11 different Lincoln Wheat Cents 1909-1919 for only $22 bucks!!!

11 different Lincoln Wheat Cents 1909-1919 — $22.00

All different, no duplicates, all years covered, all carded and identified but not priced, to allow you to price it yourself for resale! Great Starter Set! Picture is for illustration purposes only. You get 11 nice coins, good or better, at least one is a genuine 1909, the first year of issue! We combine shipping on orders placed on the same day.

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Buy Me!!!

How would you like to buy 100+ hours of my unbroken & undivided attention? It suddenly occurred to me as I was working on a Lincoln Memorial set that you might not realize that I have hand-searched every personally searched collection I send out, and that this involves at least a hundred hours of highly focused attention with the additional overlay of my coinology experience and grading skills. I sell my Lincoln Memorial collections on eBay — they typically will go between $300-$400 apiece for the 144 coin set with 1960 and 1960D small dates plus the 1970s small date. Naturally all the 82 series is there as well. Continue reading

Joan of Arc is on the way

Joan of Arc appears from a mystical cloud of plasma — the usual Trans-Dimensional sort of thing you’d expect from a Multi-Dimensional Being Blessed with Sainthood by the local population. She’s available at your beck & call! She’s on the way, in testing right now!!! Oracles can be used to help you sort out issues that are currently blocking you. I’ve been kept abreast (you should pardon the expression) of the work that circle members are doing to propagate Prosperity Path. Wowsers! Keep it up!!!

See You At The Top!!!


Do You Like Surprises?

Jose Ferrer (background) David Carradine and Bethel Leslie 1969 — Photo by EJ Gold

Do you like surprises? If you do, you’ll enjoy my plan. Most of the very wealthy people I know, including my mother and step-dad who had many millions of dollars, are both bored and boring. What I was looking for was something interesting that transcended all classes and economic levels, something that’s fun for the very rich and yet is accessible to anyone rich or poor. It should also provide an opportunity for the poor to become rich, to satisfy my requirements for a great Work Tool. Read on…

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Dreaming Coins

Dreaming Coins can be used both as dream-catchers and within a dreamcatcher array. You can charge up your Dreaming Coin by placing it on the Dreamcatcher Charger while running the appropriate Chargeup Orb. A fully charged Dreaming Coin in a sealed electrostatic acrylic capsule can be placed under the pillow or where that isn’t possible, it can be placed nearby on a small bedside table. Dream Targets can be by date or by association; Laws of Contact & Similarity really apply here! I’ll post a list sometime later today of the Dreaming Coins available.

See You At The Top!!!


Using Coins as a Buyer’s Premium

Photo of E.J. Gold by Leon Ames, circa 1972

My friend Leon Ames owned Leon Ames Ford in Los Angeles. His manager, Ralph Williams, bought the dealership and then sold it to his manager, Cal Worthington. I knew them all, and all three of them said the same thing: “Offer a huge stuffed teddy bear and they can’t refuse the deal.”

I have such an item for you; the teddy bear doesn’t work when selling art, but coins will work, because the same people who collect art are aware of the value of coins in a legacy collection. The collection must be very interesting to cause someone to want to buy it. My History Gift Sets are the perfect solution to a Gift Problem! Continue reading

Bonnie & Clyde Historical Coin Set

Bonnie & Clyde Historical Coin Set — $225

Each of the 3 copper Lincoln wheat back Good to Fine pennies in this deluxe presentation set represents one of the figures in the Bonnie & Clyde shootout on May 23, 1934. Bonnie is represented by a 1910 Lincoln Cent, her birth-date. Clyde is represented in the collection by a 1909 Lincoln Cent, its first year of issue and Clyde’s birth-date. Their death-dates are of course the same, 1934. Without teenager Bonnie’s sexy photos, the couple would have been ignored by the press. The pennies are contained in archival capsules and mounted in blue velvet presentation box with slipcase & gold labels. A very fun way to present and preserve history! Makes learning fun! Collect them all!

See You At The Top!!!



Introducing “Quantum Contact Coin” Sets

Most folks don’t have coins minted in their honor. I wanted to offer an opportunity to acquire coins of interest to spirit mediums and anyone using the Prosperity Path Oracles or Seances. These coins are associated magically with the individuals by a variety of connections and coupling factors, the most obvious of which is the date of the coin.

