Get Rid of Past Life Pain!

Each card in the PLS deck could potentially indicate a source of Past Life Pain. You can use the deck to help you select which Orb to run now.

Going through the Orb you learn how to run at a steady “dead-run” pace. It’s all about the swing & sway, and that’s what the Coach’s job is all about — getting the Runner to feel comfortable and competent in the Orb Run.

What you’re trying to do is to “tickle”  the offending impingement enough times that it goes away.

But which Orb to run TODAY? Continue reading

Where Is It Coming From?

Habits, habits, always the habits. There are only 128 slots in the Habit Folder, so if you want to change a habit, you’ll need to do it BY REPLACEMENT. That’s the only way.

Now if a slot remains unfilled, it automatically defaults to the DF — the Default Habit, which you already know well enough to satisfy several lifetimes. Each slot repeats itself many times a day, and between them all, they force human activity on a social scale.

Most folks have only one or two actual habits that were formed this lifetime, generally at a very young age, usually copying a favorite aunt or uncle. The large majority of habits are PHANTOM HABITS coming to the present from past lives. Continue reading

Got It!!!

world war one biplane in midair, 1918, photo by my Uncle Morris.

Yep, I have indeed, “got it” — the absolute whole picture of the PLS WORK, the KEY to past lives and their influence on your present self.

Think of any path as having a spawning point and a terminal point. Between those two points, imagine 30 intermediate points, designated as “Iniatiatory Points”. each one of which is represented by a photo or screenshot.

At each point, there is some sort of interaction between yourself and a time, place and people. Some encounter will occur, and some catharsis will inevitably occur in you as a direct result of that encounter.

It can be with a person, which is the easiest Initiatory Interaction to detect. Continue reading

Hot New Products!!!

Trans-Dimensional PLS Deck is now available in full living color!

Wow, has this been a productive week, what with all the rain and snow and wind and fog and such blowing all around us, it’s been great, great, great, and terrific new transcending gear has evolved out of nowhere, and I’m gonna introduce you to it right now …

First of all, there’s the Power Base and Candle. This can be charged up or can work as a charger, depending on what kind of Power Pendant you load up in there.

The candle is hand-painted with YOUR OWN Guardian Angels — I get the expression and figure more or less right, and the Law of Similarity takes over from there.

You can WEAR the coin or other contact item in the Power Pendant, and power it up in the Power Base, or if it’s a CQR Power Pendant, it can be used to charge the Wishing Candle for extra power.

WEAR the Power Pendant with a Roman coin in it, and get into powerful contact with at least one of your past lives as a Roman citizen, Freeman or Slave — you could easily have been one as the other. Continue reading

Amazing Discovery

Photo by T. of Gorby practicing guitar at Red House, 1971.

When you realize that the so-called “simple” Guitar Practice of 5 Minutes a Day, which eventually turns into maybe a half-hour or more per session, sometimes four or five guitar sessions a day when you get into it, can produce miracle internal results, it’s an amazing discovery.

Just five minutes a day practicing the guitar, seems like nothing.

At some point, the guitar practice seems to go better, then worse, then better and better, up and down for a number of months, maybe years, before you relax into it.

That means stop trying to control it, to make it into something that resembles your mental picture of what guitar practice ought to look and and sound like.

That picture of you playing guitar is totally wrong. As I said, at some point, you’ll let go of that picture of yourself and let the real thing just be there. Continue reading

We Are Shipping!

Are we shipping? Yes, we are. It’s keeping us all jumping, especially Jewel, who is making her third run to the post office, Fedex & UPS today, although that many trips IS unusual, but that might be changing, in which case, we’ll be yelping for help in the shipping department.

Last night, I managed to finish 13 pairs of sterling silver quarter-sized “Proud Immigrant” earrings, along with a corresponding number — 13 — of sterling silver “Proud Immigrant” Pendants to make the sets complete.

The pendants come ready to hang on a chain. They are made right here in California, and are therefore just a bit more money than something thrown together in China — they retail at $39.95.

You get the entire three-piece set for only $55 wholesale — the coins are a gift.

What’s more, I’ll send you a black velvet “Stormy Monday” Display Bust with one pendant on a solid sterling silver chain, plus a pair of coin earrings, all in solid .925 sterling silver except of course the coins, all for the low, low price of $85.

How do I do it?

Continue reading

What We Offer

Exceptionally rare pump-handle in window DDR of the Homestead quarter. This will bring about $500-$700 on eBay if you manage to locate one and get it slabbed & graded.

I’m going to give you a short and limited rundown of the offerings in our necklace & earring department today — you can see it all at the gallery, and there are EIGHT coin merchants now operating in the gallery.

What the customer gets is a perfect U.S. State, Territorial or America the Beautiful Quarter in a sterling silver bezel, contained in a double-bag marketing package, ready to hang on your Master Pegboard.

Each Pegboard can have, and should have, its own theme or common thread, such as “Water” or “Birds” or “Travel” or “Love & Romance” or “Revolutionary War” or “Civil War” or “Protected Environments”, and so forth — the choices are far & wide, and the selection process down to “What Pegboards Will I Bring to the Fair???” is worth the time & effort.

