Transgender Green Card Military?



I think by now, even the stupidest Republican — it was Trump who called them “So stupid they’d even elect me President!” — is aware that Trump is vague, incoherent, unable to connect two words, and is exhibiting clear signs of rather advanced insanity of the NPD variety, which involves psychotic episodes and possibly hallucinations.

There’s no telling what that crazy man might do today, tonight or is doing right now, without the knowledge or consent of his military advisors, political advisors or personal advisors.

He’s a wild card, a loose cannon, someone whose toast is clearly burning, whose elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top and who is doing things that will surely bring him down by his own incoherent words and vague and confused actions and knee-jerk reactions.

He’s real sensitive about himself, so if you’re anywhere around him, it would be good to remember that this is not the kind of guy who actively seeks out interesting people. You can’t be part of his team if you’re more famous than he is, even for one single day.

That’s why The Mooch was fired, even though he loves Trump, more than anyone can ever know. Talk about a robot, where do you wind that turkey up?

There’s no point arguing with a robot, a zombie or a storm-trooper. They’re not set for rational thought, so save your breath for running and run away, run away, don’t stop to look behind you or you’ll turn into a pillar of salt, or worse. Continue reading

Become Instantly Rich Right Now!!!

Buy This Bumper Sticker to Become a member of THE CLUB! You will be Instantly Richer Than Rich!

Prosperity Path Country Club Bumper Sticker

Prosperity Path Country Club Bumper Sticker

by prosperitypath

When you buy a bumper sticker or any other product sporting the “Prosperity Path Country Club” label or designation, you AUTOMATICALLY become a Member of “We’re More Famous Than Trump” Virtual Golf Tour. You just became a member of the Greatest, Richest and Most Important Virtual Country Club in the World, and you can prove it, NOW!


Sporting a “Prosperity Path Country Club” Bumper Sticker on your car is a Magical Act which will make you automatically rich beyond your wildest imagination. You will be a member of the most powerful, rich and influential clubs in the Quantum World, and that can wash over into what you laughingly call “The Real World”.


Very very rich people don’t need to impress anyone.

Read the above statement several times through, speaking the words aloud. Get this really into your understanding. Dig it deeply. Grok it fully. Get it, just totally get it. Continue reading

My Fall Line

This is my Late Summer Line of Swimwear, Beachwear and Poolwear, plus anything else I happen to chance upon in the course of constructing this line of durable goods called “LesliAnn Fashions” also known as LA Fashions. So come on into my little boutique and see some of the fun Magically Imbued Armor & Accessory items I have made for your continued game play in the SIM called “Planet Earth”, currently set to: RUN: CENTURY 21.

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Sometimes it’s just best to roll with the punches, and in the case of the Amerikan economy in the Age of Trump, you’re pretty much on your own to scuffle about as best you can. The poor get poorer and the rich get richer, so it’s time to get even, and I intend to show you how.

Bracelet with Round Charm 7″ Brass bracelet with electroplated nickel, silver plating, finished with a non-tarnish overcoat glass, only $25.99 and you can use this as your basic bracelet, and add charms from my shops.

go check out the bracelet

There’s a world of difference between a money magnet and hoping for a break. If you have penetrated The Veil, you’ll easily be able to UNMASK THE SIM to reveal the workings behind the apparencies. Continue reading

Gorby’s Little Craft Kits

Can you pick me out  in photo? Craft Session at Camp Woodland, August 25, 1955. You can order the book “Downtown Community School” from Gateways Books & Tapes.

Kids had such a transformative experience working with adults in the Craft Classes at Camp Woodland and Downtown Community School under the direction of Norman Studer during the 1950s, and when families worked together on simple craft projects and craft shows, it was like a bunch of gluons had suddenly bonded the family members into a blended and harmonious unity, and that’s exactly what’s needed in this world of pain.

I’m designing an entire LINE of metal-embossing kits, and I’ll tell you why — the new EK cutter is a piece of crap, although it does admittedly do the job, but it does it with four massive crimps in the sides, which eventually will roll out with pressure and persistence, but the additional effort makes the thing too time-expensive for the marketplace.

So I decided to set up a craft supply “factory” where I either make or encourage and teach others to make little circular foil bits for sale to embossers everywhere.

