Yep, it’s finally up and running, with all the goodies I had planned to put in there. You’ll notice that the architecture is very reminiscent of an ancient Egyptian tomb, narrow walls and low ceilings.
I didn’t plan that — it’s one of the standard offerings on kunstmatrix, and one I find useful, especially in “railroad car” style layouts, like the cold-water walkup flats in downtown New York City back in the 1950s.
I’m sure it’s not too much different now, smelling of old garbage and sweltering with the newfound heat of summer. Continue reading →
Well, by dingy-dongy, I done it. I was determined to finish the MaMa Gift Shop tonight, and I did, but now I’m totally ragged and have to go down for a while.
I may or may not make it back up for the Sunday morning zoom meeting, but I will give it my best try when the time comes — I won’t know until then.
So the items I selected for the gift shop were things I thought were fun and affordable. Continue reading →
Original Signed Picasso Copperplate Engraving of Ballet Dancers, 1945.
I have several museum-grade collections just sitting in three bank vaults — important art historical art and literature collections that would be highly appreciated by any public institution that received them. They are of the highest caliber and significance. You might want to purchase one or more of them and donate them to your favorite museum, university or library or build a space to house one or more of these collections. All the collections are legal to own, and have been on public display in the United States for more than half a century.
Typically, museums don’t buy things — they expect them to be donated, and many people enjoy tax benefits from buying collections and then donating them to a museum, library or university, as well as other venues such as jazz schools, jazz clubs, jazz and art academies and even malls and shops, medical waiting rooms and hospital hallways, where the weight limitations are very important and easily met by our display team technologies, and several folks have donated their collections to local Elks clubs and other public benefit organizations.
There are many other benefits that might accrue for you or someone you know, resulting from the donation of an important art or history collection, not the least of which is the sheer pleasure you get from sharing with thousands of people the beauty that you have discovered in your life, possibly bringing love, joy and beauty to theirs as well.
In addition, if your gift is important enough, you might have a Hall or a Wing named after yourself, or a loved one in memoriam, or you might elect to donate anonymously or posthumously or both. I’d discuss Living Trusts and other instruments with my accountant and attorney before making any decisions, though — you never really know what your options are until you check with the professionals for professional advice that they can guarantee and for which they take responsibility. Continue reading →