Here Comes (7482) 1994 PC1

A Miss is as Good as a Mile …

Near-Earth Asteroid (7482) 1994 PC1 is about half a mile wide, and will be about three times the distance of the moon away from us at about 2pm Pacific Standard Time, darn it — I missed again.

Well, there’s always Belphebus and Garadia, two slightly smaller asteroids, but I haven’t moved them yet, because I thought for sure I had this three-bank shot, but I didn’t.

Like I’ve always said, although the unbelievers still deny this, “The Same Thing Always Happens, No Matter Who’s In Charge”. Continue reading

Not a Reproduction, Not a Copy, Not an Imitation — The Real Thing

Order some antique and ancient coins, and use them in your practice Remote Readings.


Not a reproduction, this shipwreck treasure is an original Spanish coin that was made anywhere from 1516 to 1808. These, along with the famous “Pieces of 8”, were used in Early Colonial America.

They are not “Colonials” in the sense of coins produced by either one of the colonies or by the Federal Mint, primarily because there was no Federal to order up a mint or currency of any kind, not until the Continental Congress voted to establish a U.S. Mint with the Coinage Act of 1792, the first year of issue of any actual U.S. currency.

In the meantime, until the establishment of the Continental Congress, people used paper money, which they distrusted largely, along with Spanish, Dutch, English, German and French coins.

When they didn’t have coins or cash available to them, people traded ‘Barter Money’ such as gold flake or nuggets, silver scrap, copper, salt grains, peppercorns, tea leaves, rare or large stones, bead “wampum” belts, alcohol, cigarettes, cocoa beans, cowrie shells, wheat, barley, and in many areas, bronze ring castings and arrowheads were used as money.

These rare Early Colonial Era Coins come in a beautiful acrylic capsule which can be carried in pocket or purse. This is a great Remote Viewing device for any scene of the period to obtain great Remote Readings either in Spain or Early Americana.

Many of these coins might be valuable numismatics. I have not searched them for this — my interest is solely in their Remote Viewing capacities. These are not intended for resale — they are spiritual tools to be used for your Past Life Remote Readings. Continue reading

Change Your DNA Today!!!

Influence comes from outer space & time
Influence comes from outer space & time with these Carbonaceous Chondrites.

Just holding or carrying a meteorite — even a small one — around has an effect on the carrier or wearer; quite a profound one. It influences the DNA, sometimes in a remarkable way that is observable by friends and family, much to the good.

The right kind of meteorite can create change in the Spiritual DNA, causing a subtle re-arrangement of the instructions to allow a super-charged spiritual awakening. This is why you like to visit museums, observatories and planetariums — or is it planetaria?

Some folks who received an Awakening Call did so through the action and influence of a nearby meteorite.

The most effective are the NWA, North-West Africa stony chondrites that stand out starkly against the whiteness of the surrounding rock and sand, much as they are found quite easily in the ice-pack of Antarctica, where the most famous meteorite of all was found — the Martian meteorite that appeared to contain microbial fossils.

Of course there’s life everywhere in the galaxy, and in fact in every galaxy there are billions of inhabitable planets, most of which spawn life that is very similar to life on Earth, not all of which build and use radios — intelligent species tend to be telepathic. Continue reading

Why Meteorites???

This is a piece of The Moon. You can own it. You can touch it. You can relate to it. You can travel very, very far with it. It was knocked off the Moon by some sort of stony impact on the ancient surface of the Moon,  and found its way toward the sun. It exploded in the high atmosphere of the Earth, then fell in a thousand fragments, each one burning in the oxygen-rich air, forming a fusion crust around each individual stone. They start out large, but by the time they’ve hit the ground, they’re very small, average size about a quarter-inch to an inch wide. It is a very good way to touch the Moon. Magically speaking, it IS the Moon, the Gateway to the Goddess. This stuff sells at about $1000 a gram if you can find the Real Thing. On eBay, you can get something that looks very similar for a lot less, but be prepared for a shock when you bring it in for appraisal. It’s worthless unless it’s the Real Thing, and the Real Thing is NOT plentiful, nor is it traded casually online.

This is Allende. It contains particles of an exploded star. The star exploded many millions of years ago. The solar system has bits of it everywhere. Some of it traveled from the asteroid belt to the Earth and landed in the Northwest African desert. Some of it landed in Allende, Mexico. You can touch stuff from an exploded star that existed long before our solar system was formed from its ashes. I have some of these. They are for sale at a very modest $30 per gram. They are large masses used for XDR (Extra-Dimensional Radio).

This is a lump that was knocked off of Mars. There is no doubt about it, it’s Mars Rock. There are ways of determining that, but it requires lab testing to make sure it’s the Real Thing. Meteorites that form in space, in very low, nearly zero gravity, cannot be faked, but lab results can be. You want to see the slice, and you’d better know what you’re looking for. Just like a rare coin or stamp or antiquity, if you don’t know how to test it, you’re vulnerable to fraud. Be CAREFUL when buying rare things. KNOW as much as you can!!! Find out about it. Do an in-depth search on the subject. At the very least, work with an expert you know you can trust, and believe me, a certificate or degree is NO guarantee of expertness, nor is reputation. You can touch a real Mars Rock for as little as $450, but it’s gonna be a really, really tiny little crumb. I have larger pieces, but they run into the $3,500 and up range. Fusion crusted examples are hard to find, and large pieces are almost impossible. For XD purposes, a small piece, about 1.0 gram, will do. That’s the $450 price-tag I was talking about.

Touch Mars. Touch the Moon. Touch a Sun. Wake Up.

See You At The Top!!!


The Crystal People



















Something about crystals fascinates and attracts people. You probably know this already, and crystals do have an attraction for you, but I’ll bet dollars to donuts you don’t know why. It’s no secret unless you don’t happen to know it or grow up around folks who do know the secret of crystals. Secrets remain secret only until they’re published on Facebook. It is a Big Secret only because The Secret Keeps Itself, but hey — I’ll be only too happy to reveal it to you forthwith:

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