bringing some proof in the form of selfies, and I’ve left stuff at various locations to dig up later when I get back to the 37th century and out of this Mickey-Mouse Sim. Continue reading →
That beautiful pre-war Leica iii-C was the best 35mm camera I ever used, and I still have it, courtesy Army Security Agency, Fort Devens, Mass.
On Tax Day, April 15, 2017 many tens of thousands of angry taxpayers took to the streets in protest. They pay taxes every year, Donald Trump has never paid a penny of tax in his entire life, and he uses up taxpayer money like water, as you’ve seen.
Did Emperor Donald take this seriously? Did he see the handwriting on the wall?
Of course not.
I told you before, with all due respect, Donald Trump is clinically insane which, if he didn’t have his finger on the nuclear trigger, would be no big deal.
As I’ve said before, he’s an NPD, a Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which doesn’t listen and doesn’t respect or trust others, and there’s no cure for NPD, none whatsoever.
Trump tweeted — of course he tweeted, what else would you expect??? — that ALL the demonstrators who marched on Tax Day were paid actors.
Oh, yeah? Nobody paid ME to protest, and I’m protesting plenty, while I still can, because I KNOW that within days or weeks, my ability to do could be seriously reduced by the Gestapo or worse, an Agency Setup.
As a graduate of two Unnamed Agencies and one that appears in my service records, the Army Security Agency, I know what their mindset is, and my continued survival and ability to publish is not among their top concerns.
In short, I’m expendable as hell.
I take a hell of a chance singing songs of protest, writing poems, blogs and video game levels that make fun of Donald Trump, but I’ve always said, if I’m to be hanged as a horse-thief, I’ll at least have the horse. Continue reading →
Dimatteo’s Pizza is a very popular pizza spot, and the products are delicious.
Forget about Trump for a few minutes. I know it’s hard to drop the subject — he’s plastered all over the news, and his ugly pig-face is absolutely everywhere, but let’s do try for a few minutes to concentrate on something else.
Oh, are you finding that difficult? Trump IS a major distraction on the Path, but don’t let that throw you off your spiritual stride. What you really need to put in place is a majorly powerful “Keep-Away” of some sort, and I recommend a TRUMPENITE DOME, combined with a TFZ MEDALLION. See my other blogs about those items or call and ask about them.
Even with those “keep-aways” in place, you might find Trump still very much in your face and in your mind, maintaining a constant CLOUD OF WORRY over your head.
That’s how an NPD maintains power, and Donald Trump is an NPD and a half. He actually falls well within the highest scoring nuttos on the planet, and that’s on a definite bell-curve. Continue reading →
Ashram mockup of a typical “See in 3 Dimensions” mall setup.
How hard would it be to set up a portable portal in your hometown, and notify the press that your StarGate, set up on a known Vortex Power Point, would be available for viewing from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. on such-and-such a date???
Here’s a fantastic way to earn some Bodhisattva Merit!
You walk into a mall and persuade the mall people to let you set up your Portable Portal somewhere in the mall. Of course, viewing is free, and the folks are allowed to take — but are not handed — a flyer about the Atlantean-Society. Continue reading →
New StarGate, thanks to Rocky! Can you find it? It’s somewhere in the Ashram.
Once you locate a StarGate, you can easily operate it with the Official Sigil of the Atlantean-Society, but where exactly IS the nearest StarGate? If you are having trouble finding a StarGate in or near your hometown, why not build your very own StarGate right in your own backyard?
It’s easy to put together in a single afternoon, with our incredible easy-to-follow STARGATE BUILDING PLANS. Buy the plans today, usually $1.4 million, but it’s on SALE today for only $6.99 per download, and we’ll include the following:
EASY TO FOLLOW PLANS for your very own personal “BACKYARD STARGATE”.
InterDimensional Holyiday Inn & Howerd Jackson Hotels DISCOUNT COUPON.
Official Atlantean-Society downloadable — you print it and have it laminated — MEMBERSHIP CARD, identifying you as a former Atlantean Citizen.
ATLANTEAN SOCIETY NEWSLETTER in electronic format keeps you informed about recent developments and breakthroughs, gives you support in locating StarGates and operating your own backyard StarGate and tells you about upcoming workshops and clinics using Healing Stones, Atlantean Sigils and other ancient magical items.
You might want to check out the new post on the Atlantean-Society webpage.
InterDimensional Airways GatePort Flights are available at Prosperity Ashram.
Combine Gateway with Portal and you get GatePort, a somewhat unique term meaning specifically an InterDimensional Gateway, Stargate or Portal. Charms can be carried or worn. GatePorts come in several flavors: Continue reading →
Cover illio for The Portal Game, which teaches how to use Ancient Triads.
Portal Keys are the main use of Triads in the game, although Healing and Higher Contact are the actual intentional uses of this ancient instrument that was introduced into the life of humans of Planet Earth sometime around 30,000 B.C. during one of the earlier civilizations, which has been long submerged under the sea.
Atlantis? Possibly, but there were thousands of city-states that were destroyed in several massive catastrophic sea-level risings, a repetitive event on Earth that is soon to be repeated in our time. What happens is that the seacoast disappears underwater when the ice caps melt, which they’ve been doing for the past 65,000 years, by my clock.
Don’t let that divert you from your Essence Quest, to find and learn to use the ten Triads of the Ancients, somewhere in the wilderness — that’s the first Triad, but there are nine more, and you’ll have to explore and traverse ten different worlds to find all the Triads you’ll be carrying and using from now on. Continue reading →