Trump gives himself plenty of permission to express rage, like Hitler did.
Here are Trump’s actual words FROM LAST NIGHT: “There won’t be any transition of power, just a continuation of power. We’ll just throw out the ballots.”
In uttering that phrase, he instantly stole the election. It’s done. It’s over. Period. Continue reading →
I Have Your Rockology Kits Ready to Ship — give me your order today!
I don’t ordinarily use language like that, but I’m learning from those folks who run the Federal Government, especially Anthony Scaramucci — “The Mooch” we used to call him, and of course Rashida Tlaib said it all … “We’re gonna go in there and impeach the motherfucker”, after a few high crimes & misdemeanors catch up with Trumpie-Poo.
Frankly, I wouldn’t impeach him and I hope he lives another twenty years. You wouldn’t want him to become a martyr to the Conspiracy Lobby.
Anyone who gives a shit about chemical trails or vapor trails coming out the tail end of your commercial jetliners is too weird to be allowed to walk the streets, and that’s mostly Trump’s much-touted “base”.
Trump is getting rich off the job of “President”. Frankly, I don’t care who profits.
I’m not AGAINST anyone in Washington, and I’m not FOR anyone, either. They’re all crooks, they’re all rotten to the core, they all lie, they all cheat, they all steal, and they all hate YOUR guts and they’re ALL out to get you, so duck & cover — it’s time to make a buck — that’s all the bastards will allow you to make — and maybe we’ll survive another winter without actual eviction onto the street. Continue reading →
Very few folks know what the letters “f-f-f-f-f” in Judge Kavanaugh’s Calendar actually meant, back in the day of college dorms and panty raids. I will reluctantly remind those who have forgotten this foul male heritage, and you can look it up, if you doubt me:
Disgusting as it might be, that’s what it means, and there isn’t a single one of those lying, sniveling cowardly RepubliKlan Senator who doesn’t FULLY REMEMBER what it means.
They are very aware of the meaning — they can’t escape that glaring fact of high school and college bragging rights — the world of a young man experiencing the pangs of puberty is filled with fantasies and bullshit, and every male kid in Amerika has heard someone say something similar to that — maybe only four f’s instead of five, as Kavanaugh’s clan seemed to prefer.
“F-F-F-F-F” can’t mean anything else. That’s what it has meant for at least 60 years local time, and every high school BOY knows it. For anyone unfamiliar with the cynical phrase that dates back to the fifties, it can be quite a shocker.
Sanctimonious bastards that they are, the Washington Senators (no relation to the heroic members of the baseball team of the same name) gave the smug and smirking Judge Kavanaugh a “pass”, knowing full-well what that calendar entry “f-f-f-f-f” really meant.
There are other high school yearbook and calendar notations that are equally brutal and nasty, but that’s the way Rich White Men get their way — they bully, brag, lie, cheat and steal, and invent reasons why they can do it and get away with it, like the bragging that we heard on the “Access Hollywood” video.
Shocking? Not anymore, it isn’t. Not anymore. They are the most criminal bastards who ever hit the Beltway, but they’re not quite finished with us, yet. They have even more up their sleeves, and they intend to press their bets once they win another election. Continue reading →
Kelli has a class project due today — we all thought we had another week to work on it, but it snuck up on us real quick-like, and here we are:
“Why did you start performing as LeslieAnn?
Somebody had to do it. Seriously, it just seemed to me to be the safe time to cross-dress, but that isn’t true under the Rule of Trump, just under the Rule of Law, which we no longer have. Notably, I have not performed as LeslieAnn nor have I costumed up for photo ops since Trump stole the Presidency with a trick of the Electoral College, while losing the popular vote. Gender, Race, Religion and Intelligence are all presently under attack, and I wouldn’t appear in public as anything but white Christian if I could help it. It’s tough enough to face the prejudice as a Jew — add to that the homophobia and racism and you get “No Comedy Tonight” — signs that hung outside theaters under Hitler’s regime. Like Hitler, Trump has zero sense of humor. My aim in comedy is not to perform it, but to teach it. I had good teachers, like Frank Gorshin and Jonathan Winters, and comedy is a great path to wisdom. For some oppressed people, it’s the only way they can get in a lick or two while being beaten to a pulp by a large bully or an overwhelming mob of crazed zombies. For some great examples of this, check out Mel Brooks’ takes on Hitler, Jeff Dunham’s political rips, and Carol Burnett’s entire show all the time. Like I said, many comedians want to be saying something clever while they’re being driven into the ground by a bully.
“What is the meaning of LeslieAnn?”
