Coins as Art Objects

EJ Gold with Psychic Home Protection Array Matrix

As you probably already know, I collect and create Lincoln Cent Complete Sets with All Keys, but what do I do with the coins that don’t fit the category of “coin of worth”??? You probably also already know that it’s illegal to alter or mutilate U.S. currency to improve its value. However, if something dreadful happened to the coin on the way to you from the mint, it’s all right to market the coin if you don’t additionally alter it — you wouldn’t want to, anyway, too cost-ineffecient. The real secret to making money from money is to ignore the fact that it’s either money or has perceived value.

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Million Dollar Lottery, 1 cent a chance

What if I said there was a million-dollar lottery out there, and that tickets or “chances” to win cost 1 cent and that moreover if your “ticket” didn’t win, you get a full refund? I know it sounds totally nuts, but the U.S. Government makes it possible for YOU to win millions of dollars for no cost whatever to you!!! Watch the ICW today for details on this hundred-year old government lottery! See You At The Top!!! — gorby

Winning the Lottery

Don’t believe you can win the Lottery? You can, and down below you’ll see a photo of me with my family and friends on the California Big Spin with host Geoff Edwards, winning $15,220,000.00, just to prove it can be done. It was Morgan’s lottery ticket that won the prize. What became of the money? Morgan and I gave it away, of course, some to charity, and a few million to my parents. Why did we just blow it off? I’ll tell you why.

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“I Want Things To Continue To Be Lousy!!!”

Go ahead, say it aloud, with me: “I want things to continue to be lousy!!!”

Nobody in their right mind would say a thing like that, would they? Certainly not my friend Bill Shatner, who survived homelessness to fame and fortune.

Yet, strangely, that’s exactly what I’ve heard for the past 70 years from a wide variety of otherwise seemingly intelligent human beings. Here’s their argument:

“It’s not nice to fool Mother Nature. If we’d been meant to be happy, there wouldn’t be death, taxes, politics, wage slavery, marriage and poverty!”

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Judith Spellcaster spellcraft app for iphone android iPod & more

It’s here at last! My Judith Spellcaster spellcrafting lessons are now available in a smartphone app. You can select which spell you want to learn and dance through a world of spellcrafting! The tradition invoked here is basically wiccan with a touch of sumerian and babylonian magic, kabbalistic magic and of course just a pinch of old-fashioned goofer dust, van-van wash and dragon’s blood mixed with a touch of black john the conqueror and 3-kings oil on a red-coated jumbo candle…

The principles utilized in spellcasting are very basic, and relate to their foundational base, which is, of course, the magic practiced in the distant past. What secrets did the ancients possess???

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