Youtube Video Promotion

It’s true — there are people Out There who are willing — and perhaps able — to promote your video to hundreds of thousands of potential viewers through and I checked it out to see if they are really there, and they are.

Go to fiverr, business section, and enter “youtube video promotion” into the search line, and see what you get — but click the “Pro” button before you wade through all the entries, and pay attention to who got praise from users.

Here’s the thing — you might pick out your best video, one that you made and uploaded, of course, and then hire someone on fiverr to promote it.

Does this work? Hard to say. Some of them get lucky, some don’t, but you have their feedback to guide you there.

In terms of obtaining what you want from the deal, that’s another story. Myself, I don’t want big numbers, I want quality, which means a very narrow niche market, like astral projection or interdimensional travel.

There aren’t millions of people out there looking for real information about these ideas — they just want something to satisfy their fears, hopes, hungers, sensations and urges.

Nothing serious. Continue reading

How Much Is Your Time Worth???

Have you ever wondered who pays Joe Rogan, and how much does he earn per podcast? Come to think of it, unless you’re glued right into the social media scene, you’re more likely asking, “Who the hell is Joe Rogan???”, and you’d be right.

He started as a nobody, a nothing, a soul without a voice — gee, that more or less accurately describes your exact predicament today, doesn’t it?

Well, fret no more, amigo — you can transform yourself into the most interesting and exciting podcaster on the face of  this or any other planet, just by learning the simple “ropes” — the ins and outs — of podcasting FOR A LIVING.

We’re not talking the occasional whimsy of the average shmoe, which is how we all start out in life, as an average shmoe — which means a nebbish, a nothing.

In short, you, me, everyone you’ll ever meet. Continue reading

Earn REAL Money in the Virtual World

It’s easy to make real money in the virtual world — lots of people have been doing it for years. Don’t ask where you’ve been all this time. There’s a lot to do every day, who can keep up with everything?

You can do a regular business and conduct your marketing and sales online and ship what you sell.

In Gorby’s Scientific Business Plan you need no inventory whatever, at least not the ordinary kind that you have to store in a costly storage unit for years on end, kinda like a timeshare but with just yourself holding the bag.

So never mind conducting your online business as a side-hustle. Let’s talk serious money, enough to pay the bills every month. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 16

After sickness comes hunger, fear and greed. Get ready to be overrun by city folks looking for FOOD and destroying all FUTURE FOOD as they swarm past the farms, not understanding that it takes a YEAR to bring that food to the table, and what’s more, somebody has to PICK it and PACK it and SHIP it from the farmer to your table.

What you really need in this situation is to find some stable place. A Happy Place is, for the duration, out of the question.

First things first — if you need food, we can grow it here and ship it to you, assuming that shipping is still available at that time, but YOU need to help us help you. It will take at LEAST $3,000 to get started with our raised bed technology and greenhouse manufacture.

That having been said, there’s then the matter of earning a living and not trivial is the question of mental health, so you will need CONTACT. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 13

cover screen from my latest action video game from GoddGames.

If you stop to think about it, now that you have a little thinking time on your hands, this is the greatest opportunity to be of service if you have ANY online or digital skills.

You don’t have to go to the rock face and start digging. You’re not laying rail or logging or digging or anything that requires your personal presence at the scene.

The Coronavirus has changed all that, and now, you’re limited to what you can do at your desktop, laptop or smartphone.

Well, Hell, for a game developer, it’s total Heaven.

I developed this “Greatest Witch-Hunt Ever” from Trump’s whining and bitching about him being a total victim of everybody all the time, and in particular, his great enemy, the Media.

It’s because they insist on fact-checking the old fat bastard, and he hates that, because he lies, but only when his lips are moving, and some of us wish they didn’t — make of that what you will.

Speaking of LIPS, I’ll be resurrecting “Killer Lips from Outer Space” as a videogame in the new engine, which means a LOT of changes in the levels, because Claude and Dick have come up with some killer smart bots that will drive the average gamer nuts — a short drive at best. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 8

Levitating a ball is easy, balance is the hard part.

I can not just levitate a metal ball, I can make it float, and even rise into the air above my head, all with the power of the mind and a little sleight-of-hand and misdirection.

That’s all it takes.

You can perform magic online in a video broadcast, or you can TEACH magic online using ZOOM or some other interactive communication platform.

Is Levitation Real?

Of course, the ball actually IS levitating, but we do a trick to explain it into nothingness. At some point, you’ll surprise yourself and magic will happen in spite of all your resistance.

Resistance to the magical side of life is a human trait and something you don’t want to develop, but constant exposure to humans can cause you to lose your spiritual power right down to the bone.

If that’s what happened to you, it’s time to reverse the flow, and I’ve got just the spiritual program to do it. Continue reading

Life in a Box Chapter 3

Well, heck, looka here. If it isn’t the old Norton Street Contact Orb! I made this back in 2014 as a backup in case for some reason Second Life failed, but it didn’t. It’s quite healthy, with over a million users a day, and double the number of landowners from last year.

Still, it’s a nice backup, eh?

Thing is, you’d have to learn, actually LEARN, how to use it, how to set up a base and most of all, how to defeat your online barriers, of which there are plenty, not the least of which will be your server.

If you have a stable IP, you might do better, and I’d strongly advise it anyway, if you ‘re planning to make a living online, which if you don’t do, you probably won’t live very long, as a result of illness or starvation.

What good is a payroll tax deduction if you don’t happen to be on anyone’s payroll?

Contact Orbs are great for staying in touch. You can use the text messaging already in place, or you can add voice with a number of different options for vocalization.

Most folks prefer the texting, and I’m definitely in that camp. Continue reading

Just have enough time between here and breakfast to plug in a few short videos that you might enjoy. We’re in the middle of a rolling blackout that started yesterday and will continue until Thursday morning, I’m told. It’s PGE’s way of getting even with us for being victims, or so they say on the morning news.  The short form is that there won’t be a morning meeting today, and there may not be one tomorrow. No electric, guys! It wasn’t a fire, or an accident or a catastrophic failure, just some PG&E guys decided to make rolling blackouts so when something bad happens, they can point to them and say, “We tried our level best to make things go right!”, but they don’t. Continue reading