Nothing in particular. I like the name because it’s unusual enough that it can be used as a single name, which is how I always bill an act — easy to remember. Don’t overestimate the intelligence of humans of Planet Earth. LeslieAnn is the name I used for several female lifetimes and one male lifetime on Planet Earth — remember, please, that for me, a human being is merely an avatar in a fairly small and simple 37th century Full-Immersion Reality Game called “Urthgame”, and if you don’t believe me, you can look it up in the Akashic Records, which is presently called “google”. Continue reading →
One of the things Donald Trump would definitely never become aware of is the general effect of his hysteria and rumpus-room tantrums. With his ugly pig-face in the media ALL the time, 24/7/365, there is no getting away from him and his evil minions.
When government is working normally and well, citizens aren’t running in the streets in protest every few days, calling for impeachment or worse.
Government is NOT working well, therefore we have a situation where it’s virtually impossible to concentrate on your work every minute of every work hour of every work day.
LeslieAnn at the Crisis Healing Center in the Ashram.
When the shit piles up too high to walk over it, and the piles of shit are too close together to walk between them, you’re in seriously deep shit. What’s happening out there is NOT about politics. It’s NOT about religion, and it’s definitely NOT about health care or women’s issues.
It’s simply time for the peasants to prove that they are revolting, always have been and always will be revolting. Why can’t the downtrodden just stay down? That’s the Smerconish Response — just shut up and take it on the jaw — liberals should lie down & die.
I’m not a leftist, nor a rightist. This isn’t even my goddam planet, monkey descendant. Frankly, I think you’re all fucking nuts, and I’m not at all happy to be living here among you, watching you squabble and fight over crumbs, while the fat ones glut themselves on your food, and drink your wine, while you writhe in hunger and the pain of betrayal.
Other than that, I could give a shit what happens here.
Suffering and pain is easy to repair. Misery and heartache and guilt and recrimination and fear and horror and disgust are harder to deal with, but manageable. It’s the marketing angles I can’t figure out, and I’m looking for some help here.
I’m here to finish a history project. As an alcohol-intolerant, I’m damned if I can figure out just how the hell I’m supposed to determine exactly which bar was the location of the fist-fight that ended history, I don’t know, but here I am to tell the tale.
I’m supposed to leave notes that can be found and dug up back in the 37th century, but I have to be careful not to leave them where there’s too much radiation, and I can’t remember where the airbursts went off, or that is, are going to go off, in the Western states, although I do remember that I was surprised at the cities that were hit. Continue reading →
Tired of the old runaround? Don’t want to be directly under the nukes when they go off in your hometown? Have an aversion to being roasted alive by a mob of fear-crazed zombies? Maybe it’s time to take another look at your escape route off of Planet Trump.
I know, I know — I said “no more Trump shit”, and I meant it then and mean it now, but…you have to have some idea of what to do while you’re waiting to be taken away to the nearest labor camp “to save your life, and give you food, medicine, shelter and protection”.
From then on, you work until you die.
Watch as one by one, your freedoms are taken away. Coins and dollar bills will be the first to go, as all currency is controlled through the cloud, through computers that first determine your exact present location and identity, then pass the transaction through.
There will be many blocks, many obstacles, many obstructions on the path to liberation, but there always are, and sometimes they are so in-your-face that they can’t be ignored.
I can afford to ignore Donald Trump forever, but you can’t, and in all conscience, I can’t remain silent, much as I would prefer to. Continue reading →
Wouldn’t you love to work in an ancient Egyptian temple of your very own?
I have no voice. It doesn’t bother me, but it’s quite noticeable. when I speak, write, sing, act, paint, draw, sketch or sculpt, there’s no measurable impact on anything or anyone. I’m not a tweeter, but if I were a tweeter, I could literally tweet my ass off, but nobody will read it, and that’s just fine by me, or it was fine, until Donald Trump’s name became a household word, like “slopbucket”.
Whatever it looks like, however it seems to you today, Donald Trump is NOT an obstruction on the Path to Liberation, not if you know the secret.
What is the secret?
I’ll tell you right off. Live the good life. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted. Relax, stay calm, it will all work out just the way it should.
The universe is a sim. There’s a script. If you keep that in mind, you won’t fall off the horsie. Donald Trump is not alive — there’s nobody inside that thing, behind those cold, icy eyes.
He plays his “overwhelm” game and seems to be winning. His friends in Congress have their own nasty games and merely use him to gain advantages on their own ground.