We’re making embossings that can actually be used in jewelry mountings, because our sizes correspond to the mountings without modification. We’re among the very few who make embossings on round foil disks. Continue reading

How to Actually SELL Your Shit

selling bardo challenge coins at gallery
Selling Hand-Carved Bardo Challenge Coins at the Gallery

How to sell your shit…back in the day, I’d never have used the word “shit” in any context, in any company, “mixed” or not, meaning men and women together in the same room, in which case, there were no “dirty” or “blue” stories, jokes, riddles, puns or gags.

These days, we’ve gone so far across the arc on the pendulum of Robot Life that we’re now in a world in which “shit” is GOOD, in fact, it’s the greatest, so I’m calling your Carved Coins “shit” and hoping that you now have a good plan for their production in your home studio.

What is the “shit” you’re trying to peddle, anyway?

It’s a Spirit Coin, a Bardo Challenge Coin, if you will, and it’s a formerly ordinary copper, silver or gold coin that has been carved to show a skull under the skin, usually by an exaggerated set of teeth, a bold jaw, an open eye-socket and a few upper vertebrae, while the pretty part of the face remains intact. The whole is polished and finished, blessed and packaged to sell or ship, but one fact remains, and this is what you’re really here on planet Earth to do:

At the first moment that you show a Bardo Challenge Coin of any kind to anyone, they will receive and feel a powerful shock.

The coin carries with it not only Shakti-Pat as a result of the Blessing, but also sports a stunning visual reminder of one’s mortality, of everyone’s mortality, in the form of a ruler, king, noble, lord or goddess of liberty.

This shock does not spread through the system. It is quantum, and hits the whole body-mind all at once. The effect is astounding, predictable and certain. The subject’s REACTION to that shock will be one of three possible results:

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Do You Have the Power to Make Things Happen?

Cosmo Street Group I 1968
Lana (right photo) & Movements Group One, Cosmo Street 1969.

Do you have the power to make good things happen? Many folks have asked how they can do their Bodhisattva work when they have little money and even less time. I have an answer that will actually help you to increase your income by doing your Bodhisattva work, and I’ll be happy to explain in detail:

You need some SIMPLE ACTION that doesn’t take up too much of your time, doesn’t require a lot of effort, and that will somehow raise your necessity far above your own miserable needs.

You need to find some way to carry out your Bodhisattva work — some action, some activity that will get you into DIRECT CONTACT with those who desperately seek this work and need a trail of bread crumbs laid down for them, which is where YOU come in, O Bornless One.

It’s obvious that you can’t spend the time or energy walking around town trying to talk to every possible candidate for the Work who happens to cross your path. You need some way to get out there without your body, and that’s where this Special Essence Exercise comes in.

The whole idea is to be able to help BigTime without having to lay out a lot of money, and in fact, the action I have in mind can be done with NO money, no investment of anything other than time and energy, of which you have more than you think, and I’m going to try to prove that to you with the Essence Exercise described below: Continue reading

The Internet & Evil

My Aunts Sadie, Molly & Leah were “flappers” back in 1923.


Is the Internet actually evil? No more so than the telephone lines or the equipment that handles millions of calls a minute. The Internet is a virtual Post Office. Nobody can possibly maintain an effective vigil on postal mail and telegram and teletype and messenger-delivered and air-freighted that pass between millions of people at a time, much less the CMT — Casual Message Traffic — that has developed electronically, where someone might write into their facebook or twitter log several dozen times an hour, the equivalent of snail-mail output of hundreds of letters per day to hundreds of friends all over the world, and all that electronic chatter is sent over some kind of wire, whether metal, light-optic fibre, radio, short-wave, wireless transmitter, Atlantic Cable, or somebody pounding on a talking drum.

The mail services around the world do not typically encourage their folks to send porn through the mails, but all over the world, they do, and in other countries besides the United States, they don’t have to send them in “plain brown wrappers” as folks used to do back in the Good Old Days, 1930 to the present time, yet we don’t say that the mail services are responsible for porn.

Scavengers and derelicts and scoundrels abound, but then, they always have. Anyone unfortunate enough to end up a victim of some kind of Fagan, the pickpocket boss from the musical “Oliver”, based on “Oliver Twist”, a famous Dickens novel about a boy who went from pickpocket to millionaire overnight, just by singing instead of talking.

These days, all the wrappings of civilization and the veneer of congeniality have been stripped away. Never mind who’s at fault. People who are badly educated or uneducated have no idea about the world beyond their own skins, and no concept of a world larger than their immediate territory and personal needs.

The United States used to have one of the finest educational systems in the world. Today, it ranks near the bottom, and that includes many undeveloped nations.

Education pays off. Continue reading