A Pegboard can be framed, generally a 16″x20″ will do, and the frame will soon get dinged, so don’t worry about putting a used frame on it, just get it up there. In a shop, people will not be so forgiving, and there, you’d be well-served to put a new prettier frame around it.

Your Pegboards can also be mounted on an easel, or built onto a commercial stand, or put up a dozen different ways, and you can use the rotating merchandising trees on a counter-top or table to supplement the wall displays.

Let’s examine the result of your coin searches: Continue reading

Worthless Coins For Sale!!!

This $2,200 1925-s was hiding in a pile of junk coins, looking worthless as hell, until I spotted it — it’s brown and blends in with the junk perfectly well.

“On the street, Hale could feel really successful. The bitter wind slashed at him; he had only seventy-six cents in his pocket and no place to sleep. At last, he was getting somewhere!”

That’s a quote from my Dad Horace’s fantasy novel, “None But Lucifer”, and it’s relevant to the practice I intend to introduce, the practice of Coinology, which starts out by learning to actually SEE what you’re looking at, which is the very essence of the Waking State and is the gate to higher consciousness and essence love.

When you send for Gorby’s Penny Prospecting Kit #1 at only $49.95, you will receive nothing but the very worst, I promise!

I personally guarantee that every single coin you receive in your Gorby’s Wheaties Loot Bag will be worthless, or as near worthless as I can arrange.

I personally search and destroy all value coins out of the pack, to be sold for exorbitant amounts to passers-by.


Because you’re learning to see VALUE and GRADE, and it’s invisible against similar grade, so it needs a contrasting background, hence the bag of crap coins intended to throw you off and confuse things as completely as possible.


Good versus evil, red versus blue, warm versus cold. It’s contrast that helps you see a thing, like spotting a dark meteorite on a field of snow or desert sand. It’s easy to see against a starkly contrasting background, but imagine finding that same meteorite in a jungle or amongst similar-looking rocks.

You wouldn’t stand a chance.

So, I gotta give you something to SEE the high value high grade coins against, and that’d be junk coins, all no better than GOOD to VERY GOOD, and that’s what I’ve spent hours and hours doing — scouring out all the quality down to crap.

Want perfect coins? Want to hit the JACKPOT COIN of all time? Want to be the hero on your block with a self-found MS-66 RD 1909-s VDB ready for third-party grading?

Well, don’t give it another thought. That’s not going to happen, at least not by searching junk coins. The real money is in the junk. What is someone else’s throwaway is your treasure, if you know how to SEE.

So forget about hitting The Big One, and concentrate on transmission of the Teaching.

Okay, so you’re not going to hit the Big One, the 1909-s VDB or 1922 No D, so what IS going to happen???

What IS going to happen is that you are going to train yourself to properly, efficiently and effectively search 1909-1939 Wheaties for value above what you paid.

You’ll be paying exactly what I pay — anywhere from 5 cents a coin for the 1930s coins to a dime for the 1920s coins and 20 cents a pop for the 1930s coins, for the bag of 100% LIFETIME GUARANTEED bag of junk coins, all G-4-6, not a bit higher, and certainly no lower.

Now, hidden deeply within the bag of junk “BASE” coins will be several “TARGET” COINS which you’ll try to pick out from the bagful of crap coins, which will cost you an average of a dime per junk coin. Continue reading

Cloaking — How it Works

Prosperity Path Vineyards #1 by ProsperityPath

The idea of “CLOAKING” goes all the way back to when people wore animal skins to hunt animals on the plains, and if you want to count previous incarnations and cosmic cycles, it goes back all the way to the Blueline Game Map of the Universe itself.

Yeah, that far back.

The Blueline Map of the Game is real, it really exists, and it’s really, really simple. You wouldn’t believe how simple it is to program in the MoveAct Code, to make it appear as if the entities are intelligent and self-aware, but in reality, they’re just chat-bots, like your friends and neighbors.

There are a very few responses that living creatures have available on encounters:

  • Run Away.
  • Kill It.
  • Eat It.
  • Have Sex With It.
  • Ignore It.

It doesn’t sound like much to work with, and it isn’t, but believe me, most human beings have no need for more than the dial-tone level of consciousness in order to seem very human, with all the human values that endear humans to not very many Higher Intelligences.

If you penetrate the SIM successfully, you can easily see the workings, all exposed and revealed before you, as it were. It’s easy to see the strings, the connections, and if you can see them, you know exactly which strings to pull. Continue reading

Chanukah Coins & Christmas Coins


I’ve already posted the Christmas/Easter coins — they are the “Widow’s Mite of Mark 12-41”. A slightly larger coin covers Chanukah:


The Hasmonean Prutah were issued by the Maccabees, leaders of a rebel army that took power from the Seleucid Empire, 164-35 BCE and founded the Hasmonean Dynasty in Judea, celebrated as “Chanukah” in the present time zone.

Unfortunately, these coins — actually anything from this area — are becoming ultra-scarce in any quality whatever, due to continual conflict. They are hard to find in good condition and impossible to find at wholesale prices, but they do have high value as Remote Reading Objects.

You can hold, carry or place a target object such as an ancient coin in your Cloud Chamber to charge it up and activate it. If you need instruction on this, just ask for it.

See You At The Top!!!
