This is what accrues in a typical night’s Coin-Zen Penny Search.
Gastown in East Side BardoTown, looking South toward the Overpass.
I took this snapper of the partially completed BardoTown, which is getting a total overhaul to accommodate the particle stuff in the new GODD engine. I’ll be working on BardoTown for a few weeks, hoping to get it ready for a holiday download day. I’m guessing December 1 for a release date. You can snap your own screenshots with F4 and use the shots as screen-savers. That’s how I’m using the above screenshot on my game-writing computer — this month. Yep, every month or so I change the screenshot according to Objective Whim.
See You At The Top!!!
Okay, Here’s The Deal:
Okay, here’s the Deal, for the Record. Actually there are several deals. Here they are:
History + Coins + Children = Winner
Tie History to Coinage and Kids, and you’ve got a winner. Nothing gets a kid’s attention more than an interesting physical object, and if it has definite “street value”, such as a bright, shiny penny, so much the better. In order to teach a child anything, you HAVE TO have his or her attention first, or whatever you think you put into that kid’s brain will NOT BE THERE when you check the contents with a spot-quiz or a verbal test. I can tell you how to teach history and make it stick. Check this out….
Bonnie & Clyde Historical Coin Set
Bonnie & Clyde Historical Coin Set — $225
Each of the 3 copper Lincoln wheat back Good to Fine pennies in this deluxe presentation set represents one of the figures in the Bonnie & Clyde shootout on May 23, 1934. Bonnie is represented by a 1910 Lincoln Cent, her birth-date. Clyde is represented in the collection by a 1909 Lincoln Cent, its first year of issue and Clyde’s birth-date. Their death-dates are of course the same, 1934. Without teenager Bonnie’s sexy photos, the couple would have been ignored by the press. The pennies are contained in archival capsules and mounted in blue velvet presentation box with slipcase & gold labels. A very fun way to present and preserve history! Makes learning fun! Collect them all!
See You At The Top!!!
DETOX Karma Wash Class Orbs
Yeah, detox — Purify, Cleanse, Expunge, Flush and Irradiate. What that means is to shred the target, such as “Anger”, with repeated bombardments of intense Bardo Radiations — yellow, red, blue, green, violet and other, more subtle vibrations in the visible light spectrum, and many more in higher and lower spectra. Sound frequencies are tapped for resonance effects, to make ELF (Extreme Low Frequency) standing waves, which translate into energy-release and reduced composite waves. In addition, add a touch of Guru’s Grace, a dash of peppery Parallel Universe, just a smidgen of humor to make things go better, and as a topping, a blast of Voidness at the end. It’s fun and effective — you’ll feel it as it’s happening — and that’s a guarantee. Totally immersive environment and stunning graphics make this my rave fave. I’m working day and night, on a variety of vital DETOX Karma Wash levels just for you!
See You At The Top!!!
on my workbench atm
Here is a list of Oracle Class orbs I have finished, ready for the weekend convention & workshop — don’t forget that this is how you can get your Prosperity Path Coach Certification!!! Everyone who attends will be a certified coach on Monday; we’ll have a cert ceremony at that time, and your certificate will be ready and shown on camera whether you’re attending in person or online!!!
Dandee & Candee
Introducing my two newest additions to our Trans-Dimensional Jaunting Team, Dandee and Candee, both adepts at Universe-Hopping and negotiating tough spaces with tough defenders and guardians, and can they dance!!! You’ll be seeing a lot of Claude’s latest models including these two terrific little characters — I’ll be adding them in, where appropriate, and uploading the results as updates as soon as I can get to them. In the meanwhile, all my newest Orbs will, where appropriate, have them. See You At The Top!!! — gorby
Karma Burn is Here
I’ve been working on Karma Burn rather intensely and relentlessly for the past few nights. What’s a few more hours to get it working exactly the way I want it to? I’d be loath to release it before I was satisfied that everything worked. Not just most things. Everything. It does. But there are questions, one of which is “Why when I pick up some things, I get nothing?” You haven’t been paying attention to life very much, have you?
Karma Burn doesn’t merely imitate life, it is life. What’s going on in that screen is real to the folks your computer screen is showing you. That screenshot conveys the action that’s happening right now, this very second, to you, in another dimension. How you’re able to see this is called “Spooky Action At A Distance”, the phrase invented by legendary physicist Albert Einstein. It simply means that something can affect something else at great distances without any obvious connection. The coupling factor may remain unknown forever, but an engineer with the corrected formulas can still make it work.
How does Karma Burn work?
A Girl & Her Dog
A Girl & Her Dog is a web browser FULL 3-D game that I’m currently designing. I’ve got the first scenario made. This is what it looks like at the start:

I’ll have this ready for release very soon, but you should try to understand the significance of this. We are among the very first to have such an engine; a FULL 3-D walkthrough engine, a really real immersive game, that actually works in html-5, with sound, combat, everything!!! If you are able to help us reach our goal to get a number of full-3-D games on browsers and into the app stores this year, before the other indies can do the same, get in touch with us NOW!!!