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3 Amigos

I have in hand three completely full collections of Lincoln Cents. One of them goes from 1909 to 1958 — it includes all the Wheat-backs, and the bulk of the key dates. The second is from 1909 to 2012 and it includes all ordinary in-circulation issues. The third contains all “proof-only” coins and was the hardest to collect and a nightmare to load into the album because they’re mirror-proofs and even gloved hands cause some damage.

In my opinion, inclusion of the “proof-only” coins is a complete misunderstanding of what the word “proof” means — totally unhandled.

Prosperity Path Coin Search is a Paranormal Activity. That’s what makes them different from ordinary coin searches. I go for the spirit, not the cash. To me, each coin connects with a Soul (Soul1) that can be helped along its Spiritual Path by passing through the hands and receiving through this copper coupling factor the guru’s grace. It’s one way that I work for the benefit of all beings everywhere. Think of the coins as beads in a mala, and you’ll get it.

The thing that makes these collections unique is that they were “challenge builds”, meaning that the coins are all self-collected and hand-searched by me. The only “bought coins” in the collections are all but one of the key coins — I found a 1909-s VDB a few months back, and it’s in the collections being offered.

Please note: conditions of the coins vary widely from G-4 all the way up to GEM BU, because they are self-found and not bought. I had no control over the grade or the features of any of the coins. They are exactly as I found them.

No coins are missing, every coin called for in the album is present. I do not include the 1955 doubled die mint error because most collectors realize it should be slabbed and purchased separately as there is no place in the album for it — however, the 1922 Plain mint error is included, as are the 1909s-VDB, 1909s, 1914d, 1931s and all semi-keys, some in surprisingly good condition for having still been in circulation!!!

1909-1958 — $3,500

1909-2012 — $4,500

1909-2012 –$5,500

I want to point out that the purchase of the key coins was what made the albums the price they are; without the keys and semi-keys, I could let the albums go for the price of the binding and a couple of bucks for the pennies, but I can’t. The key dates and semi-keys bring the cost of a basic Lincoln album way up. Here’s how it shakes down with just VF grades in the key slots:

1909s VDB — $1200-$1400 for anything recognizable

1909s — $950 for a decent one

1914d — $200-$400 for something that looks like an actual coin

1922 plain — $850-$950 for a nice strong reverse, from trusted source, many counterfeits

1931s — $650 for anything with clout

Do the math and you’ll see just how fast it adds up. Then figure in the semi-keys at anywhere from $50 to $160 apiece, and wham! You’re at the numbers I’m quoting as a selling price, leaving plenty of room for resale.

Of course, if I merely buy and resell sets, I can make them look much better; my resale sets are XF-GEM BU from front to back and sell for $12,500 with proofs. If you’re an eBay dealer, you should not be buying unslabbed sets, so this would not be good for you, due to the flood of “switcharoo” scams being run there of late.

My slabbed set was $27,500 and is no longer available. It takes me about a year to assemble a good one with a lot of bling. On these, resale is highly improbable; in ten years, it could go up in a 1 hour auction and bring megabucks, IMHO.

Total for all three? No discount. They are priced within $100 of my actual cost. I charge nothing for labor because I don’t have to.

If you are interested in one, two or all three of these hand-searched Lincoln Cent collections, call or email me. I won’t put them up on brutal eBay to be raided and torn apart for the key coins, because that’s what the dealers do. These are magical collections of coins that came to me and passed through my hands in the course of nightly Magic Find coin searches.

I didn’t put up photos, because there’s no coin in there that’s going to take First Prize at the Coin Show. They’re ordinary or less than ordinary looking coins, but they came to me after 100 years in circulation, and that’s got to count for something! If you really must see photos, I’ll take them and post them on a private url. Remember, this is not for the general public, so don’t tell your friends. I’m serious.

See You At The Top!!!



Fighting City Hall

You can’t fight City Hall. That’s the battlecry of the Great Unwashed; Urban Legend has it that the 800 pound gorilla always wins. Don’t believe it for a minute. That’s the point of the David & Goliath story in the Bible. Sometimes the Little Guy has a chance. In the case of coin collecting, the chance for the little guy is so close to zero as to be almost unnoticeable. My method of collecting goes against the very fibre of Popular Wisdom — an oxymoron if ever there was one.

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