“Winter Solstice” Kid’s Backpack, 100% Poly-Canvas, Cotton Straps, $116 Continue reading
“Winter Solstice” Kid’s Backpack, 100% Poly-Canvas, Cotton Straps, $116 Continue reading
By now our femme superhero Waxonn Waxoff realizes that Trumplestilskin the Conqueror cannot be stopped, that his policies will surely lead not only to war with other nations, but to war within the boundaries of her native land, Annunakkia, and it’s not just a single war, with a single purpose and two adversaries face-to-face, but a multiplicity of wars all going on at the same time, like World War I and the Russian Revolution and The Jewish Problem.
Waxoff finds herself in the midst of a race war, a religious war, a war of territory, a war of attrition and a war of total revenge, when the population finally catches up with the surviving leaders, and then, to top it all off, the Ancient Alien Invaders destroy what’s left of human cities and centers of commerce and industry.
In short, they lay waste to the land, but after the Evil Avatar Trumplestilskin gets through with it, there’s little left to crush into rubble.
Trumplestilskin himself is never personally at risk. His minions take care of everything. They defend him and destroy his enemies, for which they are well-paid.
His only concerns are a fear of the dark, a fear of being alone, and a deep, insatiable craving for attention by any means necessary. Continue reading
Those are the very basic rules of checkers. Watching a few games on youtube will give you the confidence you need to try playing a game with a friend. Continue reading
One of the primary uses of any ancient ceremony or ritual item was to provide direct contact with a higher intelligence, celestial being, star-being, angelic power, diety or intercessor between them and God for the purpose of getting what they wanted. The list included:
All of these important human goals match the goals set by the Universal Constant, Blessed Be Her Name, but there are other less clear goals, and all of this is predicated upon the understanding that direct contact with the Higher is not only possible, but the method by which DIRECT contact can be made is well-known and easily mastered, once begun. Continue reading
This is just one of the very large etching plates in this exquisitely rare book. The artist drew from life, a presentation of the play from November 27 through December 1, 1883. Farren lived at Cambridge but moved to Scarborough for his health, in 1889. The costumed players were all members of Cambridge University Classic Arts Department. There is no other intact copy known. Most were plundered for these incredible etchings. The price is very reasonable — $1850 cash, no credit. This came originally from Hacker Books in NYC and is among the rarest 19th century books known. Not an easy book to sell, this is very, very esoteric — but someone at Cambridge might be interested in acquiring it, eh?
See You At The Top!!!
One of many Storage Rooms you’ll find in Dungeon Deep due for release very soon.
Okay, here’s my plan for my farming orbs: my idea is to make each world, such as House & Tree, Dungeon Deep, Village Square and Dwarf Mine unique and separate from the others, although within a game such as Village Square, you’ll find subordinate areas such as Tavern, Mineshaft, Mausoleum, Vaults of Time, Growing Fields, Storage Rooms and Church Interior. It’ s all very complicated, and I’ll explain why…
Pre-Columbian Tarot Deck Coming Soon at a Theater Near You!!!
Just taking a break from building a major breakthrough “movie” set in the GODD gaming environment. I found that we had something on the order of 125+ models and several hundred more textures that would work well in a Meso-American tarot deck, so I launched off into a world-building session and came up with a doozy. Everyone is demanding that I stop everything else and work on this photo set, perhaps even with a running orb later on. I expect the deck to serve as the basis for storytelling and prognostication. This sample photo is what I’ll be showing — hopefully by next Saturday’s ICW. If you still don’t know how to log into the ICW so you can ask questions and participate LIVE, you’re invited! Email me to find out how.
See You At The Top!!!
Yep — I’m of course using “yep” in the Russian sense, to mean “sex”. It’s true; science fiction “filk” songs have finally hit the big time on tv when these guys did this sendup of sci-fi — syfy — si-fi — whatever. Live Long & Prosper! I know, I posted this comedy team only a few days ago, but it suddenly occurred to me that you might not have had the luck/skill/jenesequoi to find this particular link, so I’m posting it now for your pleasure. I think you’ll find it cheerful and amusing on a Music Monday — I’ll be on gorebagg tv at 4 pm pacific time today for more jazz, blues, folk, rock & more.
See You At The Top!!!
I’ve installed a PC on Norton Street. It’s equipped with a 17″ monitor and Creative speaker Bass Reflex system, along with a logitech 3 button mouse that will literally last forever. As you see, there’s also a set of crystals plugged into an experimental Model 7 SuperBeacon “Beamer”. You’ll also note a Matrix on the left wing of the desk, a bronze Buddha and ceramic candleholder on the right, and two new bookshelves offering entry into hundreds more Orbs than before, actually 1100 of them, newly made here on Urth this time around.
New release in the works, We Buy Gold — an incredible romp through wealth, fame and glory, plus a great finish with Mr. Buddha. You’ll enjoy it. You can market We Buy Gold on the CD, plus imagine the result of putting up the sale poster for this game in your shop window or putting it up for sale online — it is a videogame, so should properly be listed under “videogames”. It will be available as a download as well as on disk.
See You At The Top!!!