You don’t need to know any of that. Just remember that ALL POLITICIANS ARE CROOKS and that ALL GOVERNMENT PEOPLE ARE MEAN AND NASTY, and that ALL POLITICIANS AND MEDIA PEOPLE LIE ALL THE TIME, and you won’t be knocked out of your socks the next time you find yourself shoved into the ditch at the side of the road.
When Donald Trump tweets, billions of people are affected by every careless word. The difference between me and Donald Trump is our choice of weapons. I selected “voice” and “guitar” and he chose “nuclear holocaust” and “gas chamber”.
Trump is a hero among his worshipers and followers. They like Strongmen and Dictators who will step in, clean up the mess, restore them to their former glory, and give them personal favors and benefits, and that’s Donald Trump in a nutshell, at least on paper.
He knows he doesn’t have to actually KEEP his promises, just make them and blast right along claiming “victory” at every punchdown. Just keep insisting you won, and eventually that becomes the truth, at least to the general public. They have no memory and no discernment whatever.
As a matter of fact, they don’t really care about the details, just what’s in it for them.
Each faction of politics, news media and science has its own direction to pull the chain, and the general effect is one of chaos and mayhem, exactly what Putin and Trump both had in mind.
If the U.S. government can be shut down permanently, Trump can rule, and that is “Plan A”. Plan B involves an actual invasion of the homeland by Russian airborne troops, and that’s already in the works, as soon as the defense department can be unraveled.
We had such fun our last season in Atlantis, too bad about the little accident, eh?
I thought it’d be nice to explore something besides the constant news from the White House, but it’s impossible to ignore the very clear and very present danger from many sides — North Korea, Russia, Syria, Iran, Washington D.C., and of course the UFO Menace, to mention only a few.
Easiest way out?
There’s only one answer. The original Atlantean Bug-Out Amulet, which I call the “Geronimo” Ammy, because that’s what you’ll yell when it operates. It works only the once, and only when activated by radiation. I’ll tell you more at the end of this little dissertation.
There is no local safety net, nowhere to run to, nowhere to hide, and even if you succeed in escaping Trump Amerika, being an Amerikan Refugee will not earn you a gold star in the years to come, when you’ve landed elsewhere where “Amerika” is just a myth out of the long-lost distant past, as it is in the 37th century, where I have to present this as a term paper, and they’re gonna think I made all this shit up, but nobody could.
I’m bringing some proof in the form of selfies, and I’ve left stuff at various locations to dig up later when I get back to the 37th century and out of this Mickey-Mouse Sim. Continue reading →
A full set of these work tools are part of your Easter Workshop packet.
For the first time ever, you get a full professional world-creation system that is easy to use, easy to master and makes fabulous reality environments that YOU can make. No math skills, no programming skills, any artist can use this INSTINCTIVE system of world-making.
I’ve made a video of the most basic first introductory lesson in Bluelining technology. The video is being uploaded even now.
This world-making tech is amazing and has several powerful advantages over simple mental imaging and visualization, the most vital of which is that repeated exercise of these actions WILL have a major effect in the spiritual zones, because you are taking actions in the deepest and most enduring levels of quantum mechanics.
Repeated uses of these Orbs will at some point trigger Thalamic or Pineal reactions and a wormhole type gateway could open up within your own brain and hey, like I always say, if they offer a price on your head, take it.
The underlying quantum world is electronic in nature, and so is the 3D GODD® Game-Maker Engine & Editor.
If you go wildcatting around with the editor, you’ll never master it, even in several decades. There are just a few, not many, definite tricks to using the GODD Editor, and you need to know them.
First of all, you’ll have to learn to refresh your map in order to get a firm update of all the textures and box placements. This is easily learned, but MUST be mastered before doing much else.
Of course, if you don’t know how to download and/or install something on your machine, you have a much deeper learning-curve ahead of you. A quick review of your computer, as in, “this is the keyboard”, “this is the monitor” and “this is the mouse” will have to suffice. Do try to keep those straight as we plow ahead into the simple mechanics of creating a universe by carving out a section of the Void.
That is what we’re doing. The map is Voidness until you define the space within the Void, and fill it with boxes and models and other objects and a number of invisible “operators” that in fact are the things that make things happen.
What appears to be happening in a game world seldom is. Operators are essential, and they reflect the actual magical conditions of the quantum world.
Bluelining will eventually yield some serious answers in that area, but be patient — the teaching comes in stages, meaning that there are some flat stretches ahead.
There are always flat stretches between each peak you’ve conquered behind you. Those allow you to develop and deepen your understanding at each stage of development. Continue reading →