A Brilliant Plan or Disaster Ahead???


One of many Storage Rooms you’ll find in Dungeon Deep due for release very soon.

Okay, here’s my plan for my farming orbs: my idea is to make each world, such as House & Tree, Dungeon Deep, Village Square and Dwarf Mine unique and separate from the others, although within a game such as Village Square, you’ll find subordinate areas such as Tavern, Mineshaft, Mausoleum, Vaults of Time, Growing Fields, Storage Rooms and Church Interior. It’ s all very complicated, and I’ll explain why…

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Evolution or Creation???


There are thousands of arguments for and against evolution, for and against creation, for and against “other”; they’re all so darn* smug, but none of them have got it right. The Evolutionists seem to believe that man evolved (see below for expansion on this comment). This is simply not true, and I can prove it any day of the week at any Raley’s supermarket or Macy’s, Bloomingdale’s and Toys-R-Us on December 24th of any year; there’s not a single speck of evidence that they’re evolved from anything. The Creationists, on the other hand, are equally convinced that the world is 4000 years old and that everything was created by the hand of God; they’ve got it almost right, but again, they miss the mark on the button. Want to know the real answer?

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Working in Wonderland


I’ve been having a wonderful time in Wonderland this dark and stormy night. Here’s a bridge I’ve put in over Beaver Brook. You can see the Tip Toe Inn on the other bank, along with several Medieval outbuildings and sheds. Just to the left across the bridge you’ll find an outdoor farmer’s market. The Growing Fields of Bob Barker’s Farm are behind you through the Portal Gate. (turn page)

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How to Breed Flying Pigs in Medieval Village


Maybe you already know how to breed dragons; particularly if you happened to catch my recent video on the subject, but did you know that with the very same effort, but different eggs, you can breed flying pigs in Medieval Village? Yep, you can. And that’s not all, there are more secrets yet to come!

See You At The Top!!!


Human MoveAct Code Decoded — An Introduction



I’m told that script programming is now a part of the fundamental education system, beginning in First or Second Grade. That ought to make it easy for the youngsters to follow this highly technical dissertation. Use of these commands and scripts is not limited to virtuals — they work on organics, too. All human interaction and initiative is strictly governed by these scripts. It’s best to use this on oneself, not on others. Flatties would find the code a very useful weapon. Roundies don’t run others, just themselves. All human actions can be reduced to code which responds predictably to control command.

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The Human MoveAct Code


What is The Human MoveAct Code? What does it do? What does it mean to me? Here’s the best answer I can give in a single paragraph: We cannot measure pure Intelligence. There is no scale against which to measure, and no means of detection of the non-phenomenal. What I mean by Intelligence is The Presence of Essential Self-the “driver” of the car. Without the Driver, the Being, the car is quite capable of behaving “as if driver were inside”, by the use of what is known as a “BOT”, which is really just a collection of behavior cases based on incident, accidental encounters and seemingly random and/or intelligence-driven behavior, but it’s all various cases of “IF X, THEN Y, UNLESS B; IF B, THEN Z. If you’ve ever been in a TF2 BOT game, you’ll know what I mean. You can’t determine the presence or absence of a PLAYER in a BOT game, merely based on observed behavior. There really is only one way to detect the presence of a Being, otherwise known as the Soul or Spirit. It has nothing to do with whether someone can text or not or pass a high school or college course. Are we clear on what we’re talking about here? It’s the non-organic presence of a higher vibration entity, which would be you and what we call Players, such as yourself…or ARE you really a higher entity, or are you just programmed to think you are and to behave like one??? Boy, if there’s any one question the many tens of thousands of folks I’ve met along the way here that really stands out as The Single Question They Dared Not Ask, it’s: “Am I Real?” If you’re wondering the same thing, you might want to watch the ICW this morning and take the test I’ll be offering, along with a Beginner’s Introduction to Human Programming and The Detection of Higher Consciousness Within the Human Biological Machine. It’s the Owner’s Manual to the Human Biological Machine, and contains everything that makes the Human Being tick. Yep. You guessed it. The Third Volume in the trilogy, The Human Biological Machine, is here. I’ll be translating it for your edification and hopefully you’ll pass the Player Test I’ll be offering at this morning’s online workshop!

See You At The Top!!!


Azwarpian Phormicolisticology


This is the 10 of Pentacles in the Falconetta Deck, which I just now completed with the addition of the lower arcana, with an interesting twist in the Royals of the suits. What I’m getting at is that it can now be ordered at $49.95 and wholesale is possible as well. Funny thing; I mentioned that my first GODD deck had taken about 5 1/2 hours to shoot, and that this deck had only taken 3 hours to make. “Not to make, to shoot,” I was corrected, “you put in hundreds of hours on the shooting set!!!” and it’s true, I did, and Claude put in hundreds of hours on the textures and models and skyboxes and Val put in thousands of hours on the engine and its effects and Barbara put in an equally hefty number of hours in the correction of orbs and design of effects, so my estimate of 3 hours was off by about 3,500 hours, plus or minus 3,497.

See You At The Top!!!


Arms & Armor Tarot??? Read All About It.


One of our many websites happens to be arms-and-armor where we offer chess sets, books and other items related to the subject of the website. It occurred to me that there isn’t a tarot deck based on historic arms & armor, and there should be. It can be argued that tarot is not a violent sport, but the fact is that it was invented and developed to forecast, and the most important forecasts in ancient and medieval times was the weather, food and the outcome of a looming battle, war, campaign, political confrontation or intrigue. Only then came love, sex and family matters. Of course, the whole deal was created originally for the benefit of the local or regional or known-world leader, but eventually, as all things must, the tarot and other divination devices came to the Middle Class, which is us.

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So What IS The Big Secret, Anyway???


Depends on what you’re looking for. If it’s merely sex and seduction you’re after, the Big Secret is Availability. Means, Motive & Opportunity. Most folks think it’s about Beauty, Fashion, Perfume, Hip-Swivel & High Heels, but it’s not. Merely being available is 99%.  If, on the other hand, you had something a little more spiritual and uplifting and … well, higher … in mind, The Big Secret is… (CLEARS THROAT THEATRICALLY) The Big Secret is…

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