I have no voice. It doesn’t bother me, but it’s quite noticeable. when I speak, write, sing, act, paint, draw, sketch or sculpt, there’s no measurable impact on anything or anyone. I’m not a tweeter, but if I were a tweeter, I could literally tweet my ass off, but nobody will read it, and that’s just fine by me, or it was fine, until Donald Trump’s name became a household word, like “slopbucket”.
Whatever it looks like, however it seems to you today, Donald Trump is NOT an obstruction on the Path to Liberation, not if you know the secret.
What is the secret?
I’ll tell you right off. Live the good life. Don’t allow yourself to become distracted. Relax, stay calm, it will all work out just the way it should.
The universe is a sim. There’s a script. If you keep that in mind, you won’t fall off the horsie. Donald Trump is not alive — there’s nobody inside that thing, behind those cold, icy eyes.
He plays his “overwhelm” game and seems to be winning. His friends in Congress have their own nasty games and merely use him to gain advantages on their own ground.
You don’t need to know any of that. Just remember that ALL POLITICIANS ARE CROOKS and that ALL GOVERNMENT PEOPLE ARE MEAN AND NASTY, and that ALL POLITICIANS AND MEDIA PEOPLE LIE ALL THE TIME, and you won’t be knocked out of your socks the next time you find yourself shoved into the ditch at the side of the road.
When Donald Trump tweets, billions of people are affected by every careless word. The difference between me and Donald Trump is our choice of weapons. I selected “voice” and “guitar” and he chose “nuclear holocaust” and “gas chamber”.
Trump is a hero among his worshipers and followers. They like Strongmen and Dictators who will step in, clean up the mess, restore them to their former glory, and give them personal favors and benefits, and that’s Donald Trump in a nutshell, at least on paper.
He knows he doesn’t have to actually KEEP his promises, just make them and blast right along claiming “victory” at every punchdown. Just keep insisting you won, and eventually that becomes the truth, at least to the general public. They have no memory and no discernment whatever.
As a matter of fact, they don’t really care about the details, just what’s in it for them.
Each faction of politics, news media and science has its own direction to pull the chain, and the general effect is one of chaos and mayhem, exactly what Putin and Trump both had in mind.
If the U.S. government can be shut down permanently, Trump can rule, and that is “Plan A”. Plan B involves an actual invasion of the homeland by Russian airborne troops, and that’s already in the works, as soon as the defense department can be unraveled.
How do I know all this? Continue reading