Heap of Talking Money says “Greatest baseball champ? Mickey Mantle!”
Money talks, this we know to be true. We can see it in our daily lives every single day, and that goes double for when you have to go food shopping at your local feed store or supermarket or giant package store.
Talking Money also makes the world go ’round. Again, something we can experientially verify through our senses and, well, our experience.
Money is a powerful driver, and it’s totally on automatic. Even if you are utterly bored with money and you are completely uninterested in money, you have to pay the bills, and you can’t ignore your needs and your family’s needs.
You don’t want to end up with a couple dozen storage units full of unsold art, so I taper off my production when sales are down. These days, I can’t work fast enough to satisfy the marketplace, which is maybe a good thing.
But, yeah, this is going to be yet another talk about eBay and that sort of thing — you know, marketing, entrepreneurship and general media mayhem, and we have to do it soon, before the Second American Civil War breaks out. Even before we start back on subject, I want to mention that THIS is the time to acquire Pre-War coins, and I have plenty for sale.
That having been said, let’s get on with the thing.
First of all, I want to make sure you have an eBay account. I’m not discounting other selling sites, but I’m restricting my selling characteristics to the eBay mode for the moment. We will discuss other means of presenting merchandise to the public.
Forgive me, I meant, of course, “merch”, not “merchandise”. The reason for the shortened word is always the same — spelling is a major obstacle to most people, even college graduates. Continue reading →
Ferdie says “Be your own Boss and work at HOME!!!”
These days, it’s really simple — and easy — to be your own boss. Everything’s online now, and everyone is fully and totally trained to obey online directives, like “Buy Me”, and “Eat Me” and “Drink Me”.
Lewis Carroll was not only prophetic, he had a concept. Continue reading →
Don’t be fighting this trend. It will overwhelm those who resist it. I’ll tell you right now, this is the wave of the future, like it or not. It is so effing mainstream that they are making a Broadway musical about it, and then there are these youtube videos, hilarious but true.
Soon, the blockchain will be overcome, and prices will go down for trades. That’s a fact, very much underlined in history. It’s at that point that you want to already be positioned in the marketplace, and you don’t want to pay the going price for initialization when the price of Ethereum has gone through the roof.
Pay the price now and get it over with. It’s gonna cost ya about $200.00 bucks to get set up to create, buy and sell this shit, so get on it now, while you still can. Continue reading →
Want a job where you just stay home, listen to your favorite music and eat your own food instead of restaurant food, avoid crowded public transportation, don’t have to deal with your boss and your supervisors all day long, and don’t have to worry about being fired — you are your own boss.
Of course, that means you do all the work, but on the other hand, you get all the profit, unless you bring in co-workers, and they have to get paid, too, or they can’t do that work. Continue reading →
Do you like this item? It’s a 3.0 64GB brushed aluminum Drive in Maple Box.
The Zen Box is Here!!!
This is the most exciting gift idea that ever happened anywhere — there is nothing like in in the world! Nobody has these! Go to Hammacher-Schlemmer and sell them on this! It is a total exclusive, and mind-blowing!
You can put this flash drive into your USB port and FROM THE DRIVE ITSELF you can do a walkthrough or an exercise in cyberspace, and LEAVE YOUR AVATAR THERE to continue doing it while you go to work, drive or do whatever you need to do to keep yourself going.
It is absolutely the most incredible meditation tool ever invented.
Look at this incredible deal — it’s an incredibly fast custom flash drive containing incredible new software that makes this the most fabulous and powerful shamanic tool ever introduced.
It may well be the Best Invention Since the Wheel.
Frankly, I don’t care if you order one or not. I plan to order as many of these as I can afford. Continue reading →
Godd Particle classes are being held every day online and in local centers.
The Godd™ Particle can be carried, held or worn in a totally passive manner. Just put it on and wear it and forget about it until you take it off when you get home.
If you want more out of it, you have to do something to make it happen.
Go ahead and insert the Godd™ Particle flash drive into the USB port of your laptop or Pc and invoke the “Bardotown” starter Orb. Continue reading →
available on redbubble right now, this a-line dress is amazing.
Do you need help paying bills? Are you just barely able to keep the wolf from the door? Are you at the end of your financial rope? Are you struggling to make ends meet? Are you having to work twice as hard to keep food on the table? Well, cheer up, bunkie — the solution is simple.
You merely need more money.
Okay, that’s probably obvious right from the get-go, so — why not just go out and get some?
The answer is built right into the question — “go out” is the operant phrase here. When you remain in your standard daily box, the box within which you conduct your daily stuff, your income is what it is, and your expenses are what they are, period.
It’s only if you GO OUTSIDE the box that something in that equation will change.
Years ago, I used to help people to create their “dream jobs”, meaning that we found something that they were ABLE to do, and really WANTED to do, but that would also create a livelihood that would hopefully last through the retirement years.
But what if you were one of the millions of middle-class citizens who were stripped of their retirement by the Wall Street Banker Scandals and other such manipulations of stocks and bonds?
How about if you just don’t happen to have it and find yourself right at the door to hopelessness and despair?
If you’re driven to desperation, you’re the one I want to talk to, not the one who thinks there’s still plenty of time to waste.
So here’s what you need to do, right now — you can just fill out this form and send it back to me, but DO IT NOW — don’t put this off again, it just makes it worse.
Spanish Inquisition? No, Just a Casual Chat.
I want to know just enough about you to help you find a path, but don’t put anything on there that you don’t want read out loud in public, because if your case is interesting enough — meaning a lot of other folks are in similar economic circumstances or live in similar neighborhoods or work at similar jobs or have similar skills — I’ll want to include your situation in one of the broadcast workshops, so be careful what you say.
Okay, here’s what I need to know in order to be able to help you analyze and evaluate your circumstances and potential opportunities to break out of the aforementioned “box”.
YOUR NAME — It sounds dumb, but actually many people submit questions and fail to give me a way to contact them. A name helps me to “brand” you, which when you’re marketing, ya gotta have, and if you can’t give a name to a stranger, don’t expect a handshake back.
YOUR AGE. It can be approximate, but please don’t lie more than ten years’ worth, thank you.
YOUR BIRTHPLACE — Up to you how specific you want to be, but don’t include any info that could be used by evil online entities. All I want is some sort of idea of where you started your most recent Earth journey.
WHERE WERE YOU RAISED? — What I’m looking for here is, what sort of childhood environment was it? Downtown Cleveland, or the fringes of the Sahara? I need to get a handle on your background and exposure to people, ethnicities and cultures.
WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN LATELY? — What I mean here is, where do you live now, where do you work, where do you shop, bowl and otherwise spend your time?
WHAT ARE YOUR BEST SKILLS? — What do you do for a living, and what other skills, related or not to your profession, might you put to use?
WHAT DO YOU KNOW? — Do you have any knowledge that might be of use? What sorts of things do you know — such as classic philosophy, geology, stamp collecting, raising amphibians, or perhaps you speak 17 languages and 43 dialects — things like that.
WHO DO YOU KNOW? — This could mean “what celebrities do you know personally and well enough to call them on the phone”, or it could mean “do you ever bump into anyone else during the course of an average workday?” or it could mean “are you online and hooked up?”. Only you can answer those questions, and you should. If you happen to know wealthy people of means who have a lot of money, golly whiz, have we got goodies for them — they can collect and donate art and get a healthy benefit from it — they can gain local fame by donating an incredible collection to a local museum, university or library, and world-fame by donating our Donner Collection or our Jurassic Dinosaur Collection to a major museum.
WHERE DO YOU GO? — Do you ever leave the cycle of “home-car-work-car-food shopping-car-home-collapse and rest so you can do it again tomorrow”? If you do happen to run into folks on the way through your daily cycle, do you speak, nod or otherwise acknowledge each other?
WITH WHOM DO YOU SHARE? — This is a simple and short list of those with whom you share your thoughts from time to time, possibly with whom you play table games, online games, maybe do a tarot reading or binge-watch Gilligan’s Island.
WHAT TURNS YOU ON? — What’s exciting to you about the Work Ideas, and what would you like to share with others?
WHAT IS YOUR ONLINE PRESENCE? — This will be determined by your level of tolerance — the internet is a definite imposition on your personal privacy, so be careful how you interact online. That having been said, you should make a chart or list of what your online presence looks like now, and find out how to change that for the better, which might not mean “more” or “faster” or “bigger” — sometimes the way to “better” is “less” or “different”. Learn what’s there before you make changes.
SMOOTH IT OUT — Okay, you’re worth $36,543.16, but when you smooth it all out, how much have you actually got in cash?” asks Bud Abbott of his comedy partner, Lou Costello. “A dime,” he responds, digging into his pocket for the coin, but he pulls out a piece of paper — an I.O.U. for “one dime” from a neighborhood craps game. Just roughly, are you short every month, are you okay with your present bills, or are you somewhat flush with a little extra from time to time? I don’t want any of it — I’m trying to find out if you can jump out of the box by greasing it with a little cash, and if you’re constantly short of your needs, we can look at more drastic measures, such as busking, street sales, fairs, countertop “trunk show” space, and more
Now it’s time to create a daily log or diary of how well it’s going, and each of these items will give us an idea of how to make it work for YOU in YOUR life.
What works in someone else’s life may not work at all in your situation, and every single lifetime pathway has to be skillfully planned out, like architecture and city planning.
There is a definite path, but you have to have all the information before you can lay it all out there, so if there’s anything you think you ought to add into the info packet about yourself and your condition or situation, please do so now, but again, don’t put anything down that you wouldn’t want read aloud in public.
You can tune in to the ICW tomorrow and when you indicate that you are on with us, I’ll read your responses to my questions and give you a “reading”, which will be some sort of indication of ways you might proceed, which options might be open to you.
I’ll be conducting a “Buskers Only” Workshop sometime soon — will work out the details with the Powers That Be, and get back to you on that. If you need money today to pay last month’s rent, you’re probably ready for the Buskers Only Workshop.
I might have some further questions for you about your circumstances when we’re workshopping, but you have your homework clearly set out before you.
By the way, if you want to actually BE SEEN at the Top, you might learn to activate and use a CONDUIT. You can find out all about Conduits as soon as I know more about them — I’m looking into a variety of possibilities for casings and wearables, and when I get the catalogs in my hands, I’ll make a decision.
These “Conduits” are kinda like Pocket Relic Shrines, if you’re familiar with Tibetan gear, and they DO work, they ARE guaranteed to work as direct linkage to Norton Street, near the second bookcase, through the BOOK PICKUP at that juncture in the Causal Plane.
You can also use them as DIRECT LINKAGE to Cosmo, Ench02, Gemini and other Terminal Junctions in the BardoTown Layout.
You get a VISIBLE linkage to the target space, meaning that you can be seen and heard in the Causal Plane Space called “norton”, which is at the apex of the n-loop — you are trying to work your way toward the “l” loop, if you’ve forgotten, and I think you’re gonna make it, maybe just by the skin of your teeth.
Sorry, that requires a bit of thought — teeth have no skin.
This is a little dissertation on the subject of Quantum Magic, which is magic that, through technology, has become science, and that includes Telepathy, PK, and most esoteric phenomena, and what’s more, I can prove their existence under laboratory conditions — my collaboration with Drs. John C. Lilly, M.D. and Herschel Toomim, M.D. are a matter of public record.
With my help, they were able to design a device that could help people achieve Alpha and Theta brainwave functions at very high levels, that of superconsiousness and cosmic consciousness.
Don’t thank me, it’s just my job.
I’m here to put tools into your hands. I can’t do the work for you, but I CAN give you the means by which to accomplish your work goals and higher spiritual purposes.
At the same time, I can help you make a buck and earn a living with your left foot, leaving you somewhat more free than you are now, to pursue your higher interests without fear of ending up broke again this month. Continue reading →
I’m watchin’ over yer shoulder, boy, you’re about to get a time-out!
Let the dancing asshole do his little Victory Dance. We all have to play our own little private parts, and his is no exception.
Don’t fret about it. He’s an idiot. He knows nothing, can’t remember what happened a second ago, and is totally unaware of anything beyond how much television time he gets per day.
He reacts, period.
The Senators are equally stupid, unaware that they have triggered a FULL-SCALE DEPRESSION — they have thoroughly and irreversibly tipped the balance of the ECONOMY to the degree that, even if the ShutDown were ended today, it’s too late to save the people — too many foreclosures, too many debts, too many broken promises.
It’s beyond repair and the slippery slope slide is starting today, right now, today — as in today.
You’ll see the economy literally crumbling before your eyes, and nobody can stop it. There’s a world-wide crash coming right now, this very year, and you’ll be lucky to live through it.
I have a solution, but you’re not going to like it.
You’ll need to hit the streets, looking for the rainbow, but it can be accomplished, it can be achieved.
You CAN survive those heartless bastards in Washington, but remember that they are miserable, greedy, mean and entirely without soul, although they go to church every Sunday and pray to their weird racist god, “Mister Jesus” — he’s the guy to which they aspire, with their “What Would Jesus Do?”.
Well, first of all, he’d raise the dead, cast out lepers, heal the sick and feed the poor, but not they way they tell it today.
The fact is that if the modern Christians are like Christ, he was a miserable, greedy, stingy, vindictive, salacious and pernicious creature, much like Donald John Trump used to be before he got religion.
You’ll enjoy the scene as the Western World crumbles into dust. The only pleasure the Senators get — this much is clear — is to observe without sympathy, the torment and misery, and to delight in the screams of pain and suffering from The People.
Don’t get mad. Get even! You CAN get even — it’s legal, moral and ethical — and here’s how you can do it right now, today! Continue reading →