Shame & Humiliation

What is Shame? Where does it come from? Who made it? How did it get slimed up all over you? How do you get the stuff offa you, anyway? You don’t have to live with Shame if you follow this simple rule: Play the Shame Orb twice per day, once at around 6 a.m. and once at around 6 p.m. (0600 hours and 1800 hours). Never mind all those stupid questions. They lead nowhere. Just run the Orb to win. Watch for the Shame Orb, coming soon!!! Get on the Notify List if you want us to tell you when it’s downloadable!

See You At The Top!!!  — gorby

My Low Self-Esteem Sucks

Back in the 20th century, Low Self-Esteem didn’t used to be an issue. Everybody learned to just take it on the chin, grin and bear it, carry on and stiff upper lip and all that jazz. It’s different now. We care about how we feel because we’ve been taught to give ourselves permission to care about how we feel. But in the course of providing this new freedom to the masses, no provision was made for how to do something about how we feel, and that’s one of the main purposes of Prosperity Path, and Self-Esteem is right at the very heart of all our life-failures. It makes us do the stupidest things, and keeps us in the deepest Black Hole of personal existence, wretched misery of Low Self Esteem, known to doctors as “LSE”. How about it; do YOU have LSE???

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Let’s Talk Angels

Actual LIVE screenshot of Archangel Metatron in midair flight with Holy Sword..

In my world, it happens all the time. Mike is a frequent flyer in my Home Dimension, and so am I. You’ll now find a plethora of Angelic Intervention and easy Angelic Callings in future Orbs, starting with Addiction. Modern medicine takes no notice of the value of Angelic Intervention; they pay lip service, which is fine — we don’t need more than that to operate. You don’t want to dismiss professional intervention in crisis cases, that’s for sure. But add something like Prosperity Path, and do a run or two. Like chicken soup, it can’t hurt.

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Photo by EJ Gold — from “Gorby’s Little Acre”

In the equation I=V/R, one sees instantly the relationship between Resistance, Voltage and Ohmage, as it were, to coin a word. The electrons being pushed through a measuring point will meet resistance, Impedance, as it were, to its forward flow; there’s heat, there are other electrons pushing and shoving up ahead, there’s back-EMF, or backwash spilling out into the street, there’s a cross-wind, they’ve never used these rifles before, and there’s a problem with the sun. Long and short of it is that there will be some Resistance to any flow of any kind if it flows through anything even vaguely like a medium, a pool in which to swim, float and bob about, and what’s more, you’ll encounter Resistance of exactly the same variety when running any of my Prosperity Path Orbs.

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Prosperity & the Way of Service

[Photo by EJ Gold — available as “Gorby’s Little Acre” ebook soon.]

Hey, wanna hear a sneaky way to shoe-horn yourself into a Place in the Work??? I know, you’re shy, you don’t have many friends and you just can’t think of yourself as a Prosperity Coach at this time, if ever. No problem. I have a sneaky and effective “cheat” just for you!

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Angelic Intervention

One of the major points overlooked by human “modern medicine” (a term no off-worlder can hear without cracking up into peals of helpless laughter) is, as mentioned previously, the effect of Past Lives on the present lifetime. Also unconsidered are the many disembodied spirits that may intentionally or unintentionally cause harm or mischief. Yet another, as mentioned before,  is the totality of effect of the buildup of Karma, which must be reduced every day in order to live an effective work life, but the most unconsidered cause of relief of human ailments of all kinds is Angelic Help. Yes, angels are real. And under the right conditions, they can and will respond with powerful intervention.

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Addiction, you say???

DISCLAIMER: Okay, under the pressure of tons of requests for it, I’m blasting away at “Addiction”. It’s a bit of a bear, however, I think I have a handle on it at the moment. I’ll be producing the custom soundbytes for the Addiction Orb tonight, and should have it ready for testing here in the Barn by tomorrow sometime in the afternoon. After that, it’s about 8 hours before it’s bundled into its installer and all that. In the meantime, it suddenly occurs to me that you might not know exactly how the Addiction Orb works and what it’s meant to do …

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