This listing got 389 views in only a few days, and that’s normal for me on eBay.
C’mere, lemme show ya how the uni-verse works. First of all, I gotta tell ya about the Karma burn Orb. It’s the best Orb I ever made, and it alone is worth the effort to come here to make it and put it out into the general consciousness.
I want you to do this simple short daily practice: once a day, run the Karma Burn Orb — it only takes 2 minutes of your time, out of a possible 24 hours. Continue reading →
I’ve been waiting for you all this time…where have you been???
If I could grab you by the lapel and show you what I discovered, I would, so consider it done, take it as written that you have been thus accosted, and smile. You’re in luck.
What I found out is that I can tweak the eBay sales system to make it serve the Boddhisattva Vow and at the same time make you a good living, or at least a side-hustle income, like what I bring in.
The thing is, there IS a secret, and nobody knows it — yet. Soon enough, it’ll be all over the place, because nothing succeeds like success. Continue reading →
CRYPTO USB NFT EJ Gold “Rome 3 Extreme” – edition of 100 – Lot of 10 for $390.00
Find out how to sell stuff online, without actually owning things. How? You have but to inquire of me in one of our morning meetings how YOU can help the community by offering things for sale without having to buy them or store them or ship them. You can sell, we drop-ship deliver for you. But what about digital downloads?
Here’s what I thought would be a good pitch for a digital download, but I strongly suggest against eBay as a venue — they are NOT friendly to game developers, and every single download costs YOU $9.95 in advance whether the item sells or not, and it’s only one at a time, no multiple listings. Forget it, there are plenty of other venues for selling videogames, and eBay generally is a big stone wall against which your voice trembles and collapses into a ball of dust.
Oh, it’s not that they’re not friendly — they are, in a cold-blooded corporate sort of fashion, quite friendly, and they’ll read you the rules and regulations over and over again, but they can’t offer advice or explain what the hell it all means. It’s not their fault; it’s just that their rules and regulations were made to keep the little guy down, and fill the pockets of the greedy bastards who control and run eBay, that’s all.
We ARE the little guy, and they never let us forget it.
So I’ll show you the wording I came up with for a classified digital download listing on eBay, even though I clicked off and will have nothing to do with it, and I’ll tell you why. The fact is, when you pay ten bucks for the ad, that’s the same as the cost of a flash drive, and it’s ME that has to pay the extra ten bucks to list it.
I clearly can’t list a thing for $20.00 bucks when I can offer the same digital download on Payloads for much less, and I don’t have to pay in advance, like I do with eBay, and I don’t pay for what I don’t sell, which is also different from the eBay deal.
Micky Rat and I have posted a number of DR-Dissolving Radiations Orbs on my rare & unusual seller’s store on eBay. I posted over 500 items there and and on insane investor’s emporium I posted an additional hundred or so, all with the idea in mind of offering you an opportunity to pick up something you’d like at a fraction of the price, basically a giveaway, with the added fun of an auction that starts off at a single dollar — at these prices, nobody gets hurt.
So among the things I posted are a few of the DR Orbs, and I wanted to give you an idea of what I had in mind. Continue reading →
E.J. Gold 4″x6″ Crypto Print on photo paper, see my eBay listings.
That’s the three things that transcend everything, all states, all places, all configurations — that’s what you’re left with, if you’re not doing your spiritual work every day.
How do I know this? Same way you do. It’s a fact, and there’s no reason in Heaven or on Earth why you should have to endure that state forever. Continue reading →
IMPORTED 1972, Rare GENUINE frankincense, myrrh, storax — $2,500.00 for all.
Someone just asked me if we have any collections for sale, and I answered “Are you kidding? All we have is collections!” so I thought I’d categorize them in more or less reasonable divisions of interest. Continue reading →
find treasures like these for only $1 starting bid, on eBay.
Yeah, that’s what I said — “Horrifying, Disgusting and Provocative”, and you wouldn’t believe what happened — that’s when I took the advice of my friend Nessa — “Project Girl Boss” is her handle on youtube — to spice up my listings a bit with provocative instantaneous appeals to the emotional centrum. In short, shocking headlines, along with shocking and/or provocative photos, to oversimplify it quite a bit, but you get the general idea.
Well, Hell, my statistics went right through the sky. Continue reading →
I don’t know if this business of combining a NFT with some physical item on purchase is going to become a permanent part of marketing and sales, but I’m guessing that it will happen, is already happening, and I’ll explain how it works:
You buy a small painting from my gallery for $100.00 and, at the same time, at the very moment of purchase, I give you a chance to “win” back your money at the NFT sweepstakes by combining any NFT of your choice, or in the case of matched items, the NFT that is “paired” with your physical item that you purchased.
It’s really very simple. Calm your mind and take a breath. Continue reading →
CRYPTO USB NFT EJ Gold “Resist Depression” – Lot of 10 – $390.00
Now, about how, where, when and why you’re going to exercise and expand your spiritual talents and realizations through the combination of #Shorts, NFTs and social media.
I know, it sounds bloody unlikely that you can achieve any spiritual results in a chaotic scene like social media, and you’d be right, if we approached it straight-line, but we